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My FU@%#NG Cat just pee'd in my COMPUTER!

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    My FU@%#NG Cat just pee'd in my COMPUTER!

    Dammit. My god damn cat just peed in my computer.

    And it is all because of my Moms fucking 110 year old dog. No I am not kidding, the dog is 110 dog years old its like 15 human years. It is BLIND and DEAF, and ROTTING, it SHITS and PEES EVERYWHERE. It also stumbles into every fucking room and knocks over every trash can and drags trash all over the floor. OH and it YELPS at full volume ALL DAY because its like half dead and in pain and wants to die.

    We have 4 cats and my actual cat stays in my room because the momma cat attacks it so it only likes to be in my room, It will always try to go in my room no matter what so I let it. Well I have to close the god damn door and lock it in there, because my moms 110 year old hellen-keller of a dog will trash my room otherwise. And our liter box is in the vacant room because I dont want my room to smell, Well my cat is always trying to get in my room and hide, So half the time I don't even know it is in there.

    So today I closed the door so the fucking dog wouldnt come in my room and left for a couple hours and when I came back and my computer was laid out flat because I was working on it and I smell this smell all of a sudden, and my fucking cat is sitting on top of my computer, peeing right on top of my motherboard and ATI 3870. All because I have to close my door everytime I leave my room because This fucking piece of shit dog is such a piece of shit I cant even take a ten minute shower without closing my door because it somehow even though it is blind and deaf knows when the door is open. OH and EVERYTIME I feed the 3 cats, This deaf dog will automatically come from the other side of the house after about 5 minutes and eat the cat food, so we cant leave cat food out. If I could just leave my door open then the cat wouldn't have peed on my very expensive computer. Even If I moved the trash, I still have the cat bowl in my room, and the dog will find like 3 pieces of cat food on the ground.

    I seriously want to poison the fucking dog. It Whines and YELPS ALL DAY, and my dad is partly deaf in one ear so he barely hears it, and my mom just lets it whine like nothing is happening, but its like WAYY worse than a fucking baby, this is like a "YELP I'm A rotting corpse." oh and my parents get all pissed off cuz they think the cats pee in the vacant "cat" room well I caught the damn dog peeing in there yesterday. so now my parents have lined the carpet with pee-matts for puppies. Like are we seriously going to live with pee matts on the floor? The dog doesnt respond when you get home, it doesn't play it doesnt like to be petted and it is extremely aggressive if you have food..

    AND EVERYTIME that Im in the kitchen, it rubs its wet nose against my legs nonstop and follows me around the kitchen rubbing its wet nose on me, so I grab a handful of treats and chuck it at the fucking dog and it goes and eats them and then as im finishing making a sandwich it rubs its nose against my leg and the scratches at me for more food.

    Also, Everyday, multiple times a day, we have to pick the dog up, bring it outside so it can pee and shit, and then pick it up, and bring it back inside. where it sits and whines. All it cares about is food. My mom can't put it to sleep because she is to emotional about it.

    One time I got tired of it whining probably because it was itching. Oh, This thing iS UGLY missing half its hair, smells horrible, and its eyes are glazed white, it looks disgusting. Anyways I got tired of it whining one day and gave it a painkiller and it shut up real good for a while.

    I can't get angry, or have rage, because I have TMS, which basically is an unconscious disease that when I have intense emotions like rage or anger and I dont act upon them and supress them, my brain stops the flow of oxygen to my back and I get in HORRIBLE agonizing pain.

    I HAVE to stay calm and relaxed, or I literally become almost paralyzed. That is if I suppress my anger, however if when I do get angry, and I act on it and smash shit and hit people, I dont have that problem. I used to have anger management issues, then I learned to suppress them, but all that did was cause tension inside, and my brain takes it out on myself.

    So I literally have to stay calm and cool and relaxed, because if not, I either go crazy and break shit or supress it and it bites me in the back so hard I have to lay down.

    Dealing with recovery from a drug problem and waking up at 8 am every morning and opening my door to have my hung-over drunk of a mother yelling at me the second I open the door and not even a minute after waking up, plus having the dog moaning and yelping, by the time I go into the kitchen to get something to eat, the fucking thing rubs its wet nose on me and scratches me, I have come so close to throwing the fucking dog out the window.

    My parents are usually pissed because they are having to clean the new carpets from pee, or dealing with dog shit. So they take it out on me, not the deaf-blind walking shitpisser dog.

    All I have to do is make the thing go away and life would be SSSOOO much easier. I'd still have my gaming computer seeing as my cat is house trained to go outside if its not locked in my room. And I wouldn't be in physical pain, real hardcore physical pain from suppressed rage. And if you think that this "disease" doesn't exist look up Dr John Sarno.

    I would have NO remorse only joy. But dealing with my mom and Suspicion.

    ughh, even my moms whole family (who is completely opposite of my mom, I smoke weed with my cousins in front of my moms brother) Every christmas for like the last 4 years are like "that thing isn't dead yet? it looks dead? you sure it aint dead?" OR (from my cousins) Maybe you should put it to sleep, before it turns into the living dead and bites err somethin" OR "You mean its deaf AND blind, come on david, your uncle's gonna go out back and put that thing out of misery." OR (from my grandpa) "SOMEBODY SHUT THAT DAMN THING UP!"

    Like seriously, this dog has to die at some point. It freaks little kids out when they walk by in the front yard, because it looks dead and has white eyeballs.

    Really, it should be put out of its misery, it is in pain, from its skin disease and arthritis and being 110 years old. I don't know. The right thing to do if it was not our dog would be to put it out of its misery. My mom cant see that, instead she will pay vet bills to keep it alive till the end of time. Meanwhile Im out a computer and now have to search for my cat everytime I leave my room for more than a minute and close the door.

    Oh and my mom locked the lock on my door on the inside and shut it from the outside so i had to break the lock and now I have to use a fucking coat hanger to open my door and I have to close my door everytime Im in my room because the dog will come in and knock over the trash... UGH!
    YES, do it.
    NO, let it die even if it takes years.
    Just feed it some LSD and see what happens.

    The poll is expired.


    Dave, this is the funniest, most believable thing I've ever seen you post.

    Sorry about the computer, but you should be able to rinse the hell out of it with tap water, and then rinse it again with distilled water, then let it set and dry out. (I would remove anything the cat didn't urinate on, and uh, make sure it's not plugged in to the wall.) As long as it wasn't plugged in and you let it dry completely, things like the board and chips should be okay. I've salvaged some electronics this way.


      Originally posted by visualpoet View Post
      Dave, this is the funniest, most believable thing I've ever seen you post.

      Sorry about the computer, but you should be able to rinse the hell out of it with tap water, and then rinse it again with distilled water, then let it set and dry out. (I would remove anything the cat didn't urinate on, and uh, make sure it's not plugged in to the wall.) As long as it wasn't plugged in and you let it dry completely, things like the board and chips should be okay. I've salvaged some electronics this way.
      haha, no it wasnt plugged in thankfully, im just afraid if the capacitors were holding a charge or static electricity from the towell stuffed in it soaking up the pee might fry it. im going to spray it with electrical cleaner and put it out in the sun for now.


        I'll eat your cat for you Dave.

        life is good.


          Rinse it off and then submerge it in white rice. the rice will soak up all the moisture better than a towel.
          "Auto racing, bull fighting and mountain climbing are the only real sports....all others are games."
          - Ernest Hemingway


            Originally posted by DJ metadelic View Post
            I'll eat your cat for you Dave.
            did u read? hellen keller is the 110 year old deaf-blind dog that ultimately caused my cat to pee in my computer. and its rotting. i dont think it will taste very well.


              Originally posted by Rusty View Post
              Rinse it off and then submerge it in white rice. the rice will soak up all the moisture better than a towel.
              seriously? sounds like a good idea.


                Originally posted by DJ metadelic View Post
                I'll eat your cat for you Dave.
                gross. what the fuck. way to go and reinforce a stereotype noah

                dave, if i were you, id just slip the dog like a giant one pound chocolate easter bunny. hes hungry, oblige him.


                  Originally posted by scudweiser View Post
                  gross. what the fuck. way to go and reinforce a stereotype noah

                  dave, if i were you, id just slip the dog like a giant one pound chocolate easter bunny. hes hungry, oblige him.
                  fuckin a thats brilliant, i'll leave a giant chocolate thing in my trashcan and leave the door open. therefore i will have no hand in what happens.


                    Haha. Eat the rice afterward. Might make you grow some muscle and then next time you can fight off that cat.


                      Originally posted by Turbo Dave View Post
                      did u read? hellen keller is the 110 year old deaf-blind dog that ultimately caused my cat to pee in my computer. and its rotting. i dont think it will taste very well.
                      I did read it all, yes. Still sounds tasty.

                      Originally posted by scudweiser View Post
                      gross. what the fuck. way to go and reinforce a stereotype noah
                      I know.

                      life is good.


                        I'd have to say feed the cat some good ol' LSD!!! The angel on my right shoulder is saying this is a bad idea....but i do have to agree with my lil' devil on the be a good laugh! on a personal note, I've actually witnessed a friend feed a cat acid. From then on the cat never pissed on us, except now we gotta watch or feet cuz i think the cat is mistaking my toes as little mice or something. lol. i think i got a few bolts loose upstairs, if you know what i mean..


                          I can strangly relate to you. My car pees in my room because we have to lock the laundry room ( location of the litter box ) because the dog will eat the cat shit. So the cat decides since it cant get there it will go DIRECTLY to my room and pee on any cloths that are on the ground. If no cloths are there she will pee on my bed. I fucking hate my cat and its all because of the dog


                            Originally posted by Tippey764 View Post
                            I can strangly relate to you. My car pees in my room because we have to lock the laundry room ( location of the litter box ) because the dog will eat the cat shit. So the cat decides since it cant get there it will go DIRECTLY to my room and pee on any cloths that are on the ground. If no cloths are there she will pee on my bed. I fucking hate my cat and its all because of the dog


                              one shot to the base of the brain.

