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Mo. bill ties drug testing to welfare

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    I'm all for it. They need to bring that bill to New York. Invasion of privacy my ass. I used to do a lot of drugs and I have no problem with people that do. But I don't want to be supporting someone else's habit.
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      Right. Doing drugs is your business, until it affects someone else. In this case, it's taking money away from hard working individuals, as well as people that truly need the help.

      Lets do away with welfare and JUST give out vouchers for food, electric, gas, etc... Unless you find a dealer that will trade drugs for a can of spaghetti-o's, you're not going to be buying drugs with that!


        I think that this is a good idea but testing everyone is costly. So really i know mad people that have passed piss tests all the time for probation....idk but its a good idea and i support it.

        If you need free money then you should not be buying weed..or any kind of drugs.


          The people that are the major concern here are either a) addicts, and irrational in their decisions as far as their addictions go, or b) purposely trying to play the system (and succeeding)


            Doing drugs is breaking the law, therefore it's not your business, it's the states. So the invasion of privacy issue is non-relevent.
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              Originally posted by fatboy1185 View Post
              Doing drugs is breaking the law, therefore it's not your business, it's the states. So the invasion of privacy issue is non-relevent.
              Yes, but it's an invasion of privacy to test, unless there is probable cause to believe that someone is using drugs. You can guarantee that someone will fight such a law stating that it's discrimination... assuming that everyone on welfare is a drug user (not what such a law is saying, but someone will take it that way)


                That's like saying you don't have probable cause to random drug test someone at a job, what's the difference? The purpose of drug tests at a job is to make sure everyone is safe and sober enough to work. Well I want to make sure the streets are safe and sober enough for me to walk down with out worrying about some wack job attacking me. And when someone is unemployed, they have nothing to do, so drug use is much higher than if someone is in the workforce.
                Current 2016 Ford F150 XLT Sport
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                  Very true.


                    not only should it be required to apply but regular monthly RANDOM UN-ANNOUNCED drug tests should also be required.

                    Not that it matters...we are going to keep supporting low life trash no matter how low and trashy they are. Sucks for all the people that really NEED this help...all those that refuse to get off their lazy asses keep driving our insurance/taxes up...

                    and yes some people have fought to NOT be randomly tested as it emplies guilt...not constitutional.

                    But for folks on these programs...I don't think they should have that right.


                      If you're not getting free money, then you shouldn't be drug tested. The minute you get ANY financial assistance from the government, you should be required to show that you are not using (and more importantly, spending money on) drugs.

                      Honestly, I think ANY history of addiction (even alcoholism) should be considered an issue when applying for aid, and the applicants should at least show proof of enrollment in a rehab program. I mean, saying "kick the junk and you can have money" is all well and good... but ultimately, getting those people OFF the substances should be the goal.

                      If you deny a crackhead financial aid of some sort, he's going to find his money for food and drugs elsewhere... Keep in mind that such a law WILL result in an increase in the crime rate, as true addicts might see it as "well, I can't get money now". The jails are already overcrowded, so this would be an issue...


                        Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                        Yes, but it's an invasion of privacy to test, unless there is probable cause to believe that someone is using drugs. You can guarantee that someone will fight such a law stating that it's discrimination... assuming that everyone on welfare is a drug user (not what such a law is saying, but someone will take it that way)
                        It's not an invasion of privacy when I get drug tested to keep my job, nor is it an invasion of privacy when they go to hospital to get emergency medical attention and the bill gets written off and my tax dollars get to pay for it...

                        I don't wholly disagree with the "invasion of privacy" bit, but we have gone a little too far with that crap in the last few years. Everyone wants to be protected by "invasion of privacy" laws when they are trying to do something they don't want found out. Yes, there is a line. But if I can walk into work and be TOLD to go piss in a cup, then they should be able to recieve the same treatment. If it is not an invasion of privacy for me, then it isn't for them either. Random drug testing at workplaces is just that. Random. They can also test for cause, but they test a certain % just because.

                        Also, just a historical safety perspective, random drug testing has become prevalent in the workplace these days because people who are under the influence tend to have impaired judgement and reaction processes leading to a direct and measureable rise in workplace accidents and injuries. Even if they think it doesn't affect them, it has been statistically proven time and again that someone under the influence is more dangerous doing a large range of activities, which can include driving a car. So really, it even extends outside of the workplace if you want to get technical.

                        It just is not cost effective from a risk/liability standpoint.

                        Also, recipients could be tested for a fraction of what we currently pay out in benefits. And there are types of tests that are much, much harder to beat. Often it is just a matter of what they test for, as not every test necessarily covers every chemical.
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                          We have a big issue around here with people abusing welfare. I know of people that are raging drug addicts and are on welfare. I think somebody on here was telling us about how some crack head lady was getting medicaid for her therapy. I really think this would save the guvmint some money fo shoz.


                            A reason why I'm for it, is because I hate seeing a family walk up to the grocery line with steaks, and tons of other expensive food, and about 6 kids, then whip out their welfare card or whatever, and swipe it like it's no big deal. While I've got 3 boxes of 12pk ramen soups, not on welfare, not producing tons of offspring, and getting an education.


                              Originally posted by Shag Wagon View Post
                              We have a big issue around here with people abusing welfare. I know of people that are raging drug addicts and are on welfare. I think somebody on here was telling us about how some crack head lady was getting medicaid for her therapy. I really think this would save the guvmint some money fo shoz.
                              It is possible that the saving would overshadow the costs. But like Deeve said too, there are going to be some unintended consequences.
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                                Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                                Yes, but it's an invasion of privacy to test, unless there is probable cause to believe that someone is using drugs. You can guarantee that someone will fight such a law stating that it's discrimination... assuming that everyone on welfare is a drug user (not what such a law is saying, but someone will take it that way)
                                Like Owequitit said, this really is not invasion of privacy. Just like many jobs require you to test before you are awarded the job, this should merely be treated as a requirement to be awarded money. If everyone has to do it to receive benefits then it is not discriminating and by asking for help you should understand that something about your situation is going to be questioned. "I personally would like to know that you aren't breaking my rules before I give you my money," Uncle Sam. ( saw that on a poster once... not really.) If the gonvernment can ask about age, number of offspring, employment/non-employment, etc; then they should also be able to inquire about substance use/abuse (Pills the number one abused substance.). Now if people are afraid that if they ask for help and test positive that severe consequence may occur then they probably should have weighed the consequences before breaking the law. I'm sick of people saying it was out of my control, so and so made me take drugs. Where's the accountability and responsibilty?

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