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I'm disappointed in the people i thought i knew best...

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    I worked with her brother and we used to hang out occassionally, so id see her or id go over to his place and she was there. Of course we talked, but like i said, at the time, i had no interest in her. She my buddy's little sister. And like i said, over the years id get texts or little emails or whatever from him or from her just saying Hi and what-not, but nothing deep or that lasted beyond a few responses. They started getting more frequent and closer in date, from her and then we just started talking and she had grown up and what-not and we were just friends. The rest you know.

    As for her ranking, Tomi, she's working on that, lol. She's hopefully going in as an E2, MAYBE E3. Depends on how her schooling goes. It's the Reserves, so deployment may or may not be an issue, but she's medical. ->68 Whiskey / Mike 6. 3274th USAH Ft Bragg.

    Her BCT is in Fort Sill, in Oklahoma then her AIT is at Fort Houston, in San Antonio. Fort Sill's a helluva place. Tough place. After a few years she wants to move up here to Leonard-Wood.

    Kids arent on the menu for at least 6+ years and we're gonna do everything to prevent that, lol. Thats one of things we both agreed on, lol.

    We're both still young. This relationship is different for both of us. Neither of us have felt the way we do for eachother, than we have for anyone else. Ultimately, only time will tell.

    KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
    Originally posted by Jarrett
    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


      Bro, 6 years ago she was 12. I wouldn't call that "knowing" her. For example I met my girl at my 24th birthday party, I wouldn't say I knew her until we actually hung out 3 months later.

      Originally posted by lordoja
      im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


        I didnt "know" her. She was my friend's sister whom i saw on occassion. She'd come home after we got home from school or we'd both have to work late one night and be at work early the next so id crash at his place. We'd stay up late playing video games and listening to music. Most times she was there hanging out too.

        It wasnt until later, before we really started talking that she told me she had liked me.

        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          all signs pointing to wait it out

          "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
          "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
          "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


            I gotta know, just for myself....

            What is the draw of an 18 year old vs someone say 21-22? Between the years of 18 through I'd say 24 chicks prob go through the biggest emotional changes of their lives.

            Originally posted by lordoja
            im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


              Originally posted by gloryaccordy View Post
              I gotta know, just for myself....

              What is the draw of an 18 year old vs someone say 21-22? Between the years of 18 through I'd say 24 chicks prob go through the biggest emotional changes of their lives.
              He didn't go shopping for an 18 year old... it just kinda happened that way.

              I'm sure someone a little older would've been the target, had he been shopping.


                Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                He didn't go shopping for an 18 year old... it just kinda happened that way.

                I'm sure someone a little older would've been the target, had he been shopping.
                And really .. what's 7 years difference anyhow? In Europe, anywhere else in the wolrd for that matter,
                but especially in Europe, age is really no real big issue at all ...

                Besides .. in 10 years .. that 7 years shrinks pretty fast ..
                American's have always been hung up about things that don't really matter all that much.
                We seem to place our priorities on other, more insignificant things ..

                My x-wife was 4 years older then me .. and some people, not all, but some folks
                seemed to make something out of nothing .. I've never understood it actually.

                Being in Germany during my militrary years really opened my eyes in terms of how different
                other people in different countries think about things .. And keep in mind, I didn't just stay in Germany,
                I went to sooo many other countries .. I surfed in Spain, Morocco .. France.
                I got to visit East Berlin .. I worked in Greece once a year .. man ..

                Coming back to America, was almost like a step back in time .. difficult to explain,
                but once you've been outside of America, it's a bit easier to understand ..

                I knew a guy I golfed with in Florida .. a red-neck so true to the name, it wasn't even funny ..
                Like that comedian (I forget his name) but, "You know you're a red-neck when .. "
                But this guy had never been on an airplane .. he never left the state of Florida for that matter.
                And he was 32 !!!!! I played golf with this guy twice .. and he thought we still lived in grass shacks in Hawaii!

                Of course, being the funny guy I am .. I never told him any different ..
                Mark, the person I played golf with all the time, asked me if I was ever gonna tell him the truth.
                I said man .. if the dude would buy a computer, or even a television .. he could teach himself!

                Being the photograher person that I am .. I guess you have to have a certain amount of voyeurism in you.
                I believe all real photographers do .. it's just the nature of the beast .. we watch people.
                With that said .. I've noticed (no matter where I've been in the world) that women
                always look at other women .. their shoes .. their clothes .. you name it ..
                It's like a competition thing or something .. where-as men, never notice a fawkin thing about each other. LOL!

                We're a strange species us humans .. ok well, maybe not strange, but, we are different.

                But to each their own as they say .. and who are we to discriminate a couple's age?
                Doesn't matter one bit to me .. as long as they're happy, who am I to say anything?


                My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                  shit man, im happy for you. fuck all these people that talk shit.

                  do this for you but just keep your head up and look at all the positive things in life. so many people are negative in this time and age.

                  (Is she hawt?)
                  I <3 G60.

                  0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                    Wes, fuck yes she's hot!

                    I know theres a pic or 2 floating around....

                    Yeah, the age was kind of a big deal, but as we get older, the lesser of a deal it will be. Even now, its not too bad of a deal. The funny thing is, when her mom was 18, she married a 28yr old. !0 years later, they divorced and her mom married a guy her own age. A few years later, she married a guy 10 years younger than her, lol. All her men have been late-20s, lol.

                    My first step-dad was 9 years older than my mom, and my dad's current wife is 10 years older than him. It feels weird now, but in a few years it wont be so bad.

                    Tomi, she's from NC and some of the people down there arent too bright either, if ya know what i mean. My girl is smart and very intelligent, but there are a few things she's a little naive about herself, lol, but theyre cute little things.

                    KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                    Originally posted by Jarrett
                    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                      I have an aunt and uncle 17 years apart and they have been married just shy of 30 years.
                      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!




                        Also, our signs match. Me a Saggitarius, her a Pisces.

                        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                        Originally posted by Jarrett
                        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                          Originally posted by greencb7inkc View Post
                          Tomi, she's from NC and some of the people down there arent too bright either, if ya know what i mean. My girl is smart and very intelligent, but there are a few things she's a little naive about herself, lol, but theyre cute little things.
                          Oboy ..
                          Errrr, yeah, I do know what you mean .. and yes, they are just the cuuuutest .. they really are!
                          Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                          I have an aunt and uncle 17 years apart and they have been married just shy of 30 years.
                          Now there's proof for anyone .. I rest my case!


                          My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                            congats man. like said b4 they might be looking out for u and they might b hatin on u. but alot of the time they are happy for u atleast deep down. dont pay mind to all of that shit. just keep ur head up and be happy that ur soon to be wife still wants to make it work. hope all goes well and good luck man


                              My only input is that, for both of your sakes' (you and your girl's) I hope that everyone else is wrong about you two. Congrats, though. That's a very special thing in life, and few people ever find it; you really sound like you love the girl. I must say, man to man, I'm proud of ya, dude. You seem like a good guy, and she'd be lucky to have such a dedicated husband. Good luck, man!

