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What should I do for a living...conundrum

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    What should I do for a living...conundrum

    I've been doing a lot of soul searching the past few months. This all really began my sophomore year high school...and up to now...nearly 12 years later...I still don't have any idea what I should do for a living.

    I studied computer science (c++ programming), psychology my first couple years of college. I couldn't pass my second year c++ classes. I would be given an assignment....rack my brain...and every time the teacher would say "Well I wouldn't think to have done it that way...I guess it does work...but this is how I wanted you to do it" And I ended up making a C in my second year c++ class...ha ha...kinda funny...made a c in c++

    Psychology...well aside from counselors having one of the highest suicide rates (I've heard) I also had a situation with my parents just cutting me off financially so I couldn't afford to go there anymore.

    Next I decided...I like working/fixing my car...seriously I liked r&r'ing parts. Well three years later that job burned me bad and I can't be a mechanic. The job is terrible to your health for one, and I couldn't make money. 1/2 that problem may have been solved by going to a different dealership but the health effects would still be there...I blew out black snot EVERY single day in the shower.

    So now I'm I continue nursing...for which I don't have a passion or strong desire for, but it WOULD be 3x's more than I am/was/have ever made.

    Or do I pursue automotive engineering technologies...then get a masters and be an engineer?

    I also seem to enjoy making floor plans and setting up how a room is layed out. For instance, I make a grid using excell or just by hand (grid paper is never around) I measure the couch's dimensions, or washer/dryer, or microwave, or tv...or all of them...and then lay out the house, then set everything up to see how it all fits. I've done this before in our current trailer to see if knocking out a wall or two would be beneficial and to see how it would look. It was VERY helpful to our planning of how we were going to do things. My drawings are made to scale and accurate...I include drywall thickness in my measurements too to get as accurate as I can.

    Why do I like doing that? I do I pursue a bach/master in architectural engineering? or as just an architect? structural engineering maybe also...though that's mostly just the supports structures...architects do more of what I was doing.

    *sigh...the problems are,
    1. I don't have a passion or really strong desire in anything...just a bunch of interests...

    cars are a hobby, not a profession. I could become my own contractor and build my own house...that doesn't mean I want to do that for a living...this is the hard lesson I learned wasting 3+ years of my life on automotive tech.

    2. I don't have the money to go to a university just to not use another degree...I've got one wasted degree...I don't want another.

    3. I don't have the time to waste on another degree either.

    Nursing would give me options, it would give me the LOWEST pay I NEED to make in order for me to support my wife and get us into our own house/ opposed to living with her parents, only being alone when they are away...they are with us 3 weeks at a time every other's not our house...and the house is a 30 year old trailer that should have been torn down 10 years ago. don't become a nurse for the's a demanding job...sure I could teach or not just work in a hospital but why become a nurse if I'll hate it?

    Is a degree in architecture really what I want to do or is this just some hobby...playing with an idea and seriously getting into the nit and grit are TWO 100% different things! IE...swapping intake on your cb7 is NOTHING like fixing cars in a shop for a living...nothing at all. So is my interest in making floor plans and drawings and mapping out in detail the options available with given space and furniture anyway close to what and architect would do? Is it something I would enjoy or BE ABLE to do? I didn't mind working as a programmer...however I could NOT do and architecture has a lot of math...a subject I like...but not my strongest of subjects...guess that's why I like math...I'm not good at it and I want to be

    I wish there was something I just...was really ecstatic about doing...I was that way with working on cars...supping them up...but working as a mechanic has doused that fire. And I don't have the time or money or skill needed to work supping up cars...and it won't pay the bills either...and that is much more important.

    Being 27, having a useless degree, and living with your in laws kind of has this effect on you...god I just wish something REALLY appealed to me!

    I'm in the same boat right now man. I'm 27 and had to move back in with my parents. I don't have any degrees though. I did too much stupid shit when I was younger and am just now looking at going to college. I really have no clue what to do though. I'm looking into going for auto collision because I love cars and paint and body work is something I know nothing about. It's had my interest for a while but i'm not 100% on it. I went and got my certifications to work offshore but nothing has come of that yet. I'd make a shitload of money but getting your foot in the door to even be able to get out there is hard as hell. It's been back and forth the last couple of years and I have no clue wtf i'm going to do. It sucks right now. At least you do have a degree and have experience with nursing and everything though. It's a start. As far as picking a career though, i'm not too sure myself.


      why were u blowing out black snot???

      idk what i wanna do yet. no matter what proffesion u go for these days. none really makes much money...

      i think imma start a drug dealing business jkkk...

      Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


        the air quality inside a shop is horrific. The guys next to you think that just because that brake dust doesn't have asbestos they can spray the pads and drums with air instead of doing it the right way, washing it with liquid brake cleaner...which...still shoots dust out btw.

        Also, the guy next to you or across from you decides he doesn't want to take the car out side the shop to do a top engine/tb/fuel injector flush/clean so he's gonna do it in the shop...and smokes the hell out of the shop. No one says anything cause they want to do it wise thinking doesn't happen.

        I dunno, I just don't feel passionate about anything...and I haven't DONE enough to really know what I do don't like...I mean I know a few things I don't like, but I can't say I do or don't like architecture or nursing...or whatever. Haven't done them, but I don't have the time or money to waste to spend finding out. Maybe a few more months of soul searching will lead to more answers. The slight draw I have towards something...might be getting drowned out by the fear of failing again. I wasted time/money on computer programming...even MORE on mechanics...if I pursue a bachelors degree it will be even MORE than my associates degree! I can't waste that time/money. I need to find an architect and go to work with them for a few days and shadow them...grr...don't know any.

        I once wanted to help and council troubled youths...or at least kids that didn't quit fit in...sorta like me.

        I wanted to learn to modify my own car and actually use that to help the kids too...have a shop where they could get mechanical advice and counciling too...hell I even was going to make it a ministry as well...spiritual.

        However the more I talked to teens (course I was one at the time myself) the more I realized I got very irritated when they knew the right thing to do or they weren't sure and I told them what the right thing was...and they still did something stupid anyway...I figured that wasn't the job for me if it irritated me that much.

        I guess I got burned worse than I thought... killed a lot of dreams/desires/interests.

        So how do I know that this interest (designing floor plans) is a potential job? *sigh...I've thought about going back to work as a mechanic but I really dread doing that so I figure that isn't the right path. Nursing...not enthusiastic about it either...but I would make a lot better money than as a mechanic..again...that's not a good reason to be a nurse.
        Last edited by bcjammerx; 12-27-2009, 05:03 AM.


          some examples...while this is just basically laying out how things will be organized...I realize it leaves MUCH info out that an architect would have in

          and it doesn't have the wall thickness next phase of this project...I've done a few of these in the past with other little projects...would be to make to scale mock ups of furniture and appliances etc...and to have the walls the correct thickness as well. Again...nothing structural or electrical...just figuring out square footage.

          Click the pictures for larger versions...if desired.

          this was the first rough drawing...seeing if this size was livable for the wife and I...we are pricing metal buildings.

          this was a rough preliminary list of appliances and a few extra things...trying to estimate how much it would cost...I later made a couple other revisions with additional costs...again...rough...preliminary...and leaving out a lot (like plumbing for one!)

          Like I next idea would be to make the wall thickness correct...and throw on cutouts that were LxW accurate of all the appliances to see how they would fit


            I chose engineering and here's why. I first liked hot wheels and legos as a kid building those things way up until age 10 or so. I also liked chess and how there was more then one strategy to overtaking your opponent. Then I got into puzzles and stuff, wouldn't stop til it got done. Finally when I was about 12 or so, I got into Professional R/C cars, the kind you build as a kit and modify certain parts, swap motors, batteries, shock fluid wts, tires, etc. While I was doing that, I purchased my Accord in 2003 when I was 16. So that got me into cars and how I could make things better/faster and more stylish.

            So after HS, I was pretty dead set on being an engineer. I always like taking things apart and fixing things other people thought were just plain and ordinary.

            I enrolled in ASU in the fall of 2005 to pursue a M.E. Degree. Little did I know how boring it would be, just lecture after lecture. So 3 yrs passed and I found ASU Polytechnic. Its WAY more hands on, I got to use a Vertical Mill, CNC, and a Lathe, my very first semester. So thats where I'm currently at. I'm happy with it, it makes me proud to make my own vise out of scratch and my own jack screw project w/ toleranced parts.

            So life's all about taking chances, you just go with what you feel's best and what you're capable of. Only you can decide whats best for you. Its your life, just choose a path and make the best of it and enjoy what you do. I'm sure you've heard about FAFSA and other types of financial aid right? They should be able to help you out. I'm only paying like 450 a semester right now and working part time, so its manageable.

            member's ride thread
            93' EX Coupe H22A w/ P2T4 Sir 5spd 191whp 155 wtq
            99' Lexus LS400 157k VVTi V8 gets up & DD
            91 Accord SE 176k
            97' Honda Odyssey 199k miles...$485 spare van for my parents


              Its tough man

              Back in the day you would just go work in a factory or work your family's farm... now there are so many choices to make, and most of them will either put you in a job you hate, or send you on a dead end career path

              I have no advice for you man. If you don't have a natural talent + passion for something, it's hard to figure out exactly what to do.

              Originally posted by lordoja
              im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                Counseling is my career choice... though it takes at least a Masters to really do anything. I have my BA in psych now, and I couldn't even pull $30,000 a year with it, doing work I would HATE. Counselors aren't all that high paid in many cases. Masters level counselors, especially those working with troubled youth, are often classified as social workers (which would also be a route to consider... possibly faster and easier for you, if you want that). They are also underpaid for the work they do, though.

                You're right, nursing isn't something you should do just for the money. It pays well, so there are many that do... but it's a miserable job if you aren't passionate about it. I considered it myself, and rejected the idea for that very reason. I want to help people... but not that way. I'd hate it, nice paycheck or not.

                If you like diagraming, check into being a Public Adjuster. You can make GOOD money doing that. I met a PA that did work after Katrina hit. He made $250,000 in one year. Granted, that's an exception... but you could do very well doing that. Again, another option I considered, as it was similar in some ways to a job I had a few years ago.
                The best part is, you don't need additional education to do it. Licensing, maybe... but no degrees.


                  I'm at the same point you are. I get these ideas of careers and then go back and forth on them for a while. What really helped me was going to the library and getting some books on the subjects. It kinda sucks reading basically text books in your spare time but gives you a better idea of what your looking at
                  Life's a garden. Dig it.


                    im kinda in the same boat just an age difference. now i had been feeling kinda lost on what i would want to do, just been fucking around and wasting time, not being able to figure out what i want to do. but after switch into my new job and getting more hands on into the world of money, the more i liked it, and now i feel like going to school for that and what better job field to go into then money? the world runs on money....has been for a long time.....and will be for a VERY long time. there is always money to be had in money. and i plan to use that for my personal gain lol....the funny thing is i HATE money and what it makes people and how it does run the world....which is crapy. but hey i gotta eat right? but we will see when i go to school how i like it...hoping its not to mind numbing i still have my reseverse about it and dont want to start hating it later down the road stuck in that dead end cycle. i guess thats every ones normal fear maybe?

                    also is the cost of living high where you live? have you thought about looking for jobs in another city/state? maybe a hospital some where else that pays better or a medical company in another state that has a lower cost of living with affordable housing,plus you can still get the new home buyers credit cant you? thats VERY helpful.... just some food for thought. maybe

                    Sold too: Grumpys93, '93CB7Ex, Bunta, prodh22accord, SSMAccord, fleetw00d


                      Yeah, same exact spot..I went to college for filmmaking, but there's no market anywhere around here in that field. And, I had financial issues, so moving right now isn't an option. I've had to make do with 'regular' jobs just to get by. It sucks. So I hear ya loud and clear. I don't really know where I'm going, where's there's a while, there's a way.

                      life is good.



                        Surprisingly, marketing is an extremely rewarding field that is ever evolving (no thanks to the interwebz) and only requires a very open minded brain with strong problem solving skills.

                        The money is great, the hours are not, but you always have the opportunity to see substantial results from your work.
                        14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


                          Originally posted by Losiracer2 View Post
                          I enrolled in ASU in the fall of 2005 to pursue a M.E. Degree. Little did I know how boring it would be, just lecture after lecture. So 3 yrs passed and I found ASU Polytechnic. Its WAY more hands on, I got to use a Vertical Mill, CNC, and a Lathe, my very first semester. So thats where I'm currently at. I'm happy with it, it makes me proud to make my own vise out of scratch and my own jack screw project w/ toleranced parts.

                          So life's all about taking chances, you just go with what you feel's best and what you're capable of. Only you can decide whats best for you. Its your life, just choose a path and make the best of it and enjoy what you do. I'm sure you've heard about FAFSA and other types of financial aid right? They should be able to help you out. I'm only paying like 450 a semester right now and working part time, so its manageable.
                          So you are no longer going for the masters? Or is it just a different subject?

                          Money is a big thing...when I made 15k a year I only got 300 for financial aid that didn't even pay for the books in one of my 4 financial aid isn't something I'm counting on. But still...every little bit helps. Yeah...I think I will have to take another leap...just rather make an educated guess than a blind stumble Got a book on order from amazon that should help me decide.

                          Originally posted by gloryaccordy View Post
                          Its tough man

                          Back in the day you would just go work in a factory or work your family's farm... now there are so many choices to make, and most of them will either put you in a job you hate, or send you on a dead end career path

                          I have no advice for you man. If you don't have a natural talent + passion for something, it's hard to figure out exactly what to do.
                          Well my dad and grand father were both machinists, my dad then went into the ministry...great for his faith I guess but it killed us financially and crippled us spiritually too actually. I thought about being a machinist...I might look into that again...doesn't feel right though.

                          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                          Counseling is my career choice... though it takes at least a Masters to really do anything. I have my BA in psych now, and I couldn't even pull $30,000 a year with it, doing work I would HATE. Counselors aren't all that high paid in many cases. Masters level counselors, especially those working with troubled youth, are often classified as social workers (which would also be a route to consider... possibly faster and easier for you, if you want that). They are also underpaid for the work they do, though.
                          Right, from what I've read up on you don't make a living with psych degree unless it's a can get by with a masters...but for the level of education you have the pay is no where near accurate. I don't have the patience to get a doctorate!

                          If you like diagraming, check into being a Public Adjuster...
                          I'll look into that.

                          Originally posted by I<3MyHonda View Post
                          ...What really helped me was going to the library and getting some books on the subjects....
                          Got one on the way!

                          Originally posted by baracuda View Post
                          im kinda in the same boat just an age difference. now i had been feeling kinda lost on what i would want to do, just been fucking around and wasting time, not being able to figure out what i want to do. but after switch into my new job and getting more hands on into the world of money, the more i liked it, and now i feel like going to school for that and what better job field to go into then money?...
                          like banking? I took accounting classes in high school...I liked it until we got to the part where there were like five HUGE pages we had to transfer back and forth confusing...seemed highly inefficient and overly I didn't like it...I assumed if I didn't like accounting I prolly wouldn't like banking.

                          also is the cost of living high where you live? have you thought about looking for jobs in another city/state? maybe a hospital some where else that pays better or a medical company in another state that has a lower cost of living with affordable housing,plus you can still get the new home buyers credit cant you? thats VERY helpful.... just some food for thought. maybe
                          well...that's another of our problems, cost of living is prolly low where I live and higher where I NEED to live (austin area, dallas area) to go to these schools. And...I brought two big dogs in when we got wife has FIVE...and a horse. More than likely we will HAVE to find other homes for them all...otherwise we'll have to find a place with at least 5 acres...2 acres if we lose the horse

                          Originally posted by verothacamaro View Post

                          Surprisingly, marketing is an extremely rewarding field that is ever evolving (no thanks to the interwebz) and only requires a very open minded brain with strong problem solving skills.

                          The money is great, the hours are not, but you always have the opportunity to see substantial results from your work.
                          I don't think I'm creative like that. I guess I should learn some more about it though, don't know much about the field honestly. Something else to read up on

                          I also emailed the local architecture association chapter for east texas and asked if I could go to job and see first hand what architects do
                          Last edited by bcjammerx; 12-28-2009, 07:58 AM.


                            people dont understand how many possible fields you can specialize in in the autmotive industry.

                            you can go from engineering to marketing. I thought the same, keep cars a hobby however at the time, the only thing i could think about was cars.

                            Now im in automotive machining (dying industry) but also getting into smog checks since CA is very regulated and its only getting tighter. if you cant beat them join them...
                            I <3 G60.

                            0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                              Originally posted by wed3k View Post
                              people dont understand how many possible fields you can specialize in in the autmotive industry.

                              you can go from engineering to marketing. I thought the same, keep cars a hobby however at the time, the only thing i could think about was cars.

                              Now im in automotive machining (dying industry) but also getting into smog checks since CA is very regulated and its only getting tighter. if you cant beat them join them...
                              all too true...if I had the time I could go ahead and go with something engineering wise...or get into the machining aspect of it. Machinist make about 30k around where I am, some can get 35-40 a year, but most get 30-35...and that just won't cut takes a LOT of money to have your own house/land and support yourself and a wife...if I add kids...she will HAVE to work. I don't want her to HAVE to work. And making a lot of money in the automotive field...I don't really see how I can be guaranteed to...other fields I have that guarantee... and I need that...not much of a gambler . Of course the problem may be that I just don't know enough of what's out there in automotive to really make that decision...I'm just going off what I've seen first hand. As a mechanic...didn't like isn't there.

                              With architecture I won't make but 35-40 right off...more like 37, then as the years go by I'll just make more and more, up to 70k a year...possibly 90k or more but not likely...I aim high but plan low.

                              With nursing it's a guaranteed 40 right off with 70k very possible (my father in law did this his first/second year out of school...and I know how I can tricks just working nights, weekends, and getting certs) But I WANT to be a nurse or do I want the pay? I and my patients will suffer if I don't want to do will my pay.

                              The trick is finding something I like and that will pay...well that's the trick for me anyway...shouldn't be so damn tricky... it is for me I don't know...

