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Gulf Oil spill video, with a couple of very viable clean up options.

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    Gulf Oil spill video, with a couple of very viable clean up options.

    Why haven't we heard of these in the mainstream media? I personally like the hay method. Granted, it's a lot of hay, but it grows fast, it's cheap, and it beats the living Hell out of having the Gulf covered in oil.

    i never thought that the oils spill was that big. wow

    Rip It Up
    Sold to: nightime25, MyDianaz06, Accord214 and 408cb7

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    i vouch for my Brothas


      nuke it... it would work (probably)
      Been a long time. Still alive...


        I think the bigger issue is not cleaning up but first stopping the leak. The clean up part will be secondary...


          that is a massive amount of oil. i wonder how long this would actually take to clean up and plug that leaking hole.

          Referral: crx08

          support the import community


            Originally posted by crx08 View Post
            that is a massive amount of oil. i wonder how long this would actually take to clean up and plug that leaking hole.
            Who knows how long it'll take to plug the hole. It isn't very easy to work with mud and cement at one mile below sea level. It'll take years to clean everything up and mend all of the impending ecological effects.
            My pictures/photos will return soon...


              Brings a new meaning to "save mother earth"
              this has all the making of destroying all that we take for granted


                ...And this is why we're buying oil from other countries. Because we have people doing stuff like this everytime US companies get involved.


                  This whole episode has really been bothering me.

                  This spill is bigger then the Exxon Valdez of the 80's.

                  It is a tremendous spill that will certainly effect things for years to come.

                  To sum it up, all the hard work people have done in the last 10 years to be "green" might as well not even been done. This is a slap in the face.

                  And Obama is trying to get permission to do more drilling off the coast of Virginia. He tried to get permission off the gulf coast of Florida and they sent him packing. I hope Virginia does the same.

                  We need to find alternatives to this because living off of the middle east and drilling in our own backyard are not good alternatives anymore.


                    I'm still in support of off-shore oil drilling. I don't see why we should stop off-shore drilling because of an unfortunate event. We're still highly successful extracting oil from under water.

                    Given tho, the mishap should never happen, but they can learn from it.

                    ^^^ That too, I rather have more research and money go into alternative fuels than fossil fuels.
                    Last edited by ibr_adam09; 05-29-2010, 12:02 PM.

                    -1992 CB7 EX w/H22 [sold 10/09]
                    -2005 Legacy GT limited [current]


                      They should have had an alternate plan already mapped out before this bullshit even happend.

                      I'm sure you've all heard about "prepare for the worst, but hope for the best"...but wtf...they werent prepared at all. Have a back up plan before you even start DRILLING into the earth, especially UNDER water...

                      I'm jumping ship on this one. The U.S. has fucked up, and now we are all going to suffer the after math.

                      And I think O.B.O.M.A should reconsider the VA off shore drilling until after they get this one dealt with. One more thing to worry about....

                      this world is going down hill quick.

                      I ♥/Miss My Coupe


                        I can smell it, on some days. No landfall yet here on the Mississippi coast, though, thankfully.
                        MRT(vvv) --Stock CB7 Enthusiast #1--

                        Vouches: new_beginnings, ThrakBarts, beanzfynest617, JaK FRoSTWhiTE, 92_EX_Ninja, mak
                        Originally posted by deevergote
                        i am with the dumb. i cannot brain.


                          Originally posted by 93accordfreak View Post
                          I can smell it, on some days.

                          I read online today that BP's top kill procedure is failing. Fucking sucks.
                          My pictures/photos will return soon...


                            Originally posted by crx08 View Post
                            that is a massive amount of oil. i wonder how long this would actually take to clean up and plug that leaking hole.
                            This spill, or leak as it is .. will unfortunately never be 100% "cleaned up" .. period!

                            Everything that lives in the ocean in The Gulf, will be fucked up indefinitely.
                            Certain species will cease to exist ... others who were in danger of extinction,
                            will be no more .. for-ever .. think about this folks .. those of you who are in your "teens".

                            I'm alot older .. been there done that .. we tried to stop the "Magic Island" in Honolulu.
                            But no one would listen .. now .. take a gooood long look at the Ala-Wai next time you visit!
                            Take a look at the Ala-Moana Boat Harbor .. they ruined paradise, and they are no-where close
                            to stopping their carnage. They actually wanted to build a sea-wall back in the late 60's,
                            and later again in the 70's .. that would have extended from Waikiki Beach, to Ala Moana!

                            SOS .. (Save Our Surf) and some great politicians stepped in and curbed them!
                            Without stepping up to the plate and attending your local "town hall" meetings,
                            this "leak" in the gulf and other disasters like it, will continue on and on and on ..

                            It amazes me, that with the use of the internet today, not many things are getting done.
                            If WE had the internet back in the day .. wow!

                            America will wake up .. one day .. however, by then? It'll have been wayyy too late!

                            The Gulf as you and I once knew it .. is all but gone .. and all it took
                            was one bone-headed disaster!

                            Howz Obama lookin to those who voted for him now? huh? Hahaha .. boy oh boy ..
                            Nuking it is a pretty good idea .. if it were mostly rock .. but it's not even "mud".
                            It's silt .. know what "silt" is? Yeah .. it's a little bit of everything .. and this will end up
                            costing you, me, your families .. and their families .. for a loonnng time coming ..


                            My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                              Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                              This whole episode has really been bothering me.

                              This spill is bigger then the Exxon Valdez of the 80's.

                              It is a tremendous spill that will certainly effect things for years to come.

                              To sum it up, all the hard work people have done in the last 10 years to be "green" might as well not even been done. This is a slap in the face.

                              And Obama is trying to get permission to do more drilling off the coast of Virginia. He tried to get permission off the gulf coast of Florida and they sent him packing. I hope Virginia does the same.

                              We need to find alternatives to this because living off of the middle east and drilling in our own backyard are not good alternatives anymore.
                              You are making the assumption that EVERY rig results in a total disaster...

                              1) Should we stop driving cars immediately and go back to straw huts to lower our impact on the planet? As is typical of environmental disasters, they fail to put the outcome into perspective with the whole situation, which would be the number of rigs, for the number of years, for the number of barrels extracted. Yes, it is tragic, but no matter what we do, no matter how we produce energy, no matter how hard we try, eventually, a disaster is going to happen. Ultimately, we put environmental pressure on our ecosystem just by being here. So perhaps, if people are that concerned about it, they should just go kill themselves? Does that sound reasonable to you?

                              This is a tragedy, and it probably in many ways could have been prevented. However, it wasn't. Nobody seemed to be complaining about oil production as gas prices were nearing $4...nobody seems to mind going to the station with the cheapest gas...nobody seems to mind paying less for it...

                              For every opportunity, there is an associated cost. Period. No such thing as a free lunch. The fact that we use as much as we do worldwide, when compared to the number and quantity of disaster, it is a small %. Just like with airplanes. People assume that because one airplane crashes and 100 people die, that means that flying isn't "safe." Yet, on a numerical basis, you are more likely to be struck by lightning, you are more likely to win the lottery and you are several thousand times more likely to die in a car accident because you were drinking, texting, talking on the cell phone, or were hit by someone who was. But, they never mention that, do they? Nope. They just jump on the sensationalist "Oh My GOD! How could this happen?" bandwagon. Why? Because it makes THEM profits.

                              Yeah, it worse than the Exxon Valdez. Did you really expect it not to be? The Valdez was a compartmentalized ship with a limited quanity. A well is many thousands of times larger in terms of magnitude. To top it off, they have to stop the leak under high pressure and shit tons of water, versus, stopping it from flowing out at atmospheric pressure from a steel plate on the surface of the water. Duh. Of course it is worse.

                              2) The "greenies" aren't always nearly as green as they THINK they are. Take Hybrids for instance. Hybrids have far more long term environmental impact than this probably ever will.

                              "Green" is a way of life, not an attitude. It isn't a feeling, and just because it makes you THINK you are helping, doesn't mean it actually is. "Green" is based on science, not emotion. CFL light bulbs are a prime example. It actually WASTES energy to put a CRL in any light fixture that isn't on for a significant amount of time, frequently, and regularly. In most cases, the use of CFL's in places such as closets and bathrooms, does more environmental damage than Incadescent bulbs, because it consumes more initial energy, and it shortens the life of the bulb (CFL chemicals aren't all that peachy for the environment either). Yet, you see "greenies" putting CFL's in such places all the time. Why? They don't know better, and it makes them FEEL like they are helping, even though they really aren't.

                              3)The REALITY of the Exxon Valdez disaster (regardless what you may have heard), is that there IS some lingering damage in some of the local fish and bird species, but the they are in fact, still edible and sustainable in most cases, things have improved far more rapidly than the hardcore environmentalists originally advertised (that also got them more money), and the damage was much less widespread and long term than originally thought. But nobody ever mentions that, do they? Yeah, I spent weeks studying to prepare a 20 page Case Study on the issue. That does afterall, fall right into my safety area, as would this.

                              4) Every accident is preventable. In hindsight. Will we learn from it? Absolutely. Will we actually implement what we learn? Depends. The Exxon Valdez is still in service in some other country today, so even if we mandate every US ship, and every ship that visits a US port to be double hulled, it still doesn't mitigate the prospects for another single hulled Exxon Valdez, from the same ship even.

                              You also can't mitigate human error completely, no matter what. People fuck up. If enough people fuck up at just the right time, BINGO. Disaster. That is all this is. A chain of fuck-ups that should not have happened, but when put into perspective with the rest of the shit we do (even by breathing and eating), it is FAR from the end of the world. Ultimately, oil floats, so most of it will get cleaned up eventually.

                              Originally posted by mj213 View Post
                              ...And this is why we're buying oil from other countries. Because we have people doing stuff like this everytime US companies get involved.
                              You are aware that BP originally stood for "British Petroleum", but they changed their name to "Beyond Petroleum" because they wanted to highlight more of their alternative energy programs right? You are also aware that they are still British right? And you do know that Shell is Norweigan right?

                              The only large remaining US petroleum company is Exxon, which was ultimately a spin off of Standard Oil when it was broken up due to monopoly concerns.

                              Originally posted by civic_90_08 View Post
                              They should have had an alternate plan already mapped out before this bullshit even happend.

                              I'm sure you've all heard about "prepare for the worst, but hope for the best"...but wtf...they werent prepared at all. Have a back up plan before you even start DRILLING into the earth, especially UNDER water...

                              I'm jumping ship on this one. The U.S. has fucked up, and now we are all going to suffer the after math.

                              And I think O.B.O.M.A should reconsider the VA off shore drilling until after they get this one dealt with. One more thing to worry about....

                              this world is going down hill quick.
                              So you go buy the most high priced gas you can right? And I am sure you never do any extraneous driving to anyplace, for any reason whatsoever?

                              The fact is that we will never be disaster free.

                              Originally posted by PakaloloHonda View Post
                              This spill, or leak as it is .. will unfortunately never be 100% "cleaned up" .. period!

                              Everything that lives in the ocean in The Gulf, will be fucked up indefinitely.
                              Certain species will cease to exist ... others who were in danger of extinction,
                              will be no more .. for-ever .. think about this folks .. those of you who are in your "teens".

                              I'm alot older .. been there done that .. we tried to stop the "Magic Island" in Honolulu.
                              But no one would listen .. now .. take a gooood long look at the Ala-Wai next time you visit!
                              Take a look at the Ala-Moana Boat Harbor .. they ruined paradise, and they are no-where close
                              to stopping their carnage. They actually wanted to build a sea-wall back in the late 60's,
                              and later again in the 70's .. that would have extended from Waikiki Beach, to Ala Moana!

                              SOS .. (Save Our Surf) and some great politicians stepped in and curbed them!
                              Without stepping up to the plate and attending your local "town hall" meetings,
                              this "leak" in the gulf and other disasters like it, will continue on and on and on ..

                              It amazes me, that with the use of the internet today, not many things are getting done.
                              If WE had the internet back in the day .. wow!

                              America will wake up .. one day .. however, by then? It'll have been wayyy too late!

                              The Gulf as you and I once knew it .. is all but gone .. and all it took
                              was one bone-headed disaster!

                              Howz Obama lookin to those who voted for him now? huh? Hahaha .. boy oh boy ..
                              Nuking it is a pretty good idea .. if it were mostly rock .. but it's not even "mud".
                              It's silt .. know what "silt" is? Yeah .. it's a little bit of everything .. and this will end up
                              costing you, me, your families .. and their families .. for a loonnng time coming ..

                              That's funny, because Alaska has recovered quite nicely. Of course compared to the effects of hurricane Katrina, I am sure this will measure up many orders of magnitude worse. Humans like to overestimate their importance sometimes.
                              The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!

