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Where do you draw the line with family, on the internet?

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    I have a second facebook page that I made years ago, and forgot about.

    I might have my mom add that on as her friend if she gets on...


      Am I the only one who really doesnt care?

      Then again I only use facebook for people to keep in contact with me.....I dont friend request people as friends even if they are....I rarely message people on there....I never really comment on pictures and shit.

      Fuck my mom uses facebook more than I do.

      The only time I was nervous was when I was in college and people would mention drugs and drug paraphernalia on my wall....but that was when facebook was legit and you actually needed a school address on there so I didnt have too many family members.

      I fucking HATE the facebook birthday well wishers tho......if you want to wish me a happy bday do it in person or call me.

      Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


        Push her down the stairs ............. Accidentally


          Southpark episode yea!

          The New-ish Ride
          My old Ride
          Hear my Vtak!!!
          MK3 Member #3
          I piss off people for fun.
          IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


            Originally posted by greencb7inkc View Post

            Where do I begin? Lol.

            Im not trying to rant or vent
            Too late.
            To-Do List for Today
            Be Awesome


              I don't mind it.
              Just a little tired of hearing my grandpa is in the hospital over facebook.

              waiting for a facebook blog, RIP grandpa.....I know its gunna come!!!
              That kinda thing, I do not wanna find out over facebook!!!

              my only downfall with it, well that and people that post everything they do.
              MadLab Racing
              Southern Maryland


                Is there a nice way to tell an elderly person they're just too old to drive? No, it's a bad conversation. They will either take your advice or continue on with what they're doing. That is ofcourse until they get themselves in trouble and wish they had taken the advice.
                Finally Up and Running. Numbers to Follow. Check my MR


                  Originally posted by NAiL05 View Post
                  Southpark episode yea!
                  lol i was starting to think i was the only one who thought of that when i read this. hahaha

                  Click picture to see my mrt
                  Instagram: sikz6


                    "You Have Zero Friends" ahhhh such a funny episode lol


                      Originally posted by 460sx View Post
                      Too late.
                      I meant in an angry fashion.

                      Originally posted by mayberry View Post
                      Is there a nice way to tell an elderly person they're just too old to drive? No, it's a bad conversation. They will either take your advice or continue on with what they're doing. That is ofcourse until they get themselves in trouble and wish they had taken the advice.
                      Well, we've already sort of told her, in a half-ass way, that she needs to just stick to email and buying her catalogs and shit, because it's gonna get her in trouble and she didnt listen. Apparently she clicked on something or signed up for some thing that was "alledgedly", "supposedly" supposed to only cost her $4.10 per month but when the first monthly transaction occured, her bank called and asked her if she had approved a $410/month withdraw.....yeah. Luckily, she hasnt been burned yet, but we're afriad that when she does get hit, itll be for all shes worth.

                      It's just hard to tell your grandma to keep off the internets. "It's not place for an old lady like yourself.."

                      KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                      Originally posted by Jarrett
                      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                        I have my bro and sister in law on my FB. That's it for family. I have all of 10 people on there, since I don't really use it.

                        Mike, just hope your grandmother doesn't run into 2 girls 1 cup or some similar video.

                        Originally posted by deevergote
                        When you have to take a leak, and someone's in the bathroom, isn't it proper to piss in the fridge?


                          Oh God, i hope not!

                          She hasnt said anything about running into "such things" so hopefully, she wont, lol.

                          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                          Originally posted by Jarrett
                          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                            BTW pics.... ? She hot..?


                     mom (she's early 50's) would get 300 spam emails a day cause of her online escapades...once her spam box got to 30,000 in a week dad changed her email...she did it again. She just goes to these OBVIOUS spam sites and gives them her email and stuff.

                              She once bought some "dog training" vids...was a scam...with a google search I found the $50 online books he sold (which were written in the 80's) for free...from this guys website even.

                              Don't know what to tell's bad because they are the ones being taken advantage of...we take for granted our experience online and how easy we can spot a scam but they can not. But then do you tell someone that's older than you what to do?

