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    I'm starting p90x. Does anyone on here want to start with me?

    My physical background:
    When I worked out back in highschool

    before I started working out: 140
    after I worked out: (my peak weight) 160lbs

    Max bench when I began working out: 125
    Max bench right before I was forced to stop working out: 225

    Weight after I left the hospital: 140lbs

    When I FIRST moved to gainesville for college. After getting out of the hospital, and eating disgusting fatty to go fast food basically all day every day, not working out once.

    Now. After rollerblading pretty regularly for 3 months, getting back into shape

    I haven't rollerbladed since I left for winter break. That was the beginning of December. I'm sitting in my apartment doing jack shit, when I should be doing something positive, other than school work. I'd like to get into shape, because despite my size/appearance, I am terribly out of shape. It'd be nice to build some size, too.

    I've acquired P90x, and I have taken pictures of myself in my current state, and plan on taking pictures and monitoring my progress. I was just wondering if there was anyone else on here who was thinking about doing it, and if anyone wanted to actually start with me
    Last edited by npor; 03-02-2010, 07:38 AM.

    145? you're going to blow away, lol. later.
    Avoiding dirt at all costs


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        Originally posted by TypeG View Post
        145? you're going to blow away, lol. later.
        Well, like I said I'm doing it to tone up and put some more muscle on my bones.

        I just went ahead and portioned out the next 17 days worth of meals for myself.


          I used and have started using the p90x again. When I first started using it i was weighing 240, and I'm 5'10. within the first month I dropped 10 lbs. After 2 months I was down to 220lbs, and started noticing my abs starting to show nicely and I was getting more cut. Then summer came and I fell off, winter came and packed on a few more pounds that got me back up to 240lbs, so I'm started the program again just last week and dropped 3lbs already. so yeah p90x is the shit.


            Glad to see you taking care of yourself

            Try and keep up with them throughout each workout but don't get down on yourself if you have to pause and take breaks or can't physically do some of the moves (especially on Ab Ripper X).

            One thing I will say, if you are looking to get as strong as possible then P90X isn't what you want. If you're just looking to tone up and get fit then it's about the best thing you can do.

            Originally posted by Maple50175
            Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


              man i need a safe and healthy way to put on weight. I'm a tall lanky bastard..but im in good shape because of my job. Im cut but i would like to gain some serious 40 pounds at least.

              does anyone have advice?


                Originally posted by mchaley View Post
                smart ass lol. p90s are bigger than i thought when i first saw one

                on topic, p90x is good. make sure to get the p90x plus dvds too. im low on body fat but my BMI is normal lol. btw guys p90x isnt a good way to lose weight. its more of a working to tone muscles and get "ripped" rofl. if you wanna lose weight, do cardio and weightlifting

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                  Originally posted by kantkillkeenan View Post
                  man i need a safe and healthy way to put on weight. I'm a tall lanky bastard..but im in good shape because of my job. Im cut but i would like to gain some serious 40 pounds at least.

                  does anyone have advice?
                  I would say find a workout routine that builds muscle. Then, maybe drink one of those mass builders?

                  I've been in your situation most of my life, and I've always wanted to build muscle size. I worked out, a lot. Drink protein shakes. Ect ect

                  That may not be the best advice, but it's what I've done in the past.


                    I have and use P90X. Although I haven't had time the past 2 weeks to do it. I will admit that they are hard! You have to also free up a good 2 hours of your schedule each day to keep a good routine for these.

                    Glad to see your trying though


             it exactly?.

                      life is good.


                        It's mainly a workout program (I believe with nutrition guidelines).

                        I have a torrent going to download it... I'll start it shortly myself. I'm 10-15lbs overweight, and I have very little mucle tone. I don't care to be huge (which P90X won't do for you anyway), but I'd like a little definition. Right now, all I do is a few dumbell curls, pullups, and stair pushups when I'm bored (my wrists suck, so regular pushups are painful... I do em on the stairs, and since it's easier, I just do a hell of a lot more!)


                          For weight gain you need to increase your energy intake. I'd suggest starting with pureed brown rice shakes. It's what sumo wrestlers do.

                          My workout routine entails driving around 200 miles with no power steering, along with lifting my 45lb and 20lb boys hundreds of times a day. Hehe.


                            P90x will tone you up, but you aren't going to gain much muscle, just endurance. That's what it is, and endurance workout.

                            How do I know? I've done it. I did it for 30 days, and if you apply yourself it will tone you up pretty nice and you'll notice a bit more endurance.

                            Honestly, it wasn't for me. I would much rather hit the weight room and build lean muscle the old fashioned way. I'm 5'4" and 176 lbs, bench 265, squat 405, trap 615, and clean 225.

                            P90x is great for those that just want to stay in shape or lose some extra fat lbs, but it isn't much of a muscle building program. Just my view.

                            Good luck to you though.
                            R.I.P. Veronica - JDM F20A swapped 2.0 Si wannabe.


                              hmm i always wanted to try p90x but price got me scared. lol. im 190 and only 5'7". i think i should be less than that for my height. so i may consider this.

                              Originally posted by deevergote
                              I have a torrent going to download it...
                              wanna share. lol

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