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Website Suggestion

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    Website Suggestion

    Hey Dev,

    I was thinking for those that don't feel like/and or don't know how to re-size there images. Can you add a mod that will automatically do that for those people?


    There are dozens of FREE image editing packages out there if you look hard enough. I use MS paint and it serves me just fine. I don't see the need to further dumb down the internetz for those who are too lazy to use it effectively.
    MRT(vvv) --Stock CB7 Enthusiast #1--

    Vouches: new_beginnings, ThrakBarts, beanzfynest617, JaK FRoSTWhiTE, 92_EX_Ninja, mak
    Originally posted by deevergote
    i am with the dumb. i cannot brain.


      Right click the image, open with paint, click image at the top, click stretch/skew, change the numbers, now you know how lol.


        If you're uploading it to use on a website, most hosts have a resizing tool built into the uploader. is a good host with a resizer. No account necessary to upload.


          I would have NO idea how to integrate that into the site... though I'm sure it's out there.

          In the future, if you have a suggestion, please PM or email me. I don't need the entire forum making decisions for me!

          Plus, anyone that can figure out how to get an image on their computer, get it hosted, and post it here SHOULD be able to figure out how to resize it. Anyone who is too lazy to do it... doesn't deserve any special consideration. If you notice, we try not to cater to the lazy crowd here!


            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
            I would have NO idea how to integrate that into the site... though I'm sure it's out there.

            In the future, if you have a suggestion, please PM or email me. I don't need the entire forum making decisions for me!

            Plus, anyone that can figure out how to get an image on their computer, get it hosted, and post it here SHOULD be able to figure out how to resize it. Anyone who is too lazy to do it... doesn't deserve any special consideration. If you notice, we try not to cater to the lazy crowd here!
            ah sorry, i get yea.

