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Craigslist diamond ad leads to deadly home invasion, police say

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    This is such a sad story. Not only for the family but for what it says about our Society.

    Eric and I have complete opposite views on this. We drove down to Maryland to pick up a car from a guy on a forum who's avatar had him holding an M16 style gun. We brought my dog and a friend and we met in a wal-mart parking lot. Everyone in my family knew exactly where we were.

    Eric on the other hand couldn't care less about telling some random kids to drive to our house to buy his integra. I was SO pissed at him.

    If i'm dealing with people on CL I don't care how "shady" it might look on my're not meeting me at my house.
    "Auto racing, bull fighting and mountain climbing are the only real sports....all others are games."
    - Ernest Hemingway


      99% of the time it'll be fine but that 1% can really bite you in the ass.
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        Originally posted by King James View Post
        Yep....and in a case liek this I can see how tempting it would be.....seems like an easy gig.....jack the people for the ring and be gone.....apparently not everything goes as planned though.
        And when things dont go as planned, you shoot people.

        No one had to be shot. Pistol-whipped, kicked and beaten, ok, but shot? I dont think so. That's where(and im gonna catch shit for this) they REALLY crossed the line, IMHO.

        How can you invite strangers to your home to look at a sub-$1000 ring and not expect the chance of being tied up and robbed. ALWAYS expect the unexpected and be prepared for the worst. Times like these im glad im a pessimist. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

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        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          Originally posted by s2kracer
          I don't know how cops keep their cool in a situation like this. If I caught someone red handed killing innocent people it would be so easy for me to decide they don't deserve a life and shoot them right between the eyes. I WOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK! Even when someone comes on to your property and shows the least bit of violence is IMO grounds for a killing. It is so unbelievably selfish to do this shit for any money. Criminals don't think about how that family is changed even when they break in, tie 'em up and beat them over what REALLY? MONEY? is that all? Don't you think that guy would have traded anything he owned to be alive with his family? Sometimes I wish I were a cop!
          Go ahead and Keep E-Thugin it up. You talk big but actually shooting someone to kill them is a lot different than actually killing them. Don't be so fast to decide who lives and who dies. I've never shot anyone, and I hope I never have to.

          To anyone who ever sold a car or has bought a car off craigslist, It's completely emotional and has very little logical thought in it. If you sell a car, your address is on the title, your true full name is on the title. Why not meet at your house and have safety measure in place, such as having 911 punched into your cell phone ready to call for help, or do it in day light when neighbors are out mowing the lawn, invite others over to have more than one or two people present. If their going to "get you" then their going to do it, only they will do it whenever they feel like it because no matter what you do, they know where you live, and some times you can tell the kinds of life style by what they sell.

          It honestly took me 2 min to find where the old seller lived who scammed my sister on her car purchase. Wasn't hard people. I could do any number of things. What stops me from coming back and torching his house in the middle of the night? I'm not going to nor would I ever do anything like that. But me being smarter than this crook on craigs list who didn't want to meet at his house, I figured that if he knew about the problems with my sisters car, there will be puddles in his driveway and street. Sure enough there were. All I had to do was type in his address on the title in google and compare the street with the add, see they matched and drive over.

          Smaller things are easier to meet in parking lots. Things that don't involve moving equipment or rental trucks can be more easily sold at locations other than the house, but no one wants to spend the money on a moving truck to move a couch when their just selling it CL anyway.

          Edit, I'm really glad that your not a cop s2kracer, I don't know you in the least, but you don't sound very concerned with right or wrong.
          Last edited by WilliamW; 05-12-2010, 06:03 PM.
          Been a long time. Still alive...


            Originally posted by s2kracer
            I don't know how cops keep their cool in a situation like this.
            Even when someone comes on to your property and shows the least bit of violence is IMO grounds for a killing.
            Sometimes I wish I were a cop!
            Originally posted by s2kracer
            Are you honestly defending these criminals?
            If you knew how to read you would understand that I simply know how to defend myself on my own property.
            Let me are one of those guys against the right to bear arms. That's right you would rather call 911 and wait 10 minutes for the police to arrive when someone has a gun pointed at you.

            There's a reason why cops keep their cool, it's to make the best call they can in tough situations. I am not defending these criminals but your "kill em all" stance isn't goo either.

            Reading what you wrote, and knowing what you meant are completely different. You can read an instruction manual but not know what to do. I believe you said "Even when someone comes on to your property and shows the least bit of violence is IMO grounds for a killing." You never said anything about you defending your property, Just an over all rule which allows for more blood shed.

            Also, I am not against the right to bear arms, I am for it. Calling 911 doesn't mean you sit in a lay-z-boy and wait it out, you've probably lost the will to live if that's what happens. Besides, if it's a matter of just having a gun pointed at you, there still isn't any protection from this in a parking lot somewhere. It can be discouraged, but as soon as you have the gun on you, what then?

            If you live in the state of Texas you can shoot people breaking into your house, it's called the castle doctrine, but I'm not sure about a stranger just acting acting violent. As far as I know you are allowed to use reasonable measures to protect yourself on your property. Lets say there is someone on your property smashing your mail box up with a base ball bat and then he says "you're next," you can't just shoot him. There are other steps involved in protecting yourself besides just basting him away. You can find yourself in jail really fast that way.
            Been a long time. Still alive...


              Originally posted by mchaley View Post
              I'm sure they used zip ties... cheap and they won't raise questions. Plus had they used real handcuffs I'm 99% sure they have a serial number and could be traced back. I'm sure they didn't use these:
              The article says plastic cuffs....but then again, if you think about it, how many times has the MSM fucked up a story? take the teacher's Accord that was brought up a while back. They said it had a V8 swapped in it and a bunch of other shit that wasn't even there, when it only had an H22. so it could be zipties but judging by the way these asshats look, do you really think they were smart enough to use zipties?

              Originally posted by s2kracer

              Amanda Rice and Joshua Reese were taken into custody May 1 after a car stop in California.

              Clabron Berniard surrendered on Thursday; Kiyoshi A. Higashi was arrested during the May 1 car stop.





              WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?
              The girl and the Asian guy look like they don't give a fuck that they were caught and they have no remorse whatsoever for what they did. The two black guys look scared shitless. Remember, the bottom left guy turned himself in....not that it's going to help his sorry ass very much, he's still going to be charged with accomplice to murder. Fucking dickbags.
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                Originally posted by WilliamW View Post
                If you live in the state of Texas you can shoot people breaking into your house, it's called the castle doctrine, but I'm not sure about a stranger just acting acting violent. As far as I know you are allowed to use reasonable measures to protect yourself on your property. Lets say there is someone on your property smashing your mail box up with a base ball bat and then he says "you're next," you can't just shoot him. There are other steps involved in protecting yourself besides just basting him away. You can find yourself in jail really fast that way.
                This is why I miss living in TX. You have the RIGHT to defend yourself in your own fucking house should anything happen and the law will be on YOUR side. Here in WA, you defend yourself and kill a man, you have to face the jury and hope they don't say you didn't have reason to kill the sob.
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                  Originally posted by s2kracer
                  I don't know how cops keep their cool in a situation like this. If I caught someone red handed killing innocent people it would be so easy for me to decide they don't deserve a life and shoot them right between the eyes. I WOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK! Even when someone comes on to your property and shows the least bit of violence is IMO grounds for a killing. It is so unbelievably selfish to do this shit for any money. Criminals don't think about how that family is changed even when they break in, tie 'em up and beat them over what REALLY? MONEY? is that all? Don't you think that guy would have traded anything he owned to be alive with his family? Sometimes I wish I were a cop!
                  Glad you're not

                  Originally posted by 92vig View Post
                  The article says plastic cuffs....but then again, if you think about it, how many times has the MSM fucked up a story? take the teacher's Accord that was brought up a while back. They said it had a V8 swapped in it and a bunch of other shit that wasn't even there, when it only had an H22. so it could be zipties but judging by the way these asshats look, do you really think they were smart enough to use zipties?
                  Yep, Plasticuffs:

                  Originally posted by s2kracer
                  In my hometown about 2 months ago an older lady was beaten and raped in her front lawn. I'm talking 79 year old woman being raped by a college student. It happened in the middle of the day and there were witnesses.

                  The police showed up on the scene and caught the guy in some bushes near her home. whoever called it in was anonymous and never talked to the police about what they saw. The guy goes to trial and was sentenced to 6 months behind bars and 2 years probation. Basically a slap on the wrist.

                  I don't mean to get into a " I'm right and you're wrong" battle but understand my hatred towards these criminal acts.
                  I know what you're saying. This is a prime example of why each of us should take our own personal safety seriously. Nobody is going to do it for us.

                  Check your state and local laws. A lot of states are adopting the castle doctrine. Still, self defense cases come in all shapes and sizes. If you invite a CL user to buy your stuff at home and then shoot them, well, you're going to jail most likely. If you invite a CL user to buy your stuff and they pull a gun then you shoot them... different story.

                  It's up to us to know our rights before such a situation happens.
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                    Originally posted by s2kracer
                    In my hometown about 2 months ago an older lady was beaten and raped in her front lawn. I'm talking 79 year old woman being raped by a college student. It happened in the middle of the day and there were witnesses.

                    The police showed up on the scene and caught the guy in some bushes near her home. whoever called it in was anonymous and never talked to the police about what they saw. The guy goes to trial and was sentenced to 6 months behind bars and 2 years probation. Basically a slap on the wrist.

                    I don't mean to get into a " I'm right and you're wrong" battle but understand my hatred towards these criminal acts.
                    Who the fuck rapes a 79 year old? I really never understand rape situations where they just barge in and rape someone. I know I sure as hell can't get my dick in if the vag ain't wet...and if I manage to try, it just doesn't feel good at all. So what are these guys doing because I want to know how to start the intercourse process before she's wet.
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                      Originally posted by 92vig View Post
                      Who the fuck rapes a 79 year old? I really never understand rape situations where they just barge in and rape someone. I know I sure as hell can't get my dick in if the vag ain't wet...and if I manage to try, it just doesn't feel good at all. So what are these guys doing because I want to know how to start the intercourse process before she's wet.
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                        Originally posted by mchaley View Post
                        This is a prime example of why each of us should take our own personal safety seriously. Nobody is going to do it for us.

                        Check your state and local laws. A lot of states are adopting the castle doctrine. Still, self defense cases come in all shapes and sizes. If you invite a CL user to buy your stuff at home and then shoot them, well, you're going to jail most likely. If you invite a CL user to buy your stuff and they pull a gun then you shoot them... different story.

                        It's up to us to know our rights before such a situation happens.
                        This is a very good point. I want to be like "Remember that time TurboDave got abducted?" and point out the fact that if he hadn't been with those bad people / scene, he could have avoided it. Our actions impact us, and taking safety seriously is important, but everyone should look at an emergency plan of action just in case something bad did happen to them. Not just selling things on craigs list but all the time.
                        Been a long time. Still alive...

