deevergote : cool dude you have been a bunch of help with this decision. It looks like I am going to get this accord. I know that car is not much of a performance oriented model. It is in excellent shape and if I don't trade it in in a couple of years it will last me.
Performance wise what do you think compared to my CB7. It is probly a decrease but is it way slower? and handleing? I just started to look on some other accord fourms about these cars so my reseach is coming along a bit slow. The ULEV is the only problem I have with it I want at least most of the performace from the CB7 in this vehicle. i plan to put intake, exhaust, springs, struts, and other mostly cosmetics but I also want a bit of performance.
Performance wise what do you think compared to my CB7. It is probly a decrease but is it way slower? and handleing? I just started to look on some other accord fourms about these cars so my reseach is coming along a bit slow. The ULEV is the only problem I have with it I want at least most of the performace from the CB7 in this vehicle. i plan to put intake, exhaust, springs, struts, and other mostly cosmetics but I also want a bit of performance.