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    The site is intended to be satire. It's a tongue in cheek poke at closed minded Christian nutballs.

    However, Jon (visualpoet) made a good point in an earlier conversation about this site... the site itself may be intended to be satire, but there are people who believe it is real. Fortunately, most of the people that believe it is real are disgusted by it... but some of those believe it is real and agree with it wholeheartedly. THAT is disturbing!


      LULZ at the 5 reasons why women should not use the interwebz. That shit had me rolling at the responses but kinda made me mad on the shit these people pull. They are definately stuck in the first century.........


        go anywhere in the south and I can promise you the teabag nutballs believe all of this down to every word.

        how do I know this? my unfortunate girlfriend's biological father is from Kannapolis NC and I've actually heard this garbage in person almost word for word and was dismissed from his home when I burst out laughing in his face, and called him pure evil through willful ignorance. he bitches about obama's "socialism" and birth certificate, but hasnt held a job in years and sucks up unemployment without complaint. sarah palin, ken ham, and glenn beck are his heroin.

        My 93 CB7

        My 79 Continental


          Originally posted by Hann1ba1 View Post
          go anywhere in the south and I can promise you the teabag nutballs believe all of this down to every word.

          how do I know this? my unfortunate girlfriend's biological father is from Kannapolis NC and I've actually heard this garbage in person almost word for word and was dismissed from his home when I burst out laughing in his face, and called him pure evil through willful ignorance. he bitches about obama's "socialism" and birth certificate, but hasnt held a job in years and sucks up unemployment without complaint. sarah palin, ken ham, and glenn beck are his heroin.
          Yup. All us teabag nutballs believe this.

          1999 BMW M3
          2001 Honda CR-V SE RT4WD
          2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71
          2015 Suzuki V-Strom 650


            Well I come from the sticks in SC and there arent so many people around here that beleive shit like that. I mean they hate Obama for the pure reason he is black and that he has some sort of Arab name or something. As far as the nutbag mentioned above, you get those from time to time anywhere you go.


              I stand kind of corrected lol...

              My 93 CB7

              My 79 Continental


                Anybody remeber the thread posted like a year ago where they called the NSX the devils car?


                  DAMN IT YOU JUST BEAT ME TO IT!

                  They had that thread that NSX drivers were all pedophiles and that any one who wanted to be in Gods good grace would buy American.
                  Been a long time. Still alive...


                    LOL thats great

                    Accord turbo kit under $2k here
                    $30 HID kits here Thread
                    "What a selfish bitch. She looks like one too. A smart-mouthed, facebook-ing, "i dont know if im straight, bi or *** yet" little brat." -greencb7inkc
                    "No Herra Frush, Slammed, tucked or frame dragging here. I'll leave that to the mini trucks...." -fishdonotbounce


                      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                      The site is intended to be satire. It's a tongue in cheek poke at closed minded Christian nutballs.

                      However, Jon (visualpoet) made a good point in an earlier conversation about this site... the site itself may be intended to be satire, but there are people who believe it is real. Fortunately, most of the people that believe it is real are disgusted by it... but some of those believe it is real and agree with it wholeheartedly. THAT is disturbing!
                      yes...a very very very realization that there are people that actually do hold every single view held by the fake site...very...very scary.

                      Kinda like when I saw on the news some little 6 year old "preaching" hate against homosexuals...sad..he's gonna be fucked up for the rest of his life...I am just glad I was able see beyond what I was taught.


                        Yeah, it really is sad that people can be so closed minded.

                        Everyone has their prejudices. Everyone has their irrational dislikes. However, MOST people are able to put those things aside. It really is sad that there are people in this world that think such intolerance of other human beings could possible be "right"


                          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                          Yeah, it really is sad that people can be so closed minded.

                          Everyone has their prejudices. Everyone has their irrational dislikes. However, MOST people are able to put those things aside. It really is sad that there are people in this world that think such intolerance of other human beings could possible be "right"

                          i dont believe being bay/lesbian is alright. but if thats your lifestyle you live your life. just dont push it on me. and i wont push my lifestyle on you. All that matter to me is if that person is happy. than i am happy for them.
                          You don't have to like what he did, but I would hope that you can appreciate the time, money and love that went in to the build. If you can't, you're not really an enthusiast, just another dumb kid with a car.-visualpoet
                          Money and Knowledge are never in the same sentence, because people with Money think they know it all, but people with knowledge, know better.-ragingasian

