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just talked to my grandma :)

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    just talked to my grandma :)

    i havent talked to my grandma in so long. just got off the phone with her and im in tears... theres nothing wrong with her, its just i havent seen her in so long. so i think ill be taking a trip to NY this year. maybe in May or June some time. wait til it gets a little warmer. she lives in Staten Island.

    i remember i used to go around the corner from her house and get little debie snacks from the corner store. and every time i went in there there was a quarter the store owner glued to the floor in front of the counter. he had a laugh because id always tried to pick it up. lmao.

    she'd hold block parties. people would call the cops. the cops would come over and the 1st thing she would yell out is "yall come on over here and get some food." sure enough they would. and they'd leave without saying a word about the party. lol.

    Awesomeness! I need to ge tthe kids up to see my Mom's Mom soon. It's been a while. My Dad's Mom passed when I was about 6, but I wish she could have been around to share my family with.

    Go see your grandma! You never know when it'll be too late. If that quarter is still there, and the old man is still there, try to pick it up again.


      Originally posted by visualpoet View Post
      Awesomeness! I need to ge tthe kids up to see my Mom's Mom soon. It's been a while. My Dad's Mom passed when I was about 6, but I wish she could have been around to share my family with.

      Go see your grandma! You never know when it'll be too late. If that quarter is still there, and the old man is still there, try to pick it up again.
      lmao!!! heck naw man. i aint trying that no more. i think i hurt my finger on day trying to get it up. scraped my nail. lol.

      but naw. she's in an old folks home. i asked her why she was there and g-ma being g-ma said "gotta go where the rent's cheaper." lol. but yeah. ill go see her asap. just gotta be able to take a couple days off from work. since she's like 7hrs away from the 12hrs she USED to be when i was little, ill be able to go up there for a day at least.

      i wouldnt know what to do with myself if she were to die tho. id be devastated. she's the one grand parent ive ever been close to.


        Originally posted by Shadow1 View Post
        lmao!!! heck naw man. i aint trying that no more. i think i hurt my finger on day trying to get it up. scraped my nail. lol.

        but naw. she's in an old folks home. i asked her why she was there and g-ma being g-ma said "gotta go where the rent's cheaper." lol. but yeah. ill go see her asap. just gotta be able to take a couple days off from work. since she's like 7hrs away from the 12hrs she USED to be when i was little, ill be able to go up there for a day at least.

        i wouldnt know what to do with myself if she were to die tho. id be devastated. she's the one grand parent ive ever been close to.
        Take a hammer and chisel in ther eand just pop that damn thing off the floor!

        It's hard. I gave the eulogy for my favorite aunt when she passed, because the funeral home person they always used never knew anything about my family. It used to make me angry to listen to some guy that had never met them try to tell their life story. When my grandfather passed, the asshat giving the eulogy didn't even bother to learn how to pronounce the "Croix de Guerre" correctly to mention that my grandfather received his in WWII for his actions. That's when I decided that I would offer to give the eulogy for any family member I could.
        Last edited by visualpoet; 01-09-2010, 11:32 AM.


          Originally posted by visualpoet View Post
          It's hard. I gave the eulogy for my favortie aunt when she passed, because the funeral home person they always used never knew anything about my family. It used to make me angry to listen to some guy that had never met them try to tell their life story. When my grandfather passed, the asshat giving the eulogy didn't even bother to learn how to pronounce the "Croix de Guerre" correctly to mention that my grandfather received his in WWII for his actions. That's when I decided that I would offer to give the eulogy for any family member I could.
          nice man.

          what is "Croix dr Guerre"? how do you even pronounce that?


            Originally posted by Shadow1 View Post
            nice man.

            what is "Croix dr Guerre"? how do you even pronounce that?
            Originally posted by wiki
            The croix de guerre may either be bestowed as a unit award or to individuals who distinguish themselves by acts of heroism involving combat with enemy forces.
            Hard to explain the pronunciation, but he said it much like it's spelled - "Kroiks dee gurrr" It should be more along the lines of "Craw day gehr"


              Originally posted by visualpoet View Post
              Hard to explain the pronunciation, but he said it much like it's spelled - "Kroiks dee gurrr" It should be more along the lines of "Craw day gehr"
              ah.....ok. lol.


                yea dude. see your grandma. its a blessing to still have them around.
                mine passed away in september. she was so great..


                  I never knew my dad's dad, but I knew the rest of my grandparents. My dad's mom raised me as much as my parents did (spoiled me rotten, too! ), and my mom's parents taught me how to live with class. It was an interesting mix between south Philly (dad's side) and proper New England (mom's side).

                  I lost my dad's mom when I was about 13, and my mom's parents in a year's span when I was about 21. I miss them all dearly, and I'd love for any of them to still be around.
                  The last conversation I had with my grandfather (and the best one) was about cars, just before he died. He was chatty as his brain started to go!

                  But yeah, definitely take the time to go see her! Important people aren't in our lives forever... so appreciate them when they're there. She sounds like an awesome lady.

                  Plus, if you come up this way, we have to hang out


                    Originally posted by accord_rider View Post
                    yea dude. see your grandma. its a blessing to still have them around.
                    mine passed away in september. she was so great..
                    yeah. my other 2 grand parents passed before i got to know them. i was like 5 or 6. my mom's dad passed away about 4 years ago from cancer. this is my last grand parent. ill be sure to go see her for sure.

                    Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                    I never knew my dad's dad, but I knew the rest of my grandparents. My dad's mom raised me as much as my parents did (spoiled me rotten, too! ), and my mom's parents taught me how to live with class. It was an interesting mix between south Philly (dad's side) and proper New England (mom's side).

                    I lost my dad's mom when I was about 13, and my mom's parents in a year's span when I was about 21. I miss them all dearly, and I'd love for any of them to still be around.
                    The last conversation I had with my grandfather (and the best one) was about cars, just before he died. He was chatty as his brain started to go!

                    But yeah, definitely take the time to go see her! Important people aren't in our lives forever... so appreciate them when they're there. She sounds like an awesome lady.

                    Plus, if you come up this way, we have to hang out
                    lol. well PM me your number. ill hit you up when i decide to come up there and thats nice to know you at least got to talk to your grand father before he passed. and she is an awesome lady. lol. i love talking to her tho.


                      i couldnt imagine living far away from any of my family!!!

                      all my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents live within 5-15 minutes of me...just the way i like and my cousins are tight, every 2nd weekend we have giant family dinner...a good 25+ aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents show up to whoevers hosting it that night..

                      id probably be lost if i moved away...wouldnt know what to do lol...go see your grandma asap!!!!
                      MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                        Originally posted by stewie View Post
                        i couldnt imagine living far away from any of my family!!!

                        all my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents live within 5-15 minutes of me...just the way i like and my cousins are tight, every 2nd weekend we have giant family dinner...a good 25+ aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents show up to whoevers hosting it that night..

                        id probably be lost if i moved away...wouldnt know what to do lol...go see your grandma asap!!!!
                        thats awesome man. my family used to have a crab feast every year in june. all my family would come down and visit and stay the weekend at my moms house. has a blast. haha.


                          I talk to my grandma all the time, she's the only grandparent I have left. She'll be 93 in 2 months and is as strong as ever.

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                            Originally posted by 4CYLPOWER92 View Post
                            I talk to my grandma all the time, she's the only grandparent I have left. She'll be 93 in 2 months and is as strong as ever.
                            Yeah, my nana will be 94 this year. I write her letters back and forth, normally a few a month, around holidays a little more. Also talk to her on the phone whenever I can, but she's getting bad at remembering phone numbers, and normally she cannot hear the phone. She lives in her own apartment in a senior residential complex, but we're all thinking it's time she go to a senior living community where there's LNA's and LPN's to help her out. She's outlived everyone else, and is the only grandparent I have left. I never knew my dad's father, and my grandmother on his side passed away 4 years ago but she was the shit

                            My other grandfather on my mom's side (who widowed my nana), died when I was like 6. I don't remember a lot about him actually, just that he was hardcore into classic cars. There's still a few photos of him kicking around my parent's house with his old cadi's. I wish he was still around so I could talk to him about cars, since my dad's not really into cars just trucks a little bit.

                            life is good.


                              i never met my dad's dad. he was a WWII vet. he invented some sort of wrench for removing propeller blades. he died a few months before i was born of lung cancer. but my dad's mom is still alive. tho shes almost lost it. and she remarried a nutter. but shes an artist and i love visiting her to see all the new paintings shes done.

                              on moms side gma and gpa are still kicking. tho. we recently lost Duke. the family dog. sad day. that actually sent grandpa into a depression for a little bit. man loves his whiskey. grandma's the sweetest person i know. best damn cook too. grandpa is a hardass but he's pretty cool.

                              oddly enough no one in my family is into cars except me. idk where it comes from

