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Weird Food Habits

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    i hate milk but love butter and cheese

    i also eat my candy color-coordinatedly, starting with the flavors i like the least and saving the best for last.
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      If it lived in the water I won't eat it. I don't eat fish or any type of seafood. Ever.

      I'm pretty boring when it comes to food.


        I hate cheese on anything. Don't like it on my burgers, don't like Macaroni and cheese, hate it on my pasta. When I buy pizza, I usually go to the place that puts the least cheese on their ish'. But I do like yogurt.

        I'm also addicted to white girls.


          one of my close friend when we out to eat his food cant touch each other


            Originally posted by N9netwoAccord View Post
            I'm extremely picky, I don't eat fruits and vegatables, cucumbers are the only exception. Also, my food can't touch when its on my plate, I need it to be seperated, but unless they're from the same "family" its tough to describe.
            DUDE! same here rarely fruits
            ANd i gotta have my food seperated i wish i had an unlimited surplus of these:



              I don't eat plain white bread for any reason unless there is no whole grain available.

              I hate white bread. Especially for sandwiches.


                Originally posted by Bongo View Post
                Someone's a little uncomfortable with their sexuality ehh? 9 times out of 10 it's the dudes that get so uneasy and uncomfy about sexuality that turn out to be ***/bi in the long run. If you're the one with a man's genitals on your mind upon hearing, seeing, or speaking of basic everyday foods like pickles, hotdogs, and sausages...then maybe you've got some stuff to figure Either that or you just need to grow up...
                Who says I am not *** or bi?
                VIP Status.


                  i hate odd textures of food. even if i like the taste if it feels weird, i wont eat it. i also like to eat my sides before the main food, my friends seem to think thats weird.

                  BB6 2001 Prelude SH

                  Originally posted by Makaveli2k
                  Don't be a sissy. Pull out, spit on the tip like they do in the porno's and get back in there.



                    I hate tomatoes, but absolutely love ketchup.

                    I always eat the outer edge of a rece's cup, then eat the middle last.

                    I eat nutter butters layer by layer.

                    and I'm one of those have to keep my foods separated kinds of people.

                    My 6th gen accord thread
                    99 Miata


                      Originally posted by 92vig View Post
                      Who says I am not *** or bi?
                      Well that comment you left makes it seem like you're not. It's starting to seem like you're a very confused person lol. Either way it doesn't bother me that you are ***. Not my thing, but I don't hold anything against the glb community at all. I actually have a few friends that found out they are *** after highschool. Just less dudes tryin to get with my girl is all


                        Originally posted by av6g6 View Post
                        I hate tomatoes, but absolutely love ketchup.

                        I always eat the outer edge of a rece's cup, then eat the middle last.

                        I eat nutter butters layer by layer.

                        and I'm one of those have to keep my foods separated kinds of people.
                        same here man except i dont eat nutter butters that often but when i do yep its layer by layer.
                        ** BUY MY STUFF **


                          Originally posted by Bongo View Post
                          Well that comment you left makes it seem like you're not. It's starting to seem like you're a very confused person lol. Either way it doesn't bother me that you are ***. Not my thing, but I don't hold anything against the glb community at all. I actually have a few friends that found out they are *** after highschool. Just less dudes tryin to get with my girl is all
                          lol less dudes tryin to get with your girl.. yea i got some *** family members as well. even transgender i dont mind any of them they are all still people.

                          what about the girls tryin ta get with her???
                          ** BUY MY STUFF **


                            Originally posted by 93tunerofdacb7 View Post

                            what about the girls tryin ta get with her???
                            lol I wish. I've been with her goin on 10 years now n that's long enough to know she aint into the ladies haha.


                              Originally posted by wed3k View Post
                              i hate zucchini, cucumber, tomato and mushrooms. i will not even eat any mushrooms and i cant stand looking at them.
                              However i will eat salsa and mushrooms on pizza.
                              i dont eat seafood but i eat a lot of fish.
                              I guess fish IS considered seafood but when i think of seafood i think of like shrimp, lobster, crab, oysters....stuff like that.

                              Originally posted by ric3rboi23 View Post
                              i hate milk but love butter and cheese
                              i also eat my candy color-coordinatedly, starting with the flavors i like the least and saving the best for last.
                              Never thought to save the best for last. I save the worst for last, lol. And i can see the whole dairy thing, but milk, cheese and butter, all while, essentially, the same thing, they arent the same thing, lol.

                              Originally posted by kit-to-lip View Post
                              i also like to eat my sides before the main food, my friends seem to think thats weird.
                              I do this too. I eat fries before the burger, i eat chips before the sandwich...weird.

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                              Originally posted by Jarrett
                              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                                Originally posted by Bongo View Post
                                Well that comment you left makes it seem like you're not. It's starting to seem like you're a very confused person lol. Either way it doesn't bother me that you are ***. Not my thing, but I don't hold anything against the glb community at all. I actually have a few friends that found out they are *** after highschool. Just less dudes tryin to get with my girl is all
                                Shhhhh, keep it outta his topic, yo!
                                VIP Status.

