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iPhone 4 issues, not sending or receiving texts!

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    iPhone 4 issues, not sending or receiving texts!

    AT&T said they couldn't help me. I'm going to have to go to Apple, I suppose... but I figure I might as well ask on here in case anyone knows anything!

    I can't send or receive texts on my new phone. It looks like it's sending, but my texts are never received. When someone texts me, I never get it.
    My number has not changed. I backed up everything from my old 2G onto the new phone. All should be good. AT&T changed my SIM card the other day, but it didn't fix my problem.

    Has anyone experienced this, or has anyone heard of a similar problem? It'd be nice if I could fix it myself, rather than going to apple!

    Everything else works fine. Calls are good. Internet works flawlessly.

    You're holding it wrong

    But on a serious note, have you checked your message settings? I know on the 3GS you can actually disable incoming texts and (subequently) outgoing texts as well. If that's not it then hit up apple I guess.
    Fix your Computer!

    Originally posted by MikeW
    D, I'm a fanciful motherfucker. My ish is clean, quick, plush, mature and sophisticated.



      I've looked through all of the senseless menu options that I could find. I didn't see anything that turns texts on or off... or if I did, I'm sure I messed with it!


        I was going to ask if the phone was turned on, but, you said the calls and internet worked.

        Did a quick Google search, there is an article about the issue. Was your number ported from a different provider? They're saying in that article, that may be an issue.


          Reset your your iphone, hold the power button and home button until it shuts off. then keep holding it until you see the apple logo appear, once that happends let it load. From there test and see if it can send and receive message.

          Good luck, Mike!

          "I ran open header once, it was sooooo loud little kids were running for cover as I was cruising at 2000rpms. That was enough to know I shouldn't floor it."


            I've been with AT&T (previously Cingular) since I got my phone in 2001. Same number, same company.

            I did the hard reset (I learned how to do that when my 2G locked up, and I IMed customlowz in a panic... he taught me that trick )

            However, I have good news! I fixed the problem.

            Turns out, the dipshit that sold me the iPhone4, in an effort to keep my monthly bill at the same amount as it was with the 2G, disabled texting. I didn't even have it on my plan!
            You'd think when I walked into the store the other day with that problem, the guy I spoke to then would have checked to make sure it was an active feature...

            I swear... incompetence is unacceptable. TWO employees screwed me over.
            Not to mention the irritating fact that the first retard I talked to suggested that my mother was my wife (she's twice my age...)... and the last time I was there with my ex, splitting our shared plan, the salesman insisted upon trying to sell us iphones, and kept making jokes and telling stories suggesting that we'd be calling each other all the time... hello! SPLITTING OUR PLAN! WE'RE NOT TOGETHER ANYMORE!!!

            I'm gonna go in there today and raise hell. I can't see what I'm paying per month... but if it's like $140, I'm kicking someone in the balls.


              so does it mean that you now have to get the capped Data plan?

              That would suck!

              You should be grandfathered in! With the new plan you're capped at 2GB.


                I still have the unlimited data plan. That's the only thing keeping me with AT&T right now! If they revoked that, I'd have gone straight to Verizon.

                It was the texting plan that they removed. I had 1500 texts previously, and the toolbag at AT&T was tinkering with my account, trying to keep my bill around $120 a month (which is what I pay now...) I was concerned about upgrading to the 4 (which required a different sort of plan) costing more. Apparently, to sell me an iphone4, he kept costs down by deactivating an important feature!

