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Cocain addicts on medicaid

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    there's a certain ethnicity tha thinks the world owes them something because of what they went through.

    Im not bitter though.
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      You really wanna know whats bullshit? Having the Govt. take out $531 a paycheck for fucking taxes. At the end of the year I'd be lucky to get back 1/5 of the total taxes paid.

      IF you are young, single, no kids, you will be fucking screwed by the govt.
      Last edited by bruno8747; 10-19-2009, 10:56 PM.


        Originally posted by bruno8747 View Post
        You really wanna know whats bullshit? Having the Govt. take out $531 a paycheck for fucking taxes. At the end of the year I'd be lucky to get back 1/5 of the total taxes paid.

        IF you are young, single, no kids, you will be fucking screwed by the govt.

        531 a check? seems like alot. mine is about 200 or so a check...are you getting paid every two weeks? I get paid every week making about $20 an hour.


          Originally posted by wed3k View Post
          there's a certain ethnicity tha thinks the world owes them something because of what they went through.
          Oh yeah!?!? so which ethnicity are you talking about? I am just curious? What point are you trying to point out here?

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            Originally posted by 93sleeper View Post
            Oh yeah!?!? so which ethnicity are you talking about? I am just curious? What point are you trying to point out here?
            I think hes trying to point out the lot of people of african decent that are helluh racist... because some other people were racist helluh long ago. And now think that since people the same color as them a long time ago were treated badly they should get to sit around and get drunk all day instead of working for anything.

            I'm not racist im not saying black people are lazy or anything...There are just as many white people doing the same thing. I'm saying there are alot of black people that don't do shit and think they are owed something.


              Originally posted by Whutface View Post
              I think hes trying to point out the lot of people of african decent that are helluh racist... because some other people were racist helluh long ago. And now think that since people the same color as them a long time ago were treated badly they should get to sit around and get drunk all day instead of working for anything.

              I'm not racist im not saying black people are lazy or anything...There are just as many white people doing the same thing. I'm saying there are alot of black people that don't do shit and think they are owed something.
              The point that I am trying to make is that people of all races.... white, black, or whatever background.... believe that someone owes them something. I think it is crazy someone would randomly imply out of the races that people of african expect something in return due to slavery. I am not sure what type of black people you have come across but I just wanted to inform you that not all black people expect to something in return and to imply that one particular race (black people) are always looking for something in return is pure ignorance. Sorry but it is!!

              Now back to bcjammerx.... Now I understand your frustration as a person trying to make it this crazy world and believe it or not I think we are all in the same boat. Maybe not in your exact situation but one point that I want to make is even though this lady is getting assistance in 5 to 7 years the way your progressing you will double or even triple what your currently salary when you get out of college. The lady that your referring to probably be in the same if not worst situation or maybe not even alive. A lot of times we (as in me and you) focus on what is currently happening in our life and rarely do we stay focus on steady progression of our life. Not to make this a long response but I really think if you stay focused on school use the love of your wife as your momentum you will push your way through all your struggles. Based on the little information that you have said it seem like your have been doing a great job. You got a love wife, a roof over your head, got goals, in school, and a steady job. I wish you the best!!!

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                Well...I'm not trying to hate on minorities for what they get...I'm pissed because the aid is not equal. Race shouldn't play a role in what aid you get, how much you make should. In fact...if someone offers aid only to certain races that should be illegal. It had it's place but not anymore!

                Of course the NAACP isn't racist...but a NAAWP WOULD be...that's bs...and another part of the problem.

                What I don't get is the sheer lack of help there is for caucasians. I was watching LPB the other day and it said that caucasians are the poorest race...yet...there is more aid for "minorities" then "white"s

                again...I'm glad there is help out there for people...but there isn't help out there for me because I am white and I'm paying for everyone else to get aid/help...but I can't get any.

                I applied for food stamps...I made too much...I couldn't afford the health insurance offered by my shop and I HAD to live with two other people to afford rent (split three ways), I never went and did anything because I couldn't even afford the gas to just drive downtown...but I couldn't get food stamps or medicaid. Then lucky me, while I was trying to look into other ins. appendix decided to go south on me...still owe my dad $3000 for that.

                calling my congressman or whatever won't do shit...oh well. I have decent health/life/death ins. long as I don't lose my job that is...I make a LITTLE bit more money now, more than when I was a tech at least.

                oh well that's the way it works in this world...I just gotta keep pushing up, at times I get down, but I won't stay down...just gotta keep pushing up.

                Reminds me of the time I nearly drown in the ocean...Damn I almost forgot about that. I was 15, we went to the gulf with our church. I had never been in the ocean before, wadded out waist deep...bounced with the thing I realize, the water was neck deep not waist deep. Waves kept coming, I would take a breath RIGHT before a wave hit, but the water kept getting deeper. No one would help, I screamed for help but the life guard just rode around on her 4wheeler, I guess no one could see/hear me.

                I said to God...if you're making this my last day on earth, I'm going down fighting and you're gonna have to drag me there! Damn did it feel like He was too! I would take a breath...go under and swim...push off the bottom...come up...take a breath...swim dammit swim. Eventually I got the more shallow water where I got more breaths in between each swim...finally I got above the water.

                I was pissed at everyone around me for not helping, a little embarrassed for putting myself out in a situation I knew nothing about. I was all alone, and I came out all alone. All my friend were playing volley ball right where I came up one even noticed how out of breath and tired and pissed I was. Kinda how I feel about life really. It's me against it, and no one is going to help me...little by little I'll get strength and rise out of the drowning water.

                But if that's not God's will...well dammit I'm gonna go down fighting because that isn't the life I want...been there...seen the t-shirt...and not a fan


                  Originally posted by bcjammerx View Post
                  Well...I'm not trying to hate on minorities for what they get...I'm pissed because the aid is not equal. Race shouldn't play a role in what aid you get, how much you make should. In fact...if someone offers aid only to certain races that should be illegal. It had it's place but not anymore!

                  Of course the NAACP isn't racist...but a NAAWP WOULD be...that's bs...and another part of the problem.

                  What I don't get is the sheer lack of help there is for caucasians. I was watching LPB the other day and it said that caucasians are the poorest race...yet...there is more aid for "minorities" then "white"s

                  again...I'm glad there is help out there for people...but there isn't help out there for me because I am white and I'm paying for everyone else to get aid/help...but I can't get any.

                  I applied for food stamps...I made too much...I couldn't afford the health insurance offered by my shop and I HAD to live with two other people to afford rent (split three ways), I never went and did anything because I couldn't even afford the gas to just drive downtown...but I couldn't get food stamps or medicaid. Then lucky me, while I was trying to look into other ins. appendix decided to go south on me...still owe my dad $3000 for that.
                  Based on your comments.....Your saying that you don't get food stamps because your are white. I am sorry but I don't beleive that race has anything to do it. It has a lot to do with the fact that you honestly make to much money or you live in a decent area of the city. Do you live in the projects? If you had child or you lived in the projects, I know for a fact that you would qualify for food stamps. In your situation, the only person who you are looking after is your wife and yourself. Backing up to the lady that you stated earlier, she mainly gets food stamps or medicad because she has children or see lives in the a seriously ruff neighborhood which is sad but probably very true. Not trying to take away from what's going on but I think blaming minorities (whatever race) or sticking your finger at other people isn't the answer. I live in Atlanta and I know tons of black, white, and other races on food stamps and medicad but the constant factor for all of them live in the projects or they have child(ren). In the end, I am not trying to be an ass but until you have experience first hand what it's like to be in someone point of view you honestly can classify a race of people as anything because honestly you don't know every situation. This statement even applies for me. I still wish you the best and I hope you start to focus on the positive side of the situation instead of the negative. In due time if you stay focus anything is possible. In order for you to make that change you first have to change your state of mind of how you view your situation.

                  Last edited by 93sleeper; 10-21-2009, 05:42 PM.

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                    Alot of places get tax breaks for hiring minorities.

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                    Originally posted by Jarrett
                    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                      take this personal story to heart.

                      im in louisiana. during hurricane IKE my white 40-50y/o coworkers condo was destroyed. her (white) and her male (25-30y/o) african american room mate had to move out to another appt together. they BOTH went to apply for FEMA and aid (food stamps) AT THE SAME TIME TOGETHER SIDE BY SIDE IN LINE and even listed eachother as living together.

                      she gets a too bad so sad
                      the guy gets aid, food stamps and like 4k a month even 6 months after the hurricane hit.

                      government is corrupt and b/s i hate the united states government and i served my time in the air force so im not just some lil shit.
                      this shit is y we have taxes. this shit is y we have to much debt and recession. cause of bs like this that our government allows. its not fair its total shit.
                      Last edited by xkjnboix; 10-21-2009, 05:54 PM.




                        You should contact the Department of Economic Security in the area and report fraud. If she's on drugs they can pull her insurance. At least I think so. I'm fairly certain the .gov would love to deny someone else help.


                          Originally posted by xkjnboix View Post
                          take this personal story to heart.

                          im in louisiana. during hurricane IKE my white 40-50y/o coworkers condo was destroyed. her (white) and her male (25-30y/o) african american room mate had to move out to another appt together. they BOTH went to apply for FEMA and aid (food stamps) AT THE SAME TIME TOGETHER SIDE BY SIDE IN LINE and even listed eachother as living together.

                          she gets a too bad so sad
                          the guy gets aid, food stamps and like 4k a month even 6 months after the hurricane hit.

                          government is corrupt and b/s i hate the united states government and i served my time in the air force so im not just some lil shit.
                          this shit is y we have taxes. this shit is y we have to much debt and recession. cause of bs like this that our government allows. its not fair its total shit.
                          Did they work at the same place? They had the same income? What was the factors of them approving and disapproving people? Something doesn't seem right. I can honestly say that doesn't make sense but there has to be some type of criteria. Also, I honestly don't think the government is fair. Prime example speaking of the government, I tutor a lot of high school and middle students in High school math. I mostly tutor students for Free and get paid by the government for helping at risk students. Just so happens most of the students are minorities.....go figure. Now the weird things is that all the schools that my students attend are HEAVILY recruited by navy, army, and marines but when I tutor my rich students the concept of joining the army or any government agency is never even a thought. Why is that?

                          Originally posted by greencb7inkc View Post
                          Alot of places get tax breaks for hiring minorities.
                          SO?? How is this a bad thing? Honestly I think this is great. If I owned a company I would want my company to diverse. Wouldn't you? Is it possible to have a all minority company? Go to your job and see how many minorities are in high corporate positions. How many shows are on TV about rich minorities blow millions of dollars?

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                            Originally posted by Flatline View Post
                            this is something i can relate to. I refuse to get help from the government because i know someone else actually needs it. i do qualify in FL for food stamps. But why would i get food stamps when i could use a bit of the money i earned to buy my food?

                            My mother on the other hand has a degenerative bone disease, scoliosis, two rods in her back holding it in because her back is an "s" shape, and a metal plate in her neck.

                            She can't even get disability or SSI and she has my 2 brothers who are barely in middle school and both need glasses.

                            Same here. My whole spine is fused with rods screws and kryttons bone and I can't get on disability either. I can't lift 30 pounds hardly or my back hurts. I got be SUPER easy to make sure I can do what I gotta do. No help for me.

                            I don't EVER complain about the government, but I feel there should be more help for people in need. Not me so much as people who have REAL disabilities. I'm not disabled, I'm just... I don't know, I have trouble doing some things.
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                              so because I chose to live with three roomies instead of living by we wouldn't have to live in an area where there are gang shootings and where our cars get broken into weekly...I should not get food stamps? I know for a fact that if I were a minority at the same income I would have more govt. assistance. So is because I am missed my point.

                              There is more aid available for non-whites and that's bs...I'm glad they get help and I don't think they should get less help...I just think I should get MORE help...CONSIDERING I GET ZERO HELP!!!

                     should be based on your income alone nothing else...that's my point. After all ...if I live in the projects I would have more money to my name as I would have spent LESS on rent and utilities...that makes no sense.

                              Either way, I won't let it get me just pissed me off that day in particular because I kept having to listen to that bitch cuss my charge nurse out because the doc refused to give her narcotics. She demands a foley cath each time she comes in even though she can get up and walk PERFECTLY fine, she doesn't want to be stuck on the toilet (they give her lasix)


                                Originally posted by 93sleeper View Post
                                SO?? How is this a bad thing? Honestly I think this is great. If I owned a company I would want my company to diverse. Wouldn't you? Is it possible to have a all minority company? Go to your job and see how many minorities are in high corporate positions. How many shows are on TV about rich minorities blow millions of dollars?
                                People should be hired on qualification for the position they seek. As far as the 'How many shows are on TV about rich minorities blowing millions of dollars?' What about Brewster's Millions? Last time I checked, Richard Pryor was a minority. And lets not forget all those rap videos.

                                So where is this thread going? Sounds like in a bad direction, to me.
                                Last edited by mj213; 10-22-2009, 03:31 PM.

