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      Originally posted by C91BLX7 View Post
      *** ******

      Slamage is worth the Damage

      Originally posted by crazymikey
      "Yes, we did officer. By the way, your eyes look a little glazed, did you just come from the donut shop?"


        Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        and the word "ninja" is now being used instead of n***a....I just learned that a couple days ago where certain racist people on facebook i using ninja as a substitute (thanks
        That's oldschool restaurant-speak. "Ninjas", "Canadians", "Nnnnice People"

        It's amazing how many waiters and waitresses DO NOT want to wait on black people, because they apparently don't tip. I learned something though... they DO tip, as long as you don't treat them like they're not going to! People always wondered how I made twice as much as they did every night... I treated all my customers with respect, and gladly took all the people that nobody else wanted.

        But yeah, it wasn't uncommon to hear "I have ninjas at my table... anyone wanna pick it up?" Sad, really.


          It's not the fact people dont want to respect african americans. It's the fact they had a bad experience dealing with a few of them that makes them not want to deal with anymore.

          I mean come on you get ones that think they can call us crackers and such and expect us not to get mad or anything. They call each other N***** all the times.

          I do not have a problem with any black people there just people like anyone else not matter what race.

          What i do not like is the black people that think they can treat us like crap and we cant do nothing, or use the N word all day to each other, OR even worse the ones that think we should cater to them because of slavery. Well im sorry but i cant help what they did in the past I do not think it was right. But theres nothing i can do about it so therefore i am not catering to you.

          and anyone with respect no matter what race even another african american will agree with that statement. well the ones i have talked to atleast.
          You don't have to like what he did, but I would hope that you can appreciate the time, money and love that went in to the build. If you can't, you're not really an enthusiast, just another dumb kid with a car.-visualpoet
          Money and Knowledge are never in the same sentence, because people with Money think they know it all, but people with knowledge, know better.-ragingasian


            Every race has that type. It's not limited to one race or another. There are always the ones that think that they're entitled, either because thye think they're "superior", or because their great-great-great-great grandparents were persecuted, and they're owed something.
            If any slaves are alive today, they deserve to be compensated. Any descendants of slaves deserve one thing... equality. Asking for anything more is simply saying "I'm different than you, and I expect you to treat me differently!" Anyone who thinks that's any different than saying "you have to drink from that fountain over there" is a fool.

            I believe in treating people fairly, no matter what. Your skin color won't affect the way I treat you. The only thing that WILL affect the way I treat you is the way you treat me. If you have a problem with my skin color, then I'll have a problem with you. Personally. Not your color, or anyone that looks like you.

            I'm white. Quite white. Irish, Lithuanian, Scottish, English, French Canadian... I MIGHT have some Native American in me, but not enough to show (or get me a scholarship! )
            I grew up in an area that was about a third white, a third black, and a third hispanic. I've been exposed to the common "minorities" in this country all my life. I guess that's what molded my way of thinking. I see differences, sure. Aside from skin color, there are clear cultural differences as well. Family traditions, largely. Also foods... which I'm extremely thankful for, because the food that comes from my heritage is awful!
            Only in later years have I been subjected to a significant amount of Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern people. Those that carry their cultures close to them from those areas seem QUITE foreign. I do admit that it can be intimidating... but not to the degree of me disliking these people. If anything, it's a feeling of shame that I'm so ignorant to their culture! When someone from a significantly different background talks to me, I really feel like the sheltered, ignorant American.

            Everyone has their own private definition of various racial slurs. They have their own image of an "undesireable" member of certain races, even their own. In my time, I have met people that would fit my description of those slurs. Would I say it to them? No. Because saying it would be an attack against them, and everyone that shared that particular trait... most of whom DO NOT fit that description. I'd rather dislike an individual because they're not a good person, not because they fit into my ignorant concept of a generic racial profile.


              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
              I believe in treating people fairly, no matter what. Your skin color won't affect the way I treat you. The only thing that WILL affect the way I treat you is the way you treat me. If you have a problem with my skin color, then I'll have a problem with you. Personally. Not your color, or anyone that looks like you.

              Everyone has their own private definition of various racial slurs. They have their own image of an "undesireable" member of certain races, even their own. In my time, I have met people that would fit my description of those slurs. Would I say it to them? No. Because saying it would be an attack against them, and everyone that shared that particular trait... most of whom DO NOT fit that description. I'd rather dislike an individual because they're not a good person, not because they fit into my ignorant concept of a generic racial profile.
              completely agree with you. i dont hate/dislike due to color. I never would do that.
              You don't have to like what he did, but I would hope that you can appreciate the time, money and love that went in to the build. If you can't, you're not really an enthusiast, just another dumb kid with a car.-visualpoet
              Money and Knowledge are never in the same sentence, because people with Money think they know it all, but people with knowledge, know better.-ragingasian


                Im colorblind. I treat people based on the way they act towards me or others. I dont care what color you are. If you think you're better than me or that i owe you something because of some shit that happened 200 years ago, ima treat you like an asshole.

                Originally posted by 92jdm View Post
                Gosh. You're so smart.
                Originally posted by RagingAsian View Post
                I know I am awesome.
                92JDM, youre that new kind of smart everyone is talkin' about.
                Originally posted by 92jdm View Post
                You're smart AND pretty
                This is exactly why we cant have the OTL.

                KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                Originally posted by Jarrett
                Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                  Originally posted by greencb7inkc View Post
                  Im colorblind. I treat people based on the way they act towards me or others. I dont care what color you are. If you think you're better than me or that i owe you something because of some shit that happened 200 years ago, ima treat you like an asshole.
                  yes, but don't be "colorblind." being colorblind ignores a part of who someone is
                  Originally posted by deevergote
                  These cars will never be the best at anything, but they're pretty damn good at everything.

                  92ex CB7<-SOLD 93ex CB9shiftingshift73C10


                    Exactly. People ARE different... those differences should be recognized and celebrated. However, those differences don't set us apart so much that we're not all capable of thinking, feeling, and experiencing the same things in this world.


                      What i meant is, I dont necessarily see people as "that black guy" or "that asian chick". Yes, i know, people are different, but i dont treat them differently based on their color. I treat them based on how they act towards me and as a person. I dont care what your color, religion, sexual preference, height, weight or creed is; if you're a nice, cool person, id like to get to know you.

                      We're all human beings. We all live on this planet. My wife, and other service people, are not fighting just for the white people in this country or the hispanice people or the german people or the black people; theyre fighting because we're Americans. Because we're on this planet together.

                      KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                      Originally posted by Jarrett
                      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                        and in addition to all of this, if you're going to use slang...don't use it on the interwebz!

                        i mean...ugh c'mon folks. otl fail because of some slander? that's sad lol. IT'S JUST THE INTERNET!!!!

                        life is good.


                          It ended due to slander. It started due to immaturity.

                          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                          Originally posted by Jarrett
                          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                            i know and it's quite tragic i miss OTL but ishh happens.

                            life is good.


                              Ishh? Ismael? Rocket Ismael??

                              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                              Originally posted by Jarrett
                              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                                I agree, there are bad apples in every race. What I don't agree with, and maybe some will see this as being racist, but, you see people wearing shirts, hats, whatever with "brown pride, black pride, Native pride" but, have you EVER seen a person wearing anything that says "white pride"? If you have, what was your first thought? I bet you thought they were racist? Why should it be looked at any differently if a white person wears a shirt or hat saying they're proud to be white? I've wanted to get a hat or shirt made that has white pride on it, not because I'm racist, but, because like other races, I'm proud of my race, but I've been denied, reason being "fear for my safety" which I think is a crock of shit.

                                I could see if I wanted to have a shirt made with a huge Swastika on it, and across it said white pride. But just a plain shirt with white pride on it? come on people.

