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new haven firefighters racial discrimination

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    new haven firefighters racial discrimination

    short version
    They gave EVERYONE this same test...this written test is part of becoming a fire fighter.

    There were more blacks that failed this test in new haven than whites or hispanics or anyone else. The city THREW OUT the tests for the blacks that failed and ALLOWED THEM to be fire fighters...even though they FAILED.

    Now the non-black firefighters are suing...not just the whites...everyone

    The lawyers for the blacks says an oral test would have been better than a written test.

    What the hell???

    Can we stop making excuses for people who fail? You failed because you don't know the material...just because many of the same race failed doesn't mean anything to me...maybe there are more of that race in this particular place...who knows...not ALL of them failed.

    They shouldn't be allowed to pass just cause a bunch of X race just happened to fail. If they were immegrants from X country and given an english test you may have something...they don't speak english...but not for people born and raised in the U.S....I'm so sick of people making excuses for a simple lack of knowledge and exp. claiming their race some how kept them from we should dummy the test. It just doesn't apply here.

    NOTHING should be able to use race as a determinate...I tell you for college apps, and financial aid, they need to remove has resulted in me NOT getting aid...because I am not a minority, race should NEVER be allowed on any application for anything...there is NO reason for it to be.

    "It's cause I'm X race that I failed that test" no it's because you don't know your shit

    Do they REALLY want to have tests "dummied" up and claim their race is the reason why? Do they REALLY want to say, race X can't pass tests...all other races can though...race x needs special help passing tests.

    One it isn't true...and two it's a lame excuse for failure.

    I remember reading in a newspaper several years ago that the University of Michigan gave more points for enrollment to a black student than a student that scored a perfect score on the SAT. I don't think that's right by any means.

    And you always hear of people pulling the race card, get the fuck over it. Like the op said, you didn't get the job due to your race, you got the job because you have a 2nd grade education, douchebag!


      I pretty much agree with the OP. But I have to ask... how do you KNOW that you didn't received aid b/c you're not a minority.

      but There has to be more to this story than is being reported. The case of Washington v. Davis is the exact same situation of the one mentioned in this article and that supreme court case already held that "[an] official action will not be held unconstitutional solely because it results in a racially disproportionate impact." Basically meaning that this test is completely legal and the people who failed have no standing unless they can prove that they state was intentionally trying to keep minorities out.
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      - Ernest Hemingway


        In SC, minorities at colleges have access to about 80% of government financial aid. There are literally 100's of scholarships and grants that have the requirement of being a minority to qualify. I have yet to find a grant with the requirement that applicants are Caucasian....can you imagine the uproar this would cause? On top of that universities are REQUIRED to maintain a "racial equivalence" ratio to make stupid political correctness agenda pushers happy. As a consequence, people who are unqualified (from every race) get admitted at times, and people overqualified (of every race) get turned down. All in the name of being politically correct, racially diverse, and equal. Too much of this country is run by what people feel instead of what the facts are. I don't care who you are or what your race is, if you're stupid then you're stupid, if you're smart then you're smart. You either qualify objectively or you don't, otherwise go home and cry to mommy.
        Last edited by 19dabeast85; 01-10-2010, 12:48 AM.
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          i found out this morning that my work is an affirmative action company. So if I, a single white male, have similar credentials as someone who is hispanic, they will almost always fall to the latter. Simply because he is hispanic.

          I didn't get a position i have been waiting for for almost 2 years because a new hire had a few months of experience in the field in question, and was hispanic. It didn't matter that i have over a year of experience.

          i agree that ethnicity should be completely removed from all applications for anything. It's just another reason for someone to bitch and get their way or to try and discredit and sue someone or something.

          If there wasn't such a big deal about ethnicity in these types of situations, there would be less prejudice. A situation like this one could fuel a grudge easily and just add to the downward spiral of society.


            lol thats Connecticut for ya... i member seeing this on the news a while ago... but havent heard about it since
            Originally posted by deevergote
            wen yous in da import seen yo, u gotta tipe lyke yous from da streetz cuz it showz dat u git mad rezpect yo. toonerz dun tipe lyke dey gotz a edjakashun cuz dat aint coo.


              Philly had something similar too.... they kept promoting minorities to higher positions because they were minorities. and this wasn't based on the test or the experience. some of the white firemen sued the city. that was the last we heard about it.... i am white but i am a minority in this country because i come from another country. if its up to me, i would put who ever is qualified at the top position. dont' care whether he is white black green yellow or from mars. just put someone who is qualified for the job.
              are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet


                yeah its the same way at my university.. Minority get more from the state. Also Minority when applying get more "points" towards the acceptance to the school. Rowan also gets funding when havening a larger % of minority students every year.


                  Something I think is sadly pathetic is, you have to know Spanish to get a government job in this country. We're the ONLY country on the planet that's that way. Last time I checked, the official language of the United States was English. Someone correct me if I'm wrong


                    Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
                    yeah its the same way at my university.. Minority get more from the state. Also Minority when applying get more "points" towards the acceptance to the school. Rowan also gets funding when havening a larger % of minority students every year.
                    Hmm...I'm goin to your school cozzi. LOL jk. I dunno...the race card, favoritism card, it's all a perfect example of a very confused and confusing system.

                    I happened to read this on a news site a while back, but had forgotten it until now. Never ceases to amaze should succeed because you have worked hard to meet a stipulation and/or reach a goal, whether it be academic or work-related. Not out of pityis that what it comes down to?

                    life is good.


                      Originally posted by nine_deuce View Post
                      Last time I checked, the official language of the United States was English. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
                      Nah man, you're right. But eh...who knows anymore

                      I find it entertaining that I am asian yet most people expect me to be bilingual.

                      Sorry folks

                      life is good.


                        Originally posted by DJ metadelic View Post
                        I find it entertaining that I am asian yet most people expect me to be bilingual.
                        same, luckly i am though.


                          hmm reminds me of the job market in general nowadays. i actually like this thread.

                          but to be a dick (lol), if your parents are should be too! i hate it when i run into a ruckan who loves his country 9that he never been to) and cant even speak a lick of spanish even though their parents do. my spanish is very poor but its fluent enough to have a conversation. i dunno maybe its just me

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                            That's bullshit.

                            Hell, the black firefighters should be upset as well. They were only allowed in because they were black. What, is racism only bad when it doesn't benefit you?

                            I don't want to be given anything or denied anything based solely on my race.

                            This is what the overly PC world has come to. I guarantee someone said "we can't deny those black people, or they're going to sue us for racism!"
                            Unless all the important questions were "what is it like growing up white or hispanic", then I really don't see how black people failing is racial in any way. When you have 3 groups taking a test, one of those groups is going to perform the worst.


                              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                              That's bullshit.

                              Hell, the black firefighters should be upset as well. They were only allowed in because they were black. What, is racism only bad when it doesn't benefit you?

                              I don't want to be given anything or denied anything based solely on my race.

                              This is what the overly PC world has come to. I guarantee someone said "we can't deny those black people, or they're going to sue us for racism!"
                              Unless all the important questions were "what is it like growing up white or hispanic", then I really don't see how black people failing is racial in any way. When you have 3 groups taking a test, one of those groups is going to perform the worst.
                              your right... but Connecticut is just like that.... they think every lil thing is racism.. just dumb if you ask me and a way to try and get money
                              Originally posted by deevergote
                              wen yous in da import seen yo, u gotta tipe lyke yous from da streetz cuz it showz dat u git mad rezpect yo. toonerz dun tipe lyke dey gotz a edjakashun cuz dat aint coo.

