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    this happened a while ago.
    but im sitting on cruise control 10 over the speed limit when this peice of shit ute/tray/4wd comes up behind me. fully loaded with trady tools.
    I'm in the fast lane overtaking people on the highway in the fast lane.
    i dont look in my rear view mirror nor speed up steadily overtaking people.
    he gets real close to my rear bumper i still dont look back,
    when i eventually do he sticks his finger up at me.
    so i hit the gas to about 160 and then slam the brakes on again.
    blocking him behind me i braked where there was cars in the slow lane.
    still above the actual speed limit.
    basically saying if u wanna drive like a C u betta have the skills to back it up.
    put cruise back on and sit. there.
    eventually the slow lane clears so i merge over.
    he overtakes and stares so i murmur something swearing and shaking my head, he is going a tiny bit over the limit i give chase, he's switching lanes and not indicating.
    and obviously cant outrun me.
    i have a female in the car asking me to slow down and not care.
    he eventually exits the highway over 2 lanes without indicating.
    i think i then honked.
    now if i was by myself i would have followed him home and had a word to him.
    fists if he wants.
    now i dont care that he was tailgating me just that he stuck his finger up at me. i wouldnt have cared if he overtook at 200 plus or did wreckless driving infront of me as i get this all the time in my other car.
    overtook in the service lane anything things like that dont bother me.
    if he has the skill to overtake why not do it.
    i dont think im an angry person just not into taking peoples shit.
    im not blocking myself inbetween cars just so he can overtake me.

    160kph.. put that in.

    and i hate people like that too.


      People get the finger from me at least 6 times a day.

      Of course, it's never because someone is blocking me from being a doucher. I'm a polite driver until you do something to piss me off!


        for some reason, with the way it was typed, i had to try and read it like a song.


          I just don't care anymore if people cut me off, tailgate me, etc.

          I laugh about it. No sense in getting angry because someone else is a reh-tard.

          life is good.


            I block people too when tey piss me off. I love it when they flash their highbeams at me when they have space to go around or honk when im doin 10 over the limit.

            I hit the brakes so hard I make em swerve out of control then i speed up and leave so bad that they dont have the power to keep up. If they wanted brakes so bad all they had to do was ask. Thats why when they do that do you give em a brake son literally.


              If I'm already speeding, I won't move for someone that flashes their high beams at me.

              Likewise, if I'm in the right lane and going under the limit, don't flash me... pass me.
              I had a flat the other day, and I was driving in the right lane with my donut on. I wouldn't go faster than 55. Some truck got on my ass and started flashing me. Where was I going to go? Left?


                Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                If I'm already speeding, I won't move for someone that flashes their high beams at me.

                Likewise, if I'm in the right lane and going under the limit, don't flash me... pass me.
                I had a flat the other day, and I was driving in the right lane with my donut on. I wouldn't go faster than 55. Some truck got on my ass and started flashing me. Where was I going to go? Left?


                  Originally posted by Flatline View Post
                  for some reason, with the way it was typed, i had to try and read it like a song.
                  ahah x2

                  Its just like anything though. Put a group of people together (in this case, in their cars on the freeway), and it doesn't take too long to notice the morons.

                  If I am speeding, in the fast lane, and someone comes up behind me, I move out of the way. If I have to slow down and block myself in, then I do not. Patience buddy, we're all in this together. Flash all you want (lol)... you will probably just get brake lights if you keep it up. (I had my old 3gs reverse lights on a switch, how do you like that lol).

                  I recently started driving an hour each way to school daily, all freeway. There are alot of morons out there.

                  Thursday morning it was a bit snowy, and whilst driving into a windswept portion of the highway, the car ahead of the car I was following (in the fastlane) decides to slam on the brakes (the best move, of all options). The next guy (between us), is following him real close, so he has to hammer on the binders as well. They both start losing it.
                  All three of us were just passing a transport, so there was enough room for me to cut across, into the slow lane, and then into the shoulder (this at about 80km/h) both cars ahead of me are losing it, beside each other, and I squeeze by in the shoulder.
                  Transport behind me trie to follow me, and the first car comes across at hits him in the side, the other car spins out. I just kept going, I couldn't believe it.
                  I probably should have stopped too, but I wasnt going to risk my life at that point, and everyone looked like they were still rolling, so I kept on.

                  Moral of the story. The highway is full of morons. Its a big board game. Play a few moves ahead of everyone else. Leave some space around your vehicle, if possible, give yourself an escape route.

                  Bought from : LosiRacer2, h22anow


                    I never get insults get to me. I honor the saying "Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones but Words Will Never Harm Me" and yes, if i see guys with bats I run as fast as I can.


                      Try driving in Alberta. Worst driver's I've ever encountered. Seriously. I think they just give you a licence here when you're old enough to drive.


                        Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
                        Try driving in Alberta. Worst driver's I've ever encountered. Seriously. I think they just give you a licence here when you're old enough to drive.
                        "So there junior, think you're ready to drive, eh?"
                        "Well hop up in the drivers seat there. There ya go. Can you see the road over and/or through the steering wheel?"
                        "Do your feet reach the pedals there? The ones on the floor. Yup those.... Meh, close enough. Here you go!"

                        Lol.... and everyone and they're dog has a lifted truck out there. Bad drivers and big trucks, its a bad combo. A friend lived out there, and he and 20 other drivers were hit by a guy in a lifted F250 before he finally crashed. Right hammed up too.

                        Bought from : LosiRacer2, h22anow


                          yeah, that's pretty much how it is here. I think the Dodge Ram crew cab cummins turbodiesel is like the official truck of Alberta...especially if it's jacked up and has an exhaust on it.

                          Fuck. I hate Dodge Rams and their stupid fuckface drivers.

                          I used to live in Ontario, I actually just moved out here in June. I thought the 400 was bad until I started driving here. My god. People are just blind,clueless and retarded. Makes it even worse on me, cuz I drive a delivery truck, so I have to put up with this shit all day,every day.


                            i hate this stupid shit...or how about when they tailgate you to then pass you eventually to go about 2 or 3 miles quicker than's dumb...or when it snows the dudes in pick ups wanna drive like its regular weather and drive like idiots...uncalled for ..


                              Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
                              yeah, that's pretty much how it is here. I think the Dodge Ram crew cab cummins turbodiesel is like the official truck of Alberta...especially if it's jacked up and has an exhaust on it.

                              Fuck. I hate Dodge Rams and their stupid fuckface drivers.

                              I used to live in Ontario, I actually just moved out here in June. I thought the 400 was bad until I started driving here. My god. People are just blind,clueless and retarded. Makes it even worse on me, cuz I drive a delivery truck, so I have to put up with this shit all day,every day.
                              Lol... I went to Georgian for 4 years, know all about the 400. Stay with the flow of traffic (140kph or so) or find a different road.

                              Unless you were a Barrie-Toronto commuter. Then you basically crawl. Oh and cottage season. Parking lot northbound on friday, parking lot southbound on sunday afternoon.

                              Miss that. lol.

                              Bought from : LosiRacer2, h22anow

