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Swine Flu Vaccines? what are your opinions on it

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    Originally posted by bcjammerx View Post
    You're right, it doesn't onset faster, it doesn't have more lethal symptoms, it has the same effect as the regular flu...which btw...the "regular" flu has STILL killed more people than h1n1. It's just different enough that our current anti-bodies don't respond to it quickly.

    It's not like ebola flu or's just another strand of's spreading because we don't have anti-bodies for it...but...we don't have anti-bodies for the other flu either...but we do have a shot for the "regular" flu. However the h1n1...they are just now coming out with the that's why it's spreading.

    If you get the matter which...take tylenol if your temp gets over 100, otherwise let it ride...a fever actually is neccisary to fight off disease. Don't let it get over 100. IF you've taken tylenol (1000mg) and it still doesn't go down, THEN go to the ER (unless your family doc is open). Drink lots of clear fluids (beer doesn't count) and rest...SAME as the regular flu.

    Do not go to the ER for a flu...
    1. your family doc is not visit over $500 no doc under $200 no insurance...don't be stupid.
    2. your temp doesn't respond to tylenol/ibuprofen.
    3. you cannot stop vommiting
    4. you have non stop diarrhea

    DRINK DRINK DRINK clear liquids!!!
    EXACTLY. People think that they get these "exotic" diseases and they have to do something weird to cure themselves.

    Drink lots of fluids. Water, mainly. It's amazing what a proper amount of water can do for a person, sick or healthy.
    The fever is the body's way of killing anything bad in the system. Bake it right out of there. Mine was at 103 for a while, so it scared me a bit. I still have my bottle of ibuprofen sitting on the desk in front of me (as well as the thermometer... I should probably put that away...)


      Originally posted by mj213 View Post
      Don't forget what else is in the vaccine.

      Heavy metals, animal cells, fetal tissue..
      sure pump that shit mercury and pig skin right into me i like it !

      TO: deev
      Im not sure why the gov decided to make h1n1 a ginormous fart that every one has to smell and enjoy but hey they run the media dont they? They own the fda dont they? They own us. We have a right to deny being injected with anything we have not signed our lives to it, like military peeps. lates


        They run the FDA. WE run the government. The media is private. We do not have a government-controlled media.

        The government did not create, nor have they hidden the existence of the H1N1 virus.

        If you have proof of your claims, please... enlighten me. Otherwise, you're just another ignorant fool that would rather blame "big brother" than bother learning anything.
        You see, in this country, that doesn't fly. Because WE ARE the government. If you don't like something, you can do something about it. Will it be easy? No... but you still have that option.


          Originally posted by mj213 View Post
          Don't forget what else is in the vaccine.

          Heavy metals, animal cells, fetal tissue..
          prove it...

          As to your other posts so far...I'm not feeling you...looks like a bunch of conspiracy theorist bull shit is all your typing.

          The mutations in viruses I'll give you. Animal cells who cares? Fetal tissue...are you serious?

          The other stuff (quote mainly) you are greatly exaggerating and/or just saying stuff without proof.
          Last edited by bcjammerx; 09-27-2009, 12:29 AM.


            Dude, they put fetal tissue in everything these days! I ordered it as a topping on my pizza tonight.


              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
              Dude, they put fetal tissue in everything these days! I ordered it as a topping on my pizza tonight.
              lol and lolX2 on the government comment thing.


                Originally posted by bcjammerx View Post
                prove it...

                As to your other posts so far...I'm not feeling you...looks like a bunch of conspiracy theorist bull shit is all your typing.

                The mutations in viruses I'll give you. Animal cells who cares? Fetal tissue...are you serious?

                The other stuff (quote mainly) you are greatly exaggerating and/or just saying stuff without proof.
                Yes I'm serious. Do you know anything about vaccines other than what your doctor tells you? Spend a year or so researching vaccines. Animal cells are used because they're more readily available to use as a 'host' for the virus and bacteria. Like a petri dish. Then they inject it into your bloodstream. They use tissue from aborted fetuses as an alternative to animal tissue, for obvious reasons. There are books out there by well known doctors (Dr. Sears for example) that show both sides, designed to help educate the parents and individuals to get the most out of them, or to know which ones to avoid. One CAN obtain detailed information from both the pharmaceutical companies, the CDC and FDA regarding vaccine ingredients, and exactly how they're made. They still use mercury (known as thimerosal) and have been using aluminum (which studies show is linked to altzheimer's). They frequently use 'cocktails' which have a much higher risk of adverse reactions. There's hard evidence out there that is undeniable. Regardless of the fact that "people have been getting vaccines for 50 years", explain why instances of children with polio was already on the decline when they introduced the vaccine. Also, why Jonas Salk has spoken out against vaccines? Why is there such a large number of people in the last 50 years diagnosed with ADHD? There's all kinds of explanations out there, but when you ask your doctor about whether your infant should receive the diptheria vaccine (last I checked the CDC reports 0-5 cases per year since 1980) they say absolutely, without question.

                The major problem with vaccines is that there is NO long term evidence that they really help without causing serious side effects. It's hard to isolate people from outside influences (dirt, bacteria, food, etc) to obtain accurate results from exactly what vaccines do beyond their initial intended purpose.

                It's almost 1am local time, but I'll get some more info and pass it along to you. We've been researching it since we decided we wanted to have a child. What it all comes down to is asking yourself the question, "Do you want to risk your child getting sick from something that they CAN fight off, or give them a shot that CAN cripple them for life?"

                Something I forgot to mention in my first post about my son's adverse reaction to the vaccine cocktail. The nurse and the doctor BOTH said he couldn't have had a reaction to the shot, because it was more than 24 hours later. So he just happened to have a huge inflammation in the EXACT spot where he had his shots. And it happened overnight. Oh it must have been one of those spiders. It didn't really give me a comfortable feeling, when they deny all accountability.
                Last edited by mj213; 10-09-2009, 01:20 AM.

