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Joining the list!! Car just got broken into...f**ing theives

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    Joining the list!! Car just got broken into...f**ing theives

    well as QUITE A FEW of you know, its was AWSOME waking up this morning to the neighbors telling me some one had broken into my car.....FUCK!

    walk out to this....hhhmmmm i didnt leave my window down lats night and last time i checked i had not punched a hole in my quarter window.

    REALLY? why both windows? and the door was still locked!

    My new not even 2 month old sticker is gone......AND my only! Austin Spring meet 2010 sticker gone now.

    List of items stolen...
    1. Cobra XRS 9640 Radar/Laser Detector(broke the front lens off that covers the radar parts, and left the suction cups as well.) EMPTY! Air Spence air freshener case.

    im more upset that they broke TWO windows for just that....

    my idea is that it was some punk ass bitch kid going to school or something. my neighbors said they took their kid to school around 8 and my car was fine, they came back and it was broken into. so broad daylight around rush hour, sooooo stupid.
    Last edited by baracuda; 05-03-2010, 12:07 PM.

    Sold too: Grumpys93, '93CB7Ex, Bunta, prodh22accord, SSMAccord, fleetw00d

    That sucks. at least they didn't do any more damage then just the windows. those you can replace easily.

    Yes my name is Dang, Don't use in vain
    1992 Honda Accord EX (Coupe/Bordeaux/Auto)
    1992 Honda Accord EX (Coupe/Bordeaux/H22A MT)
    2008 Honda Accord EXL (Coupe/SanMarino/6spd)




        Stop leavin shit out in the open in the car. Its a recession bro people are lookin for easy money. I dont care if its loose change on the cup holder take it with you.


          that sucks, remeber at my last job there used to be alot of crackheads walking around selling radios and gps stolen off of cars from the yale university parking lots

 h22sparkle said, HIDE YO SHIT! i always make sure everything is tucked away and i recline my seats back just incase there is something on the floors i didnt see

          Originally posted by Uncle Willey
          When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


            Man, that sucks! I know exactly what it's like.
            Originally posted by sweet91accord
            if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.


              Originally posted by foamypirate View Post
              Man, that sucks! I know exactly what it's like.


                well its a nice neighborhood on a golf i have been parking here with the same shit for the past 3 years....not single person has been robbed on this street since i have lived here for 4 years.

                Sold too: Grumpys93, '93CB7Ex, Bunta, prodh22accord, SSMAccord, fleetw00d


                  Bitchass thieves!!!!!!! I hope they get butt raped by the biggest dude in jail. I hope someone finds them and put a steel clothes hanger on the stove, heat it up and shove it up their ass. Man I freaking hate them! Ppl work hard for their shit for some *** to come around and take it in a blink of an eye.
                  I fly by like the coupe grew wings!!!
                  My coupe!!!

                  Originally posted by Racer_XXX
                  Excuse me miss, YOUR FUPA IS IN THE WAY!!!


                    We were lucky enough when we had the CB7 stolen, they used jigglers and they didnt steal anything except two BURNED CDs. Left the deck in, let the sub and amp, left the speakers.....and shit was gone for 2 days before the cops found it about 20 miles away at a mall parking lot.

                    As for my Vigor, same thing...after these incidents, I put in fuel pump kill switches.
                    VIP Status.


                      dude that is the suckzxors. youll be finding pieces of glass in your car for fucking forever! try talking to h22wagon93 (marc) he has some spare coupe glass parts for sale i think.


                        sorry to hear. if u need anything pm me

                        (129)Transactions and counting


                          fucking wack.. like you said, its even more pathetic what they ended up taking..


                            prolly just some kids fuckin with you.

                            People suck, i live in the boondocks and i still get scuurred


                              This is a one list that I hope doesn't grow any more, seems to be a trend of late. And it doesn't matter if you leave shit laying out in plain sight or not, some people like to do shit like this just to be a dick, or to show off in front of someone. Sorry for your loss.

