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    ok i work as a bouncer at two clubs in philly and at a outdoor concert place in camden.....

    today was a show with Nine inch nails and Jane's it was a easy show only two fights. .....BUT

    why wth do people feel the need to piss outside.....we have 6 bathrooms with no lines yet people would rather risk getting kicked out to pee on a wall where everyone can see them...Why? these tickets arent cheap... I kicked 5 people out today myself.

    end rant

    we like to feel the breeze on our you-know-whats.
    峠 で ドリフト を して 下さい。

    steam linky facebook, y0 俺 は 走り屋 です。 clickable ^


      Because some people were not fortunate enough to have a mother who cared enough NOT to drop them on their heads as children.
      Been a long time. Still alive...


        Many beers = a lack of reasoning and a full bladder.


          Originally posted by deevergote. View Post
          Many beers = a lack of reasoning and a full bladder.
          thats is true .....the one guy i just put my flashlight on and started walking towards him so he puts his zipper back up and continues to pee


            Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
            why wth do people feel the need to piss outside.....we have 6 bathrooms with no lines yet people would rather risk getting kicked out to pee on a wall where everyone can see them...Why? these tickets arent cheap... I kicked 5 people out today myself.

            end rant

            Originally posted by Bcozzi71 View Post
            thats is true .....the one guy i just put my flashlight on and started walking towards him so he puts his zipper back up and continues to pee

            My Cb bad, Cb bright and the cops can kiss my Cb lights - I’m gone!
            Frost White Member 13
            My Ride
            "Girls are like a new car... lease w/ option to buy"


              high as fuk


                nobody likes waiting in line especially in the club unless you need to get a rebreather and rework your game plan on the ladies your hunting especially if your rolling solo with no wing man


                  there was no wait.

