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Mo. bill ties drug testing to welfare

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    Let me just throw this out doesn't matter if they test positive.

    We have a habitual cocaine abuser (I've posted about her in the past) she tests positive EACH and EVERY time they test her when she comes into the ER...she is still on medicaid.

    It OBVIOUSLY doesn't matter if they use drugs so it's all null argument whether they test them or not, since they can test positive and not lose their coverage.

    Really, it has nothing to do with giving them coverage as hospitals can NOT deny care needed to stabilize a patient. (this lady comes in with blood pressures over 190 systolic and blood sugars over 400) medicaid is simply a way to for hospitals to get some sort of cash for doing so. This lady isn't going to pay no matter what so what does she care? What are they going to do arrest her?

    It's ALL to get the hospitals some cash. that's again...drug testing these people...stupid and pointless. They will STILL drive up the cost of our insurance no matter what.


      Originally posted by bcjammerx View Post
      Let me just throw this out doesn't matter if they test positive.

      We have a habitual cocaine abuser (I've posted about her in the past) she tests positive EACH and EVERY time they test her when she comes into the ER...she is still on medicaid.

      It OBVIOUSLY doesn't matter if they use drugs so it's all null argument whether they test them or not, since they can test positive and not lose their coverage.

      Really, it has nothing to do with giving them coverage as hospitals can NOT deny care needed to stabilize a patient. (this lady comes in with blood pressures over 190 systolic and blood sugars over 400) medicaid is simply a way to for hospitals to get some sort of cash for doing so. This lady isn't going to pay no matter what so what does she care? What are they going to do arrest her?

      It's ALL to get the hospitals some cash. that's again...drug testing these people...stupid and pointless. They will STILL drive up the cost of our insurance no matter what.
      Incorrect. If you change the law to require a clean test, then a clean test would be required. It is all in the legal wording. Also, how do you know that Medicade receives the results of those tests. Just because they are tested doesn't mean that the government necessarily finds out about it, especially when most ER stuff would fall under patient client privledge, except for that information expressly related to treatment.

      Also, it is well known that there is a large and widespread abuse of the system.
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        Originally posted by owequitit View Post
        Incorrect. If you change the law to require a clean test, then a clean test would be required. It is all in the legal wording. Also, how do you know that Medicade receives the results of those tests. Just because they are tested doesn't mean that the government necessarily finds out about it, especially when most ER stuff would fall under patient client privledge, except for that information expressly related to treatment.

        Also, it is well known that there is a large and widespread abuse of the system.
        Hmmm...very true...and yeah I don't know that they get those results.


          Bottom line is we give some money to the government which then gives it right back to the less fortunate.

          I for one have no problem with that. However, if those people that "can't support themselves" are spending money on anything other than food/clothing/shelter/trying to find a job they should be cut off completely.

          That doesn't just mean illegal drugs. As a taxpayer, I would be furious to find out my hard earned money is being given to some low life fuck who is too lazy to get a job and has a nicotine addiction. Sure, it's not illegal, but to think that I'm essentially offsetting their cost of cigarettes pisses me off.

          Originally posted by Maple50175
          Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


            That's very true. I've known people on welfare that drive more expensive cars than anything I've ever had. They lived in the ghetto, but they had nice cars.


              Thats how that works anyway. Live off the government tit, in a ran-down crack-shack, but you drive a nice car.

              That way, if shit hits the fan, you can sell the car and ride the bus.

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              Originally posted by Jarrett
              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                I love that we want to HELP those less fortunate...but I do not want to SUPPORT them. I say, get a freaking job! If your health is bad...volunteer...or get a job that isn't physically taxing...there are LOTs of them out there.

                If you're retired (over 65)...good for shouldn't have to get a job or do've done your part.

