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    Wow! Someone needs to pull the teet out of their mouth, grow up and move on. Reading this makes me want to punch myself in the groin, hoping to do massive amounts of damage so that I NEVER produce a child that grows up to be like you


      everybody feel better?


      Dee-reet preez?
      RIP Lifsatrip7




        I do not put holes in my database. I did it once with fizzbob7, and it caused issues that I'm still experiencing today. I can make you invisible for a time, if you'd like... but your posts will still exist.

        Honestly, you're one of the oldest members of this forum. You have influenced many people, and offered a good deal of information. I understand where you're coming from regarding the community here... it HAS changed since those days. The cars got cheaper, the kids got dumber... and it will stay that way for another few years, until the cars are ONLY good for the real enthusiasts.

        To ask for your information to be removed is unfair. If not for the noobs that MIGHT actually benefit from it, please reconsider for the older members that actually appreciate it.

        A PM would have worked much better, rather than turning this into a public discussion. Please PM me and we can discuss things.

        As for everyone else... I'm going through this thread and banning anyone who flamed for a week. This is an absolute disgrace.

