Please do not discuss companies that offer cheap knockoffs of small-batch, high-quality items.
For example, if someone is copying the header designs of Bisimoto, Hytech, or SMSP, and it becomes common knowledge that these items are unauthorized copies, then any thread discussing them will be deleted. The author of the thread and participants in the discussion may be banned.
Supporting such knockoff companies is harmful to the companies that they are copying, and detrimental to our already limited aftermarket. If you support these knockoff artists, we will be left with NO quality aftermarket parts in the very near future.
However, companies like OBX and Megan Racing that copy mass-produced generic designs such as those made by DC Sports, are still acceptable.
If you are unsure if a company is an acceptable topic for discussion, please contact a moderator.
Due to a recent discussion of a knockoff Hytech header, and people calling me unprofessional for not allowing such a thing to be supported in this community, I have officially added this to the rules of this forum.
These knockoff parts are a serious detriment to the companies they are copying, as well as our meager aftermarket as a whole. When some low-quality hack starts churning out parts that are of inferior quality to that of which they are copying, doing no R&D of their own, it drives the REAL companies out of business... or at the least, out of our market.
If you can't afford a quality part, then save up... or do without.
If you want a quality header, buy Bisimoto, Hytech, SMSP, etc...
If you can't afford one of those, put a 2.5" collector on a Megan header and be happy with that.
If you want the good stuff and don't want to pay the price, buy used.
If you support the knockoff-artists, we're ALL going to be limited to the "ebay" header with a 2.5" collector in about 2 years!
This goes for other high-price, low-production parts that are still on the market as well, such as the G-Square grille.
If a company is making a replica of an item that is no longer produced, that's fine. They're not harming the aftermarket.
If a company is copying some generic, mass-produced item that isn't specific to our car, I'll allow such a discussion. DC Sports doesn't really care that someone is copying their header design. It's not going to put them out of business, or make them stop producing their headers. With the smaller, higher-quality companies... it WILL hurt them.
I will not support such actions. I will not allow this forum to support them. If you want to buy that stuff, do so on your own conscience... but I don't want to hear about it on these pages.
For example, if someone is copying the header designs of Bisimoto, Hytech, or SMSP, and it becomes common knowledge that these items are unauthorized copies, then any thread discussing them will be deleted. The author of the thread and participants in the discussion may be banned.
Supporting such knockoff companies is harmful to the companies that they are copying, and detrimental to our already limited aftermarket. If you support these knockoff artists, we will be left with NO quality aftermarket parts in the very near future.
However, companies like OBX and Megan Racing that copy mass-produced generic designs such as those made by DC Sports, are still acceptable.
If you are unsure if a company is an acceptable topic for discussion, please contact a moderator.
Due to a recent discussion of a knockoff Hytech header, and people calling me unprofessional for not allowing such a thing to be supported in this community, I have officially added this to the rules of this forum.
These knockoff parts are a serious detriment to the companies they are copying, as well as our meager aftermarket as a whole. When some low-quality hack starts churning out parts that are of inferior quality to that of which they are copying, doing no R&D of their own, it drives the REAL companies out of business... or at the least, out of our market.
If you can't afford a quality part, then save up... or do without.
If you want a quality header, buy Bisimoto, Hytech, SMSP, etc...
If you can't afford one of those, put a 2.5" collector on a Megan header and be happy with that.
If you want the good stuff and don't want to pay the price, buy used.
If you support the knockoff-artists, we're ALL going to be limited to the "ebay" header with a 2.5" collector in about 2 years!
This goes for other high-price, low-production parts that are still on the market as well, such as the G-Square grille.
If a company is making a replica of an item that is no longer produced, that's fine. They're not harming the aftermarket.
If a company is copying some generic, mass-produced item that isn't specific to our car, I'll allow such a discussion. DC Sports doesn't really care that someone is copying their header design. It's not going to put them out of business, or make them stop producing their headers. With the smaller, higher-quality companies... it WILL hurt them.
I will not support such actions. I will not allow this forum to support them. If you want to buy that stuff, do so on your own conscience... but I don't want to hear about it on these pages.