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Teen secks

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    well the 1st time for me was when i was 16. i really did feel like i was too young for it, me and her constantly fought about it. shed either get mad about us having too much sex or too little. we were way too imature.

    den i met some grl on myspace n da next day i piped -___- .. biggest regret.

    sex will always be there .. no need to rush .

    alone in this game . ::My Ride My Way::


      Natalie summed up my thougts pretty well. Everyone reaches emotional and mental maturity at a different time (physical maturity as well, as far as everything being functional... but that comes earlier, which is the whole premise of this thread!)

      Socially, it seems that 16-ish seems to be the age where teenagers are under the most pressure to have sex. Those that do it earlier are often labeled deviant... at 16, teenagers are looking for deeper, more meaningful relationships. That's about the age that they start to believe they know what love is. When you're young and in love, you want to do something to demonstrate how that relationship is deep and different. You want to make it special... doing something that you've never done with anyone else.

      After that, you've done it. Just about everyone I knew at that age that was doing it, was doing it every chance they got! Once it becomes less special, it's easier to let go and do it with the next person. Soon, sex is just the next step in a romantic relationship. Holding hands first, kissing next, then sex.

      THAT is where the maturity comes into play. Just because you're dating someone doesn't mean you have to sleep with them. That's something that I learned as I got older (of course, I was with the same person from 18 to 27, so I wasn't exploring anyway.)

      MOST teenagers, especially early and mid-teenagers, aren't able to grasp the emotional implications of such an act. They THINK they know what love is, but they're really just feeling it out, and trying to learn. They're only becoming capable of learning what it means.

      Although it would have been nice to spend my young adult life chasing after everything with a pulse, I think I'm glad that I spent those years with someone that (at least at that time) meant a lot more to me. I'm able to appreciate the value of physical intimacy within a relationship... rather than just seek the pleasures of the physical act itself. At 16, my understanding of the emotional implications was nowhere near where it is today.

      ... and I'm still pretty damn clueless...


        I'm 14, and go to a private Catholic school. Some older kids in my grade and school (mostly grade 10 - 12) are fucking like theres no tommorow. Public schools here are worse! I say heads up for your sister lol, theres gonna be alot of pressure on her.
        Last edited by 1990accordex-r; 03-25-2010, 01:39 AM.


          YAY DOUBLE DEEVE! lol. I just kinda laughed. But I can agree with what you said. And I can vouch that not having sex until 24 isn't a bad thing. I don't regret it one slightest bit. Just because the young girl who thought she was in love with me ripped me up inside and if I had gone ahead and had sex with her, it would have made it even harder than it already was.
          Been a long time. Still alive...


            I work with kids and we suspended a 8 year old boy for telling a 9 year old girl " I like to lick vagina"...Yeah it was bad.


              i remember my first time

              i was drunk...

              i didnt know her name...

              it was love..

              hahahaha(sad but true)

              honestly i find it for some reason acceptable for a kid in grade 12 to have sex...but when i think of a grade 8-10 student it just makes me cringe for some reason...yet im not sure why...

              as for a male slut...but right now im dating this REALLY cute my whoreish ways have stopped!


                Originally posted by RagingAsian View Post
                I work with kids and we suspended a 8 year old boy for telling a 9 year old girl " I like to lick vagina"...Yeah it was bad.

                life is good.


                  i'm "religious" and "believe in certain values" but not those generally believed by most others of my "religious persuasion"

                  any hoo...I personally don't think you should have sex until marr..dammit...sorry brainwashing still I was until your mature enough to support yourself and live on your own in the real world. Sex isn't just for procreation so I don't agree that you should wait until you can raise kids...though that would be a good idea...but it just isn't in our nature

                  I've seen girls come into the hospital were I work as young as 12-13, whose mom had them at 12-13 too...scary!

                  The other sad thing is all these folks screaming for abstinence only..I've heard recently that there is some new study showing it works...yeah...ONE...but that strikes me as hard to believe since for the past oh...FOREVER it hasn't worked and there have been many studies showing that.

                  My folks were abstinence only teachers too...didn't work for 2/3 of the time...and only did with me cause my mom would always tell me "1 out of 4 sexually active teens has an std" then the images she made me look at in her nursing books on std patient's dicks falling off and va jay jay's that looked more like some sea creature from the great to scare the sex out of ya when you're already brainwashed and aren't taught better.

                  But the best to teach that...but tell them about safe least they'll be prepared somewhat. I mean you can't really stop kids from doing it...13-14 is just stupid young though...but if you can at least get them to use condoms ALL the time...and make sure they know that pre-cum CAN cause pregnancy and that you can't always pull out in time...and even if you still leak semen out...then you MIGHT just get them to not get std's and kids until they are ready for one's ready for those.


                    I always thought it would be interesting to see how many generations can be alive at the same time... a 12 year old girl gets pregnant, has a girl, that girl gets pregnant at 12. Then we have a 24 year old grandmother. The new kid gets pregnant at 12, and we have a 36 year old great-grand motother.


                      Living where I do, I have seen that Deeve.

                      My mother got prego w/ me @ 15. Married my Dad @18.
                      My mom is 44 this year. My dad 48.
                      They are still married.

                      It was BEAT into my head "No sex before marriage"
                      "You cannot date until 18, because dating is so you can find the person you want to marry."

                      The thing that kept my pants on as a teen, had nothing to do with my fundamentalist upbringing, or my parents rules.

                      What kept teh pants on, was knowing what happened to girls who "gave it up easy" and how they were treated by the boys. While they got a lot of attention, they were not respected. They were objectified as "pussy".

                      I didn't want that to be me, especially 'cause I wasn't cool to start with. I had the respect I had, because I was smart-not pretty. And I wasn't going to "go after" that kind of attention, because I prob wouldn't have gotten it.
                      Or if I had, the after-effects would have been worse.

                      Man, I DO NOT miss High School!!! LOLz
                      Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                      That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                        Originally posted by LadyG94CB7 View Post
                        Living where I do, I have seen that Deeve.

                        My mother got prego w/ me @ 15. Married my Dad @18.
                        My mom is 44 this year. My dad 48.
                        They are still married.

                        It was BEAT into my head "No sex before marriage"
                        "You cannot date until 18, because dating is so you can find the person you want to marry."

                        The thing that kept my pants on as a teen, had nothing to do with my fundamentalist upbringing, or my parents rules.

                        What kept teh pants on, was knowing what happened to girls who "gave it up easy" and how they were treated by the boys. While they got a lot of attention, they were not respected. They were objectified as "pussy".

                        I didn't want that to be me, especially 'cause I wasn't cool to start with. I had the respect I had, because I was smart-not pretty. And I wasn't going to "go after" that kind of attention, because I prob wouldn't have gotten it.
                        Or if I had, the after-effects would have been worse.

                        Man, I DO NOT miss High School!!! LOLz
                        I do, lol. For different reasons other than those being discussed though.

                        You have awesome grammar, lol.

                        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                        Originally posted by Jarrett
                        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                          Originally posted by LadyG94CB7 View Post
                          Living where I do, I have seen that Deeve.

                          My mother got prego w/ me @ 15. Married my Dad @18.
                          My mom is 44 this year. My dad 48.
                          They are still married.

                          It was BEAT into my head "No sex before marriage"
                          "You cannot date until 18, because dating is so you can find the person you want to marry."

                          The thing that kept my pants on as a teen, had nothing to do with my fundamentalist upbringing, or my parents rules.

                          What kept teh pants on, was knowing what happened to girls who "gave it up easy" and how they were treated by the boys. While they got a lot of attention, they were not respected. They were objectified as "pussy".

                          I didn't want that to be me, especially 'cause I wasn't cool to start with. I had the respect I had, because I was smart-not pretty. And I wasn't going to "go after" that kind of attention, because I prob wouldn't have gotten it.
                          Or if I had, the after-effects would have been worse.

                          Man, I DO NOT miss High School!!! LOLz
                          I was never interested in the easy girls, and I thought the guys that went after them were idiots.

                          I'm not sure what it is that molded my way of thinking. My parents taught me respect, sure.

                          I guess I came to the realization that meaningless sex isn't worth the risks involved. If physical stimulation is the only goal, there are safer ways that don't involve getting someone pregnant or spreading disease.
                          There has never been a time in my life where it was meaningless. I take pride in that.


                            Thank you!

                            I'm glad you liked HS.
                            The only party I was invited to in all 4 years of hell, was a graduation party.

                            I showed up, and was promptly run off, by a jerk-off who didn't know I was invited by the person throwing the party.

                            Basically sums up my HS experience.
                            Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                            That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                              I was never interested in the easy girls, and I thought the guys that went after them were idiots.
                              I too, thought those guys idiots.

                              There has never been a time in my life where it was meaningless. I take pride in that.
                              Me too.
                              Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                              That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                                I was never brought up to view women as "piece of meat" or whathaveyou. I have this conversation a lot with both my buddies and gal friends and they all agree...the easy girls get into bad shit later on down the line at least where I'm from.

                                life is good.

