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The Pain A Gurl Can Cause :(

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    The Pain A Gurl Can Cause :(

    Damn dudes idk where to start. But why is it when you give the girl all you can give her and treat like shes the ONLY one in the earth? They end up treating you like shit and playing you behind your back??? Worst off ALL she got pregnant one month after she left me.(ITS NOT MINE) i know for a fact. Its been awile since i broke up with this gurl like almost 7 months but damn sometimes out of the blue I remember the good times whe had and it hurts because those good times came the bad times and I get to a point where...Are ALL the girls the same. Which in theory there not but I have had pretty much badluck. And im not a type of guy that looks for going to (the movies)lol. im more of a chill laid back guy lookn for a serious relationship but i get screwed! But either way ive been a CB guy ever since like 10years old and thats my majority of time that went into CBs and thats what helps me keep my head up but its like Damn does it hurt what gurls can do to you. Idk if any of you guys gone thru this id like to see your points of you and how you manage not to get flashbacks!lol
    Last edited by DejectedAngel; 10-08-2009, 08:45 AM.

    I know what you mean man. I got out of an almost six year relationship less than a year ago. We had a child and I don't even know if she is mine or not. She cheated on me numerous times and some of the guys were good friends of mine. Now she's 800 miles away with my daughter and I still think about what went wrong alot. Between that and trying to not drink as much I drove myself insane for a while. About the only thing I can tell you is to try and keep busy. If you start feeling bad then call someone, work on your car, do yard work if you have to lol. Just don't sit around if you can help it. Hell post up something on here. There's people here willing to help out. That's about all I really know to do though is just try and stay busy. They say it just takes time but dammit if it didn't take me alot of it.


      Man thanks for your words. Its alot beta when i see that someones gone tru the same or atleast the same. Yea i try stay busy and wen i work in my cb i really get into it aswell as work. I dont get flashbacks that often its just wen i do that i think about it. But i know that we need to keep going and our head up and dont look back.!
      Originally posted by Brandoncb7 View Post
      I know what you mean man. I got out of an almost six year relationship less than a year ago. We had a child and I don't even know if she is mine or not. She cheated on me numerous times and some of the guys were good friends of mine. Now she's 800 miles away with my daughter and I still think about what went wrong alot. Between that and trying to not drink as much I drove myself insane for a while. About the only thing I can tell you is to try and keep busy. If you start feeling bad then call someone, work on your car, do yard work if you have to lol. Just don't sit around if you can help it. Hell post up something on here. There's people here willing to help out. That's about all I really know to do though is just try and stay busy. They say it just takes time but dammit if it didn't take me alot of it.


        Yeah me and my ex broke up a month or so before May of this year and it's just now getting to where if she says stuff that would normally bother me that I really just don't give a shit. That's pretty much the first girl I fell in love with and eventually it had to come to an end. We still talk of course because I call all the time to talk to my little one but other than that nothing much. It's taken a while but most of it doesn't really phase me anymore.


          Dang man i know how you must feel. Well hopefully i can get to the point where if i do remember its just like watever and not feel down for what happen like i do now!
          Originally posted by Brandoncb7 View Post
          Yeah me and my ex broke up a month or so before May of this year and it's just now getting to where if she says stuff that would normally bother me that I really just don't give a shit. That's pretty much the first girl I fell in love with and eventually it had to come to an end. We still talk of course because I call all the time to talk to my little one but other than that nothing much. It's taken a while but most of it doesn't really phase me anymore.


            Originally posted by DejectedAngel View Post
            Dang man i know how you must feel. Well hopefully i can get to the point where if i do remember its just like watever and not feel down for what happen like i do now!
            you'll get there just give it time.


              Working on my car helped in ways, but really, it never did. It made the car worse.

              I landed in a ditch the last time. Before then, I stripped and snapped two screws into my hood (on the same side too!) and before then, I hit a fence post with my door and destroyed the door and fender.

              All I can say is keep busy. If you can manage not to kill your car accidentally, then work on the CB.


                Originally posted by DejectedAngel View Post
                Dang man i know how you must feel. Well hopefully i can get to the point where if i do remember its just like watever and not feel down for what happen like i do now!
                Yeah it'll just take a little while. It'll happen though. When you least expect you'll notice that you've been out doing your own thing or whatever and it's not bothering you too much anymore.


                  Yea im giving it time. I just get thoughtful of why would a gurl ever do that? But its just a question that probably many of us ask with no exact awnser! Maybe if a girl can tell us there point of view we can actually see what goes in there mind!
                  Originally posted by BB6-SH View Post
                  you'll get there just give it time.


                    Man have i ever been tru that of keeping busy and messing things up. Luckly not my
                    Originally posted by True-BlueCB7 View Post
                    Working on my car helped in ways, but really, it never did. It made the car worse.

                    I landed in a ditch the last time. Before then, I stripped and snapped two screws into my hood (on the same side too!) and before then, I hit a fence post with my door and destroyed the door and fender.

                    All I can say is keep busy. If you can manage not to kill your car accidentally, then work on the CB.


                      That i hope comes around soon. Not that it stops me from doing what i have do to just that remembering is what pauses me for a sec. But with time it will all change!
                      Originally posted by Brandoncb7 View Post
                      Yeah it'll just take a little while. It'll happen though. When you least expect you'll notice that you've been out doing your own thing or whatever and it's not bothering you too much anymore.


                        Originally posted by DejectedAngel View Post
                        Yea im giving it time. I just get thoughtful of why would a gurl ever do that? But its just a question that probably many of us ask with no exact awnser! Maybe if a girl can tell us there point of view we can actually see what goes in there mind!
                        That's like asking about an ex boyfriend of theirs sometimes. Like I would ask my ex why she slept with my best friend but the reason wouldn't matter. They still fucked and i'll still hate both of them for it. It's just random relationship BS that happens and that you have to learn to deal with. Most women are bitches lol. I'd rather it happen now instead of years down the road though.


                          Well thats why you gotta flip the script. You see you put in too much girls want the opposite. Some will try to push you to go over the edge to over-do it you gotta play it smooth. Dont give them all the effort in 1 shot. You gotta give em just a little because you give them too much theyll think your easy and that your a push-over so they can just use you anytime they want. They dont want that...

                          So what you have to do is chill with her once in awhile let her miss you for a minute. Then come back and chill once in awhile again dont buy her anything because shes gonna want more.

                          And if you do buy her something let it be small and cheaply affordable and if she dont like it fuck her take it back. Its the thought that counts thatll let you know wether she appreciates the things you do for her.

                          As for the kid thing careful with that i know chicks from a far and near that do shit like have kids by other dude or multiple dude and use them for the check . While the next dude thinks hes good by stickin with her and he doesnt realize hes being used too.

                          Maybe she bounced on you and went back to the dude who shes messed around with because its not yours and shes afraid of the outcome of if it isnt. And heads up she may try to pin it on you later if that dude bounces on her like yeah its now your kid.

                          Then if that dude over the years comes back your fucked hes gonna be like yo thanks for takin care of my kid all these years couldnt have done it without your support lol.


                            Im right there with ya dude. your not the only one.

                            It'll get better, it always does.


                            I ♥/Miss My Coupe


                              Dont worry about it mang life goes on youll find one but a better one. Trust me the worlds not gonna end over some chick.

