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Starting P90X(updated daily)

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    Starting P90X(updated daily)

    So I have had P90X just sittin ghere collecting dust. Figured it was time to start getting to business...

    Alright everyone here goes Day #1. Pics they make you take...

    Wish me luck

    CB7Tuner Resident Gamer!
    PSN: JDMcb7TX

    If you stick with it, it will work.
    Xbox: cityslika4g63


      Day 1 - Chest and Back

      Just finished first day and I could barely do 3 diamond push ups! Damn I am out of shape! Used to play sports and stuff all the time and now I feel like a chump.

      This is gonna be hella harder then I thought it was gonna be.
      Last edited by JDM_CB7_TX; 09-24-2010, 10:23 AM.

      CB7Tuner Resident Gamer!
      PSN: JDMcb7TX


        P90X is gonna tear you up! But if you can keep up with it, like any structured workout routine, you'll see results.

        The lack of results when working out usually isn't due to an ineffective routine... it's most often due to a lack of consistency. Someone in your condition (which is very similar to mine) will see results with a regular routine, even if it's a lame one.
        Personally, I do pushups, pullups, and 15lb dumbell curls. I try to do 3 sets each: 15 curls, 10 pushups, and as many pullups as I can do with good form. I do it every other day.
        It's a pretty simple routine. Not difficult, and very quick to do. Even with that routine, I see some results. When I screw up and skip a few days... I can tell.


          Mhmm... I like the way you arch that back.

          No homo.


          Good luck. I've heard many people have good results with that program!


            Many people I know have made a statement much like this one... on Facebook, in person, on a forum... And every single one has quit before any results were to be seen.


              i might look into this im trying to get ripped this winter totoss some fools! good luck brother man

              TYPE R Big Build thread 25,000+ VIEWS!!!
              I feel like BIG MEECH! LARRY HOOVER! whippin work! haileliuah one nation under god. REAL naggas gettin money from the freakin START!


                the most important part of that whole workout is the diet, i did the first 30 days of the circuit but didnt do the diet and saw no results. but still living at home with my parents makes it difficult to follow the diet.

                if you can follow that diet and do a weight training routine at a gym you will get bigger and stronger. the only thing i didnt like about p90x was that i stopped going to the gym while doing it and i lost a lot of strength on most of my lifts.

                My Members Ride Thread
                Originally posted by deevergote
                You have to think outside the box to get IN the box!


                  Yeah, P90X is more of an endurance and fitness program, than a mass and strength program.

                  The diet is VERY important. I need to get back on a regular healthy diet myself... I say as I just polished off my pint of ben and jerry's...


                    Get you a good protein after you work out. I drink the pro-nos dutch chocolate. Its the best ive had but ive only had a few. It tasts just like a chocolate milkshake.

                    Xbox: cityslika4g63


                      P90x offers 3 different approaches: lean, classical and doubles. If you want muscles then hit the doubles routine of just lift heavy weights in your workouts. I personally don't use the diet other than the recovery drink since I have a high metabolism but the diet does help. That shit will get you fit.

                      ...adjust accordingly


                        Yeah I have the pull up bar and everything to go along with it... I have to admit being here at work at 1:25ish I am starting to feel it in my arms. Right in the uper part of my arms just a tad.

                        I am gonna get some protien stuff on tuesday along with a set of 20, 25, 30, 35lbs weight dumbells. As far as protein goes I am gonna have to go to GNC as well and see what might work for me...

                        Day 2 in less then 8 hours. Plyometrics is what they call it.... I call it even more sore.

                        I eat a ton of baked chicken and things like that. We are a big chicken eating family. Veggies are big with us as well concidering we have 2 boys so I am hoping to get 2 week pics and see a difference I hope.

                        CB7Tuner Resident Gamer!
                        PSN: JDMcb7TX


                          Day 2 - Plyometrics

                          Just did Plyometrics and it busted my ass! Been sitting here for 2 hours and my leg muscles are still twitching like crazy! This shit is gonna be a long ass road!

                          As far as a protein what am l looking for? Should I do the whey or protein blend?

                          I have a fast metabolism and think a blend would be a bit better then just the whey. just thinking getting more proteins would be a bit better...
                          Last edited by JDM_CB7_TX; 09-24-2010, 10:25 AM.

                          CB7Tuner Resident Gamer!
                          PSN: JDMcb7TX


                            Damn id like to start this next month, ive been doing workouts for an hour 15 minutes of total gym 15 minutes of 15 pound weights 10 minutes of crunches and 20 minutes of running on the bike. I do see some Results. after this month is over id like to dive into the p90X..ANYONE GOT A SET FOR SALE???

                            TYPE R Big Build thread 25,000+ VIEWS!!!
                            I feel like BIG MEECH! LARRY HOOVER! whippin work! haileliuah one nation under god. REAL naggas gettin money from the freakin START!


                              Originally posted by JDM_CB7_TX View Post
                              As far as a protein what am l looking for? Should I do the whey or protein blend?

                              I have a fast metabolism and think a blend would be a bit better then just the whey. just thinking getting more proteins would be a bit better...

                              (Update) Just did Plyometric and it busted my ass! Been sitting here for 2 hours and my leg muscles are still twitching like crazy! This shit is gonna be a long ass road!
                              don't go to GNC for protein they will try to sell you everything else. the wal-mart/meijer/generic stuff will give you the same results and cost you a fraction of what GNC charges. Or if you can wait order it off the internet

                              My Members Ride Thread
                              Originally posted by deevergote
                              You have to think outside the box to get IN the box!

