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Police Brutatlity!

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    Police Brutatlity!

    Post up police brutality videos....let's see how much corruption is going on these days. The latest I've heard of is the cop punching dude in the face while he was handcuffed in the back of a car. NOW, the video has sound.

    VIP Status.

    Unless the cop was justified, it's corruption.

    -1992 CB7 EX w/H22 [sold 10/09]
    -2005 Legacy GT limited [current]


      I'd beat his ass too.


        LOL @ Deev. Nah the cop got 18 months in prison for this stunt. Its not like the guy was kicking the window so hard it was going to break.
        VIP Status.


          Originally posted by 92vig View Post
          LOL @ Deev. Nah the cop got 18 months in prison for this stunt. Its not like the guy was kicking the window so hard it was going to break.
          true. but that wouldn't bother me as much as the light tapping....

          sometime people know how to push the right button. not saying the cop was right in doing that though. i would have walked away from the car a long time ago or cuffed his ankles to the bar in the back seat.


            I wonder what happened before the incident that we saw on film. I wonder how far this guy pushed the cop previously.

            Not saying the cop was right. They DO have a responsibility to uphold the law in a professional manner. Still, I wonder how far this guy pushed him.


              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
              I wonder what happened before the incident that we saw on film. I wonder how far this guy pushed the cop previously.

              Not saying the cop was right. They DO have a responsibility to uphold the law in a professional manner. Still, I wonder how far this guy pushed him.
              thought about this as well. the guy could have been arrested for something disgusting like violating an infant or some shit. at which point i would applaud the cop. but who knows.


                Right. If the cop was already 90% near his snapping point, then this guy just made it look like it took very little to set the cop off. He seemed to be aware of the camera as well.


                  I am sure if the department found it inappropriate enough to put him in prison for 18 months, then the incident that took place before that video wasnt warranting an "ass beating". Whether or not the guy deserved it, the cop doesnt really have the right to do it especially since dude is in the back seat handcuffed.
                  VIP Status.


                    I agree. If the cop clocked him once, I might feel inclined to defend him... but hitting the guy repeatedly was uncalled for.

                    18 months in prison is a bit harsh. But I guess it's more than just assault and battery... it's abusing a position of authority.


                      Originally posted by 92vig View Post
                      Post up police brutality videos....let's see how much corruption is going on these days.[/YOUTUBE]
                      Oh yeah, I guess all cops are corrupt and beat people, right

                      For every cop like this there are thousands of quality police officers that do their job correctly day in and day out.

                      Originally posted by Maple50175
                      Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


                        Originally posted by Tnwagn View Post
                        Oh yeah, I guess all cops are corrupt and beat people, right

                        For every cop like this there are thousands of quality police officers that do their job correctly day in and day out.
                        He never said anything about all cops... just looking to see what the bad ones (or at least the ones that were pushed beyond their limits) have been caught doing.

                        Honestly, I can't say I don't understand why cops do what they do when it comes to this. They deal with inconsiderate, rude, aggressive people all day, every day. They often deal with the dregs of society. You DO get jaded.

                        Hell, look at me, and the way I treat people that type like morons on this site. Hardly "brutality", but those that have known me for a while have seen a significant decrease in my tolerance.
                        Cops go through that every day, in real life, not just internet text.

                        Of course, one could argue that if you're not thick skinned enough to deal with it, and keep yourself under control... then perhaps you shouldn't be a cop.


                          when do you ever call for the cops and where you are calm and not freaking out. Cops have to deal with the worst of people emotions on EVERY call of EVERY day for their ENTIRE job span. That why cops are pissed off and moody. Also when was the last time you saw a cop and stoped and said hey or did you walk by and avoid any eye contact. There are many studies of why the blue line exist and the number 1 reason is people dislike/dont understand cops. 9/10 people will walk by a cop without making eye contact and many will cross a street to avoid them all together. How do you think that makes the cops feel?

                          I am sure if the department found it inappropriate enough to put him in prison for 18 months, then the incident that took place before that video wasnt warranting an "ass beating". Whether or not the guy deserved it, the cop doesnt really have the right to do it especially since dude is in the back seat handcuffed.

                          the department didnt put him in jail for 18 months.... a jury did months later prolly not knowing the full circumstances of the situation and by a bunch of people who hate cops....

                          here is a video for ya
                          Last edited by Bcozzi71; 03-21-2010, 07:26 PM.


                            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                            Hell, look at me, and the way I treat people that type like morons on this site. Hardly "brutality", but those that have known me for a while have seen a significant decrease in my tolerance.
                            Cops go through that every day, in real life, not just internet text.

                            Of course, one could argue that if you're not thick skinned enough to deal with it, and keep yourself under control... then perhaps you shouldn't be a cop.
                            If you cant stand the heat, get the heck out the kitchen. lol.
                            This is their JOB, they knew what they were signing up for.

                            This happened in Philly ...


                              Once a suspect is in cuffs it's the cops responsibility to protect the guy. The cop could have secured his legs rather than clock him in the face.
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