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does anyone else seriously think shit will hit the fan in our lifetimes?

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    does anyone else seriously think shit will hit the fan in our lifetimes?

    Over the past 2 years or so I've seriously thought about the shit hitting the fan. We seem to be in a major downward spiral. I'm not a believer in December 2012 but I do think we (our generation) are going to see some major event equal to or greater than WW2.

    I just can't see our current government leading us to victory in the event of a world war.

    I find it difficult to be optimistic right now for some reason.
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    I don't know exactly how it'll happen, but I think shit is going to get real bad within our lifetime, whether environmentally or otherwise.


      hmm Ive thought about it

      93 Accord LX Sedan (sold)
      01 Civic LX Sedan (sold)-93 Accord EX Wagon (totaled)
      93 Accord SE Sedan (sold)-92 Accord EX Sedan (sold)
      93 Accord SE Coupe (sold)-97 Accord SiR Wagon (sold)

      95 Accord LX Wagon (CURRENT)-05 Impreza WRX Sedan (CURRENT)-02 Ram 1500 (CURRENT)-20 VW Jetta (CURRENT)


        Yes. It's called the ocean becoming a sea of oil. Acid rain time.
        Current 2016 Ford F150 XLT Sport
        Past 1990 Accord EX Sedan
        Past 1990 Accord LX Sedan
        Past 1991 Accord LX Sedan
        Past 1993 Accord LX Wagon
        Current 1991 Accord EX Wagon


          it already has...

          (129)Transactions and counting


            Hahaha shit hittin the fan? Shit hits the fan around here CONSTANTLY with people fighting with each other. Its just a matter of time before it spreads nationwide!


              Following history.... It would be pretty ignorant to think something major would not happen in my lifetime.... If I had the money I would build a nice "fallout" shelter and stock up...... Its much nicer to be the guy on the top of the hill eating a sandwich chucking grenades then to be the one starving running up that hill


                Nah. Our lives are really good right now. Our biggest worry is which phone to get or if our hotel will have the internet. I'm talking about total global meltdown. If, for example, someone were to set off an EMP above the US, it would fry every circuit in the US, Canada, and part of Mexico. Cops cant communicate. You can't call 911.

                That's just one scenario. I don't think it's likely, however. What I'm expecting is gas becoming more and more scarce. Food prices rocketing. Famine. Our current oil usage would mean we will run out in our lifetime.

                Sometimes I feel paranoid but it's a feeling that I can't escape.
                My Car
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                  Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa View Post
                  Following history.... It would be pretty ignorant to think something major would not happen in my lifetime.... If I had the money I would build a nice "fallout" shelter and stock up...... Its much nicer to be the guy on the top of the hill eating a sandwich chucking grenades then to be the one starving running up that hill
                  If I could get $10,000,000 from investors I could build a really sweet business within the next 2 years. I've not done any in depth research but it's a gut feeling :P
                  My Car
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                    Well in that case I have nothing worry about. I live in the woods and I have enough guns and bullets to kill my own food and live off the land for at least a year until shit is half ass straight. Plus a fairly clean river is nearby so I have enough water. People in highly populated areas would be killing each other and going freaking crazy while I am eating bambi and munching away on home grown greens living the good life.


                      Originally posted by Shag Wagon View Post
                      Well in that case I have nothing worry about. I live in the woods and I have enough guns and bullets to kill my own food and live off the land for at least a year until shit is half ass straight. Plus a fairly clean river is nearby so I have enough water. People in highly populated areas would be killing each other and going freaking crazy while I am eating bambi and munching away on home grown greens living the good life.
                      But do you have medicine? Do you have filters? What if it's a dirty bomb (which is quite likely to happen)? What would happen when people started to starve, move into the woods, and start knocking at your door?

                      We think we're civilized but that's only because we're comfortable. Take that comfort away and we'd turn primal quicker than you can blink.
                      My Car
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                        In all honesty, I think it will. I think before the end of my life, something GLOBAL will happen. I'm not sure what, when, or who, but I can't see how it won't. Things seem to be getting worse and worse, and little to nothing is being done about it, or working at least. Jobs, unemployment, national debt, oil spill, tension between countries, etc. Technology is progressing far faster than the human race is capable of handling. There's not ONE human being in HISTORY that should control something as powerful as a nuke. No sir. No one needs that much power. Guns, fine. I've got my guns, and I know damn well that I can kill who ever is trying to kill me, steal from me, or hurt my family long before they can succeed. I'm damn ready, too.
                        "This truck is 100% sh*ts and giggles."
                        "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you." Jeremy Clarkson

                        You're not JDM until you have a car built in ohio with tons of bolt ons from ebay.
                        Disregard females, acquire currency
                        BUS 62 AIN'T F'ING AROUND!


                          it's when the human race just becomes one race of brown skin. racism will be ended.
                          I <3 G60.

                          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                            A world war would be a total disaster, because worldwide politics and economics are so deeply involved now. In WWI and WWII, we were much more self-sufficient than we are today. We (and the rest of the world) depend largely on other countries. Loyalties are divided. It would take a LONG time for someone to be able to actually mount a successful attack. The few countries that are crazy enough to do something like that, and not care about political or economic effects, are fairly alone in their efforts. Basically, North Korea and Iran... or some of the African or eastern European nations that are in a constant state of unrest... but they don't have the military strength to conquer their own lands, let alone mount an attack against a superpower or two.

                            Modern society (especially American society, and any other "Americanized" society along with us) is showing signs of decline. Historically, such frivolous things such as material posessions, wealth, and vanity have become considerable priorities in overall society, setting aside previous priorities such as spirituality, education (for the sake of knowledge, not financial success), and art. This change in priority is often the precursor to a social downfall.

                            The funny thing is, the very things that the terrorists and extremists accuse us of are the things that, historically, have led to the destruction of prominent societies.

                            It's about time to dust off the old violin. I want to be ready when the flames rise.


                              Originally posted by wed3k View Post
                              it's when the human race just becomes one race of brown skin. racism will be ended.
                              That will never happen. Look how long the human race has been around, and we still look different.
                              Current 2016 Ford F150 XLT Sport
                              Past 1990 Accord EX Sedan
                              Past 1990 Accord LX Sedan
                              Past 1991 Accord LX Sedan
                              Past 1993 Accord LX Wagon
                              Current 1991 Accord EX Wagon

