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sickening home invasion story on CNN

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    yea this was some bullshit. happend about 20-30 mins away from me, i personally think for crimes such as these kinda of brutal murders the criminal should be put to death. electric chair should come back in fashion but thanks to (to put it in polite way) thanks to the people who belive everyone has equal rights the system lets these animals live

    Originally posted by Uncle Willey
    When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


      I hope those dude get phacked up in Jail and get the phacking death penalty! Got their money and still went and did all that shit! The are mentally not all there!

      Send their ass down here to Texas we will fry em up real good!

      CB7Tuner Resident Gamer!
      PSN: JDMcb7TX

