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Reformatting and installing Windows without a CD... USB drive?

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    Reformatting and installing Windows without a CD... USB drive?

    Ok... I don't have a working disc drive. I think I'm going to reformat today, after dumping all my stuff onto an external drive.

    However, without a working disc drive, I can't install Windows the way I always have in the past. I really don't want to buy and install a drive that I'm rarely going to use just do this if there's another way.

    I have a 1gb USB drive. Could I use that as a bootable device and install Windows from that? Is there anything special I'd need to do, if it's possible?

    I was going to say, i'm about to upgrade one of my drives finally to DVD format, you could have my CD rom drive but it'll take a day or two to get to you. it's IDE and all that jazz, nothing wrong with it, just upgrading.

    wait nevermind.. i remember now you said you were doing this to a laptop or something,


      nah, it's my desktop... I have drives laying around that I could probably use... but I don't want to deal with it. I have to deal with all my software... I don't feel like tearing int the hardware as well!



        i found that via google, hope it helps.

