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need help with weight training

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    need help with weight training

    first off... id like to apologize for my spelling because im a little drunk right now

    okay well if anyone has seen me , im 5' 5'' and weigh about 100lbs. im skinny as fuck and im 19. im starting school so i dont want to be looking frail in college. so my plan is in the next month to work out 5 days a week and gain musle and not size. i dont really care about being big, just strong. both of my parents are skinnyand short so its not that i dont eat . its genetic.

    so right now im taking boxing classes which should help me with my stamina and speed. on top of that im taking a protein called SYNTH-6. along with that im taking a supplements called RAGE RV-5 and MEthyl-e which both help me build muscle insanely fast. they turn all my protein into muscle. and to be on the safe side i will be taking a liver care pill. im working out 5 days a week, boxing and weight training on mondays, wednesdays and fridays and running and cardio on tuesdays and thursdays.

    most people that take rv5 gain about 30lbs of muscle in a month. im only taking em for 3 weeks and since im small im expecting to gain about 15lbs of muscle (mayb im being too optimistic) .

    anyone has any advice on how to not be so frail beside wat im doing? for example wa kinda foods im suppose 2 be eating and should i lift heavy weights and less reps or less weights and more reps. im skinny so i know i will cut .

    any advice will b appreciated . thanks

    alone in this game . ::My Ride My Way::

    You contradict yourself in your own post. You say you dont care about being big, Just strong, but then you say your taking all this crap to help you gain muscle. Which one is it?

    I recommend(if your trying to get big) just upping your over calorie intake. Count your calories and I can almost guarantee that you are starving yourself.

    ----------------My 92 Honda Accord LX---------------------- My 97 Nissan 240sx LE----

    NE GUYS, Buy the last of my accord parts


      ma bad if im bein a lil confusing. im a little drunk

      well the thing is , im not trying to gain 50lbs . im trying to just build muscle and keep my size.

      lately ive been eating a lot more. alot of tuna, beans , steak and whole grains.

      alone in this game . ::My Ride My Way::


        Don't bother with that supplemnt shit. Most of it will do more harm than good.

        Stick with a good protein powder. Anything with filtered or isolated protein. That, or eat a lot of protein-rich foods (meat, beans, eggs...)

        Don't overwork a muscle group. Give it time to regenerate. Give each group at least a day off after a workout.

        And 30lbs of muscle in a month is 100% BULLSHIT. That is not possible. At all. Ever. The most you're really going to look at gaining is about 5lbs of muscle A YEAR.


          I see Deev has been watching that one bald engineer off of youtube I see( I forget his name)

          SO from what I understand your trying to look more like a built man instead of a scrawny little boy. Eat at least 3k clean calories a week(yes, count them to make sure you get enough because its hard to eat that much). Chose a workout routine and go at it. WHat you just mentioned about all this physical activity you plan on doing is too much and you will just overwork yourself and do more damage.

          ----------------My 92 Honda Accord LX---------------------- My 97 Nissan 240sx LE----

          NE GUYS, Buy the last of my accord parts


            so how many days should i work out ? '

            alone in this game . ::My Ride My Way::


              work out every other day, doing cardio in between...probably not even that much cardio in your case
              Yeah, Preludes

              Originally posted by deevergote.
              Why can't people just search OT to see if someone else posted the same random thread?


                Originally posted by JohnD1079 View Post
                I see Deev has been watching that one bald engineer off of youtube I see( I forget his name)

                SO from what I understand your trying to look more like a built man instead of a scrawny little boy. Eat at least 3k clean calories a week(yes, count them to make sure you get enough because its hard to eat that much). Chose a workout routine and go at it. WHat you just mentioned about all this physical activity you plan on doing is too much and you will just overwork yourself and do more damage.
                Scooby. I've crosschecked everything I've learned from him, though. Even though he knows what he's talking about, I don't take any one man's word for it. I do my research. He's dead-on, though.

                Work one area one day... like, arms and chest. The next day, do abs and back. Following day, arms and chest again. That sort of thing. Don't do 20 sets of 50 300lb dumbell curls every single day. Your muscles need time to grow.

                See, protein doesn't do anything but provide the body something with which to build muscle. Break down the muscle with exercise, and provide the proper amount of protein for the body to rebuild the muscle stronger and larger.

                TypeG showed me this guy... and he makes it really easy to understand.

                Read up.


                  Preface, I'm close to the same size as you (although I'm 6 years deep into training). Before starting I weighed around 110 lbs and was ~5'6". Now, I'm like 5'8" 135.

                  You need to get a good routine and follow it.

                  5 days a week is more than enough. You need time to rest your muscle groups or else you won't give them time to recover (which is how you build muscle).

                  Chicken Breasts are a great to help gain some mass. Inexpensive and provide a great deal of protein without much else (unlike some beef cuts which are packed with fat).

                  I followed this program over the summer. Pretty decent and you can add/change things as you wish. If it's too much for you, you can slow down and add another day of rest or do cardio instead. Remember, this isn't the end all program to follow, just a suggestion.

                  You'll notice, this doesn't include any cardio guidelines, which is an integral part of any exercise routine. I would suggest medium distance trail or treadmill running on the off days. You aren't trying to be some monster, so it's overkill to try and do something every day. Take it as you go.

                  An NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE TELLS YOU, there are far more important groups of muscles than biceps and triceps.

                  Monday				Week 1		Week 2	Weight	Week 3	Weight	Week 4	Weight	Week 5	Weight	Week 6	Weight	Week 7	Weight	Week 8	Weight
                  Power Snatch			3x5		3x5		3x5		3x3		3x3		3x2		3x2		3x2	
                  Power Cleans			3x5		3x5		3x5		3x3		3x3		3x2		3x2		3x2	
                  Back Squat			3x8		3x8		3x8		3x5		3x5		1RM then 2x3	2x1RM then 2x3	2x1RM then 2x3	
                  RDL's				4x10		4x10		4x8		4x8		4x8		4x8		4x8	
                  Hip Flexion on the multi-hip	2x10		2x10		2x10		2x8		2x8		2x8		2x8		2x8	
                  Core Ex's																
                  Bench Press			4x8		4x8		4x8		4x5		4x5		1RM then 2x3	2x1RM then 3x3	2x1RM then 3x3	
                  Pull-ups			6x6 in 6min	7x6 in 7min	8x6 in 8min	9x6 in 9min	10x6 in 10min	11x6 in 11 min	12x6 in 12 min	80reps in 12 min	
                  Incline Bench Press		4x8		4x8		4x8		3x5		3x5		3x3		3x3		3x3	
                  Cable row			3x8		3x8		3x8		3x6		3x6		3x5		3x5		3x5	
                  Push Press			4x8		4x8		4x8		4x5		4x5		3x3		3x3		3x3	
                  Dips				3x15		3x15		3x15		4x10 weighted	4x10 weighted	3x max		3x max		3x max	
                  DB Side Raise			3x8		3x8		3x8		3x8		3x8		3x6		4x6		3x6	
                  Core Ex's																
                  Power Snatch			4x5		4x5		4x5		4x3		4x3		4x2		4x2		4x2	
                  1-legged Press			3x8		3x8		3x8		3x5		3x5		3x4		3x4		3x4	
                  Lunges				3x10		3x10		3x10		3x8		3x8		3x6		3x6		3x6	
                  Hip Flexion on the multi-hip	2x8		2x8		2x8		2x8		2x8		2x8		2x8		2x8	
                  Core Ex's																
                  DB Bench Press			5x8		5x8		5x8		3x5		3x5		4x3		3x5		3x5	
                  DB Incline Press		3x8		3x8		3x8		3x6		3x6		3x6		3x6		3x6	
                  Pull-ups			3x8		3x8		3x8		4x8		4x8		4x8		4x8		4x8	
                  DB rows				3x8		3x8		3x8		3x6		3x6		3x6		3x6		3x6	
                  Core Ex's

                  And one last thing, if all you want to do is gain weight quickly hit the squat rack. You can build your legs larger quicker than anything else on your body.

                  Originally posted by Maple50175
                  Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


                    LOOK BRO ALL THIS THAT UR DOIN IS WAY TO MUCH CARDIO....YOUR JUS GONNA GET CUT AND MAYBE GAIN ABOUT 10 LBS MAX....ima boxer and a football player i kno how and wen to get big and how long it takes and how to get cut.......make up your mind and decide do you want to be

                    2.muscle big.
                    3.or ripped....

                    pm me man i have great info i promise you i can get u to ur destination....jajajsa

                    Heart and Brain Transplant fail I had to pull the plug

                    My new best FRIEND!!!


                      When I had a personal trainer he told me to make sure you kill your legs once a week.....he would make me work my legs so hard that my muscles would spasm a bit after a work out (think the scene outta dodgeball with ben stiller).....but he said if you work out your legs it helps build up the rest of your body quicker or something.....I dont really remember its been a year

                      I want to get back into mild weight training this winter....Mainly to add yardage onto my drives in golf.....Id like to hit 300 next summer.

                      And you most def have to increase your daily calorie intake.....when you work out you need crazy calories coming in to compensate
                      Last edited by King James; 08-22-2009, 07:38 AM.

                      Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                        ok wel thanks everyone for your help . i kind of get an idea of what to do now. so when you say i need to take in a lot of calories, what are good foods that will help me do this without having excessive fat. i was reading up and i learned that im suppose to eat 6 high protein meals a day and if i cant, then subsitute a meal for the powdered protein .

                        i guesss i wont be running as much but since i am doing boxing i will be jumping rope alot so that will be my cardio.

                        my friend that has been taking the RAGE RV5 has been on it for a week. he went from curling 40lbs to curling 65lbs (on the long bar) in about 4 days. thats an extreme gain since he weighs about 5 lbs more than me and is about 3 inches taller.

                        alone in this game . ::My Ride My Way::


                          check out and
                          Increase your protein intake and doing heavy weight, low reps.
                          1993 Accord LX - Sold
                          93 BMW 525it - SOLD
                          92 Accord EX Sedan - SOLD
                          2000 Accord Coupe - Traded-In
                          2003 Accord V6 6spd Coupe - Sold
                          2001 Honda Civic Ex - SOLD
                          2013 Chevy Traverse LTZ - Kid hauler
                          2003 Acura Tl 3.2 - Daily Commuter


                            ima end up like u dean

                            alone in this game . ::My Ride My Way::


                              without the fat
                              1993 Accord LX - Sold
                              93 BMW 525it - SOLD
                              92 Accord EX Sedan - SOLD
                              2000 Accord Coupe - Traded-In
                              2003 Accord V6 6spd Coupe - Sold
                              2001 Honda Civic Ex - SOLD
                              2013 Chevy Traverse LTZ - Kid hauler
                              2003 Acura Tl 3.2 - Daily Commuter

