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Stupid prick kicked my passenger window in!?

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    Stupid prick kicked my passenger window in!?

    So I was driving home with 2 drunk buddies in my car (designated driver!) and we're blasting the music (i guess it's not the smartest to do at 10pm at night). Anyways, some fucking prick walking his dog cuts in front of me on the middle of the road, so I honk. He stares at me (stops in the middle of the damn road), he kinda looked scary so I turned to the left side of the road, went to pass him. As I was passing him he fucking kicked my door, dented the upper part, and fucking smashed my window in!!! WTF?! I can't believe this happened I am so PISSED.

    Worst part of it is that his pants were striped and look like the shit RCMP wear here (safety stripes?). I mean yes, what kind of cop would do that... but also, what kind of fucking civilian would do this!? I took off in a hurry just hoping the guy wasn't going to slash my throat. Anyways I'm now wondering how much you guys think it will cost me to repair this?

    Can I just grab a new window from the junkyard and throw it in? . I really don't have the money right now to get this crap professional repaired!

    I still just can't believe this happened OMFG. I'll get pics tomorrow
    Last edited by StreetNewb; 05-08-2010, 03:16 AM.

    ^Clicky for MRT
    Kelowna Rhinoplasty and

    Shoulda ran that fuck over >_>

    Having replaced TWO windows in my car. I have no tolerance for that shit.

    Member's Ride Thread

    Originally posted by mercyboy
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car then win by an inch because someone else built it for me..your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book!


      Originally posted by Ander View Post
      Shoulda ran that fuck over >_>

      Having replaced TWO windows in my car. I have no tolerance for that shit.
      Yeah I want to go back there tomorrow and wait for him to walk his dog and than kick him in the shins with steel boots see how he likes that. I don't get why the shit he did it, only thing I can think of is the music.

      Is replacing the window reallly hard because it's electronic? Even if I put it in and can't roll it down for now, it really doesn't matter as long as I have a window for the next month!

      ^Clicky for MRT
      Kelowna Rhinoplasty and


        should have called the cops.
        My Car
        FREE Web hosting solutions


          should have let your buddies get in a drunken brawl.
          峠 で ドリフト を して 下さい。

          steam linky facebook, y0 俺 は 走り屋 です。 clickable ^


            Thats why you tote pepper spray and a 9.


              serious. you had friends. didn't handle the situation,then say your gunna go back and wait for him.

              shmuck move on your part, you lose!
              MadLab Racing
              Southern Maryland


                Replacing the window is not that big of a deal. Pull the door panel off, and then peel the plastic sheet back and look inside the door, you'll see what has to get unbolted and what doesn't. Once you get one out of the junk yard, it'll be a piece of cake.


                  it'll be easy to replace but thats money and time he shouldn't have to spend because of that shit face fuck
                  92 Accord EX - SOLD

                  PSN: REDxMAN-_-



                    It surprises me how many people think they are invincible.

                    Didn't that guy think that there might be somebody with anger issues in the car who may beat him up or even kill him...


                      Exactly. that's lame man, sorry to hear.

                      On a positive note, they're not hard to install at all.

                      life is good.


                        Alright, thanks guys. I'll grab a new window today.
                        "It surprises me how many people think they are invincible."

                        Yeah I kept going over it in my head, what type of moron would do this? What if his foot got caught in the door while I was driving off? What if my car didn't use safety glass?

                        ^Clicky for MRT
                        Kelowna Rhinoplasty and


                          Yeah that sucks. Especially since you were being a responsible person and being a DD.

                          I'm not going to lie. I kicked a big dent in on a car not too long ago. I'm at a STOP sign walking my dog. Made him sit and made sure the car coming was going to stop. After the car stopped, I start walking (had the right away) and the car decided they were going to turn left (no signal and on the phone) and came VERY close to hitting me. That set me off immediately and needless to say I kicked her rear panel as hard as I possibly could.


                            Originally posted by Shag Wagon View Post
                            Thats why you tote pepper spray and a .40
                            1993 Accord EX
                            2011 Subaru STi


                              Damn yall, drunk by 10pm?

