Poof, Pinch...ooooh, some vile sounds permeated through my pungent and ripe anus. The simmering smell of deep fried rotten beef aromatically filled the air like a harsh cologne. I turned, and realized it was me, my gaseous fruits were escaping from my pie hole in an unorthodox fashion. I quickly pinched and did the "suffocate to the seat" method, but it was no use, this baby had to be released, it was clearly well passed its delivery date. I darted out of my seat, crop dusting the path like hansel and gretel, except my bread crumb trail was filled with heaps of methane. I see the golden stall nearly 20 feet away, when I realize it's being cleaned. The overwhelming feeling in my dumper is beyond a turtle head, it's been crowned like a baby being born. I take a quick left and see a faculty toilet, I dart in, nesting the chariot with as much paper as I could find. As the deep seeded explosion fires from my anal missle bay, feelings of relief filled my so fragile heart. It felt like Christmas came early this year, and for me, that toilet spelled Saint Nick. The End.
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My Shit Story for This Week
That's bad man, real bad! shaking my head and laughing inside with a sinester smile upon my face!Nova: A star that suddenly increases it's light output tremendously and then fades away to its former obscurity in a few months or years.
Supernova: One of the rarely observed nova outbursts in which the maximum intrinsic luminosity may reach 100 million times that of the sun.