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Abandoned MG factory

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    Abandoned MG factory

    Found this on another forum and thought some of you would enjoy this.

    Wow that place couldn't have been abandoned! I'd be going over there building a car.. that's just crazy!!


      open to the public abandoned or..... ?


        I've never understood abandoned factorys.
        Seriously I could sell at least one ladder for $10 . . . let alone the cars equipment and ummmm I'm sure the actual building must be worth at least a box of beers

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          Originally posted by skilzz View Post
          open to the public abandoned or..... ?
          same here man. if its open to the public abandoned, i say get some friends and get one of those motors and some parts man.

          Originally posted by evil_demon_01 View Post
          I've never understood abandoned factorys.
          Seriously I could sell at least one ladder for $10 . . . let alone the cars equipment and ummmm I'm sure the actual building must be worth at least a box of beers
          lol. id take that roadster in the last pic


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              Here's a rough translation:

              Longbridge - the biggest manufactures abandoned of the World. The main factory of one of the greater holdings automobile of the world, the BMLC (British Motor Leyland Company) and that in April of 2005 gave its last breath with the bankruptcy of MG ROVER GROUP. They have photographed all the prototypes in which worked themselves and they have been mounted in them. They have walked through the offices of direction, assembly lines, plant of motors, laboratories prohibited even to the workers. ......y have managed to enter to the more than 7km of secret tunnels that are under the factory and that they have served for multitude of things along the history.

              More than 5 miles of endless and dark tunnels that began to manufacture during the great war and that during World War Two they lived their maximum expansion. During that period manufactures was submitted it to intense bombardments on the part of the Lufftwafe German and therefore was decided to transfer the production low land. Thousands of women manufactured all kinds of weapons and munition. More than 3000 airplanes were manufactured there during the conflict besides transferring the production lines to manufacture trucks and tanks. Even Hitler had in one of its offices an air photo of Longbridge. During the period of the BMC and BMLC many of the prototypes were manufactured on the whole secret in those dark passageways. Now we have known the existence about them thanks to documentation that has been obtained after the bankruptcy and that remained in the files of the company. As curiosity I have found what an engineer says of Austin Rover responsible for the development of the Rover 100. It comments that in those tunnels during the period that worked in Longbridge there were things as:
              -25 Honda Concerto with number of chassis of Rover and built in Longbridge.
              -10 MG Metro Turbos with experimental interiors.
              -10 Rover Coupes Tomcats (prototypes) in which worked engineers asiaticos (is deduced that Japanese of Honda).

              In the following photos can be seen more tunnels completely abandoned and even some that another car with only 11 miles in its scoreboard.

              In the photos that I show subsequently we observe the old line of railroad that enters to the same one manufactures and that in passed epochs functioned to full performance. Full trains of cargo stopped in the same factory. Subsequently it was utilized to be displaced internally by the factory. Also we can see a prototype of the MG TF 200 with motor I hybridize (200caballos). Carrocerias stops in the assembly lines and that are oxidizing. And some that another tumbledown car and abandoned abroad. Finally we see a plant of the section CAB1 (the part more old woman of the factory) where was located Powertrain. That was the department of Rover responsible for manufacturing motors. All the machinery of that plant they have been carried it to China.

              In these photos can be seen some views since the outside, cars of crash tests, seats of Rover 75 manuals (I believe), videos of it was with BMW. Tambíen we see a Dyno to calculate the power of the motors and models of Rover 75. The prototype that leaves is the RDX60. It was destined to be the replacement of the Rover 45. The project began in 2001 but went postponing and modifying it continuously. Acutalmente the Chinese of SAIC have it already in phase of tests, there are several photos spy.

              Here the letter that gave the employees communicating them the situation of bankruptcy. Each month the company lost between 20 and 25 million pounds (some 36 million euro, 6000 million pesetas monthly). The company passed under the administration of PwC (Price Waterhouse Coopers).

              Ésto is what puts in the letter: Immediate communication (red level) Monday, April eleven, 2005<
              > For: All the employees of MG Rover Group Ltd. And Powertrain Ltd.

              Friday eight of April was announced to all the employees that the current administrators of MG Rover Group Limited ("MGRG") and Powertrain Limited ("PTL") ("the Companies") would maintain meetings during all the weekend and would facilitate these same employees punctual information Monday eleven of April. During these meetings the administrators have been able to obtain sufficient information to obtain a preliminary comprehension on the financial statement of the Companies. We have had strait contact with the unions and also with the "DTI" and the management committee, Phoenix Venture holding company Limited. Our work has clarified that the Companies are incurring in severe losses, between twenty and twenty-five million pounds for month. Without it contributing external of capital, the Companies will be incapable of paying to the vast majority of their employees beyond Monday eleven of April. As they know, the Government has consented to to offer new funds to the administrators, which permits them to consider the things with certain perspective. Nevertheless, they are not going to undertake immediate actions. It will be paid the employees, according to these same administrators, during April eight, save new order. Besides they will receive the payments not yet performed, pertaining to April of 2005. In the meantime, the production will continue in Powertrain Ltd., although with the only purpose to satisfy the external orders. All the other operations will continue in suspense, so much those of MGRG as the remainders of Powertrain do not you affect to said end. Unless be notified them the contrary thing, they should return home after the union meeting maintained this morning. To avoid errors, this information is the unique one that is going to facilitate them themselves, as soon as be able, them they will be facilitated more data. If it is required that some of the employees continue in its position, will communicate him itself individually, responding only before its supervisor. We know that the present does not satisfy its questions on its labor future. We appreciate sincerely its patience and loyalty along all this period of difficulties. In name and representation of the administrators of MG Rover Group Ltd. And Powertrain Ltd. It distributed by: Human resources".

              But photos of it manufactures

              Prototypes of the Rover 75 coupé and other stuff in development. At present the prototype of the R75 coupe is in China and the gentlemen of NAC-MG would be able to renew it and to launch it to the market in a future. The main problem that have is that do not have motors V8 with the ones that to cause to function.

              I love this interior.


                Google Translate to the rescue:



                  wow, its like time still. The leather pics at the bottom of the page are amazing !

                  -1992 CB7 EX w/H22 [sold 10/09]
                  -2005 Legacy GT limited [current]


                    they should try and preserve some of that shit especially that prototype. id hate to see these goto waste to a bunch of vandalizers.
                    I <3 G60.

                    0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                      lol Ive love to find something like that here. Id leave with a whole new set of parts

                      93 Accord LX Sedan (sold)
                      01 Civic LX Sedan (sold)-93 Accord EX Wagon (totaled)
                      93 Accord SE Sedan (sold)-92 Accord EX Sedan (sold)
                      93 Accord SE Coupe (sold)-97 Accord SiR Wagon (sold)

                      95 Accord LX Wagon (CURRENT)-05 Impreza WRX Sedan (CURRENT)-02 Ram 1500 (CURRENT)-20 VW Jetta (CURRENT)


                        My eyes bugged when I saw the Seven!

                        Man, that's so cool. Weird how they just stopped mid-production. Looks like a scene from an apocalypse movie.


                          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                          Man, that's so cool. Weird how they just stopped mid-production. Looks like a scene from an apocalypse movie.
                          I've spent some time in shut down factories as part of a past career. It's really, very common for factories to be shut down on Fridays without any warning, and has been for the past several years. It's really eerie, especially when former workers come up to ask what you're doing, and whether you're going to be re-opening the plant.


                            Thats actually soo cool! I wonder if there are any other pics of abandoned car factorys....


                              clean out the tunnels and under ground racing FTW

