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Swine Flu Vaccines? what are your opinions on it

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    I agree.

    Vaccines aren't necessarily bad... but people need to be educated, and allowed to make their own decisions.


      Its too hard to trust what you read/see on the internet anymore :/ Kinda hard to jump to a conclusion. They'll never get away with making it mandatory though, thats bullshit. This is the United States of America. Thats probably bs to get people hyped up.


        There are plenty of mandatory vaccine requirements for things such as public schools, though.

        But yeah, the internet is a GREAT place for information... but you have to be skeptical. Not everyone knows what they're talking about, but everyone talks like they do. Until YOU know what's real and what isn't yourself, it's very difficult to tell the difference.


          I guess your right about the other shots they make you get. I forgot about that. Its unfortunate that the majority of the people don't trust our government worth anything.


            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
            There are plenty of mandatory vaccine requirements for things such as public schools, though.

            The public school system has a 'school law' regarding vaccinations. 48 states allow parents and individuals exemptions (philisophical exemptions, immunocompromised individuals, allergic to vaccinations, and religious exemptions) to attend school even though they haven't obtained vaccinations. Unfortunately, some of the better schools that require application beforehand can decline acceptance for this exact reason.

            The worst part about getting vaccinations, is that you're more likely to spread whatever virus the vaccinations carry to unvaccinated people (such as immunocompromised and infants). It's a catch 22, but most people don't care enough about anyone but themselves to even consider the other side of the equation. Granted, outbreaks are "more likely" to occur if people stop taking vaccinations, but rather unlikely.


              Originally posted by cvc7chris View Post
              just seems like the gov't is taking over to me. but yeah it should be mandatory tho any of ya saw that first video with the creepy old guy winking hahah
              lol, old people do tend to be creepy.




                  Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                  Old as in.... really old. Not deev old.


                    I'm hoping that when I turn 33, people will still think I'm 32... because I've been 32 since I was 21.


                      Is this an old person joke :/


                        Its amazing how some of the animals are immune to it. But the virus picks and chooses its victims and some get fought off others decide to stay and live off of its host.



                          this is an interesting thought... please... continue..
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                            it's because our immune systems are different as are our body functions and cell function.

                            The Hepatitis that infects humans will not live in rats, which is why chimps are used for the testing of treatments for it.

                            We work similarly, but viruses tend to be cell specific...put them in a different cell and they can't function. Bacteria can be like that somewhat, but they are a quit a bit more adaptable. Some viruses of course show incredible adaptability...AIDs is the best example...and not only jumped species but resists all treatments.

                            As to bacteria being species specific, there is a staph. infection that infects dogs but will not infect humans

                            (Staph. is the flesh eating bacteria, the human drug resistant version is called MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus).

                            One of my in-laws dogs got it and we didn't have to worry about us getting the staph. infection...which is a bacteria

                            Still...there are many viruses and bacteria that aren't species/cell specific...


                              The H1N1 is just like any other flu.

                              I work at a hospital...
                              It's nothing dramatic.

                              Follow me on IG: @jdm_inspired

                              93 'til infinity


                                You're right, it doesn't onset faster, it doesn't have more lethal symptoms, it has the same effect as the regular flu...which btw...the "regular" flu has STILL killed more people than h1n1. It's just different enough that our current anti-bodies don't respond to it quickly.

                                It's not like ebola flu or's just another strand of's spreading because we don't have anti-bodies for it...but...we don't have anti-bodies for the other flu either...but we do have a shot for the "regular" flu. However the h1n1...they are just now coming out with the that's why it's spreading.

                                If you get the matter which...take tylenol if your temp gets over 100, otherwise let it ride...a fever actually is neccisary to fight off disease. Don't let it get over 100. IF you've taken tylenol (1000mg) and it still doesn't go down, THEN go to the ER (unless your family doc is open). Drink lots of clear fluids (beer doesn't count) and rest...SAME as the regular flu.

                                Do not go to the ER for a flu...
                                1. your family doc is not visit over $500 no doc under $200 no insurance...don't be stupid.
                                2. your temp doesn't respond to tylenol/ibuprofen.
                                3. you cannot stop vommiting
                                4. you have non stop diarrhea

                                DRINK DRINK DRINK clear liquids!!!

