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Pistons/Pacers Riot

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    Originally posted by accordaffair
    Um admins/moderators can you delete like the last 2 pages of posts? It's become a flame war, with neither side being correct nor incorrect, its become juvenile ranting and its only purpose now is to degrade one another to make the first feel better.

    whatever....obviosly you think we take this die hard seriously!

    were just expressing two dirrerent views on a stupid subject...

    your right, censor our opinions! HOORAY FOR CENSORSHIP

    ps: pls dont delete me


      Anyways, back on topic.

      I do believe that Artest overreacted, especially since it was a cup of water. Woop dee doo! It's not like water will kill him. He deserves the full suspension...and the greatest thing is that he won't be paid a dime. That's a $5.5 million loss for him.

      Steven Jackson though, should have a larger suspension, no one provoked him, however he just runs into the crowd, and starts throwing haymakers.

      Just my $0.02

      PS: Anyone see that huge black man (must have been well over 350 lbs) start fist fighting with the players? It took about 3 guys to tear him off.


        Originally posted by fizzbob7
        i could have told the story without identifying her sex or race....why did YOU single out her race and not her sex and race.......they were both equally relevant or irrelevant depending on how you look at it.......i'm painting a picture with very few words....i used a word to describe her

        do your "cause" a favor and get rid of that race card, ok?

        if anyone truly wanted racism to die, situations like these would never warrant it being an issue at all........what would minorities do without it a boring, peaceful world huh?
        Easy with the defensiveness(sp?)
        First of all, the only "cause" i have is "cause" mortgage is due. I did single out her race because, aside from gender, it was the single identifying factor that YOU felt was relevant. Not her size, beauty(or lack thereof), or whatever.

        As far as this race card, what exactly is it? I posed a question regarding the way you chose to "describe" this girl. I made no accusations or insinuations. If you feel that i have then to me that is the result of your own internal insecurities regarding race, racism, minorities. Proof positive being your condescending tone with all this "your cause" bullshit.
        "situations like this"? when did my question turn into an accusation of racism situation? Nothing in your story indicated any type of animosity or aversion towards people of color. It's your response though that makes me think that you DO in fact have some issues that need to be addressed regarding your feelings towards race. Yes, i did focus on her race being identified by you, and because of that now i'm some kind of champion for the ACLU and equal rights. Come on dawg, take it easy. I am far from some race baiter or over-reactive racism freak who gets set-off every time i see the word black.

        Clearly you have a problem with me asking a question about your choice of words only because it involved race. If your response was that "the only two things that you remember about this chick was in infact her gender and complexion" then that would be the end of it.
        Bean Town Crew Member #3
        Lovin' the 6MT w/ Nav TL!
        "They Aint the REAL McCOY!"


          Originally posted by 93accord2dr

          PS: Anyone see that huge black man (must have been well over 350 lbs) start fist fighting with the players? It took about 3 guys to tear him off.
          Why does the guy have to be black? Was that necessary? Couldn't it have just been "some big guy"? HAHAHAHA! I'm just messin' w/ you. But seriously, that guy was massive. And he was showin' no mercy w/ the punches. Straight up wailing on one of the players ( i forgot which one.... too many) LOL!

          Not the greatest footage of the brawl... but I'm still lookin'

          O'skool fo sho! You might hate, but I been doin' this long before you know.


            you still aren't getting it. My question was not intended to accuse you of any racial bias, i simply wanted to know if it was necessary to identify her by race. Like i said before, if your response was "yes" then it would've been a dead issue. This is no attempt to attack your intelligence.

            The things that you have stated in your response are indeed indicative of your having problems with the way things are in this world. For the most part i agree with you (i usually do in your other posts), but i take issue with the fact that you want to deny me the right to be curious about why you said what you said. Is it "completely uncalled for" just cuz you say it is? If you think that i'm some anti-white people cat then you are quite don't know me at all! My wifey is white(by "establishment" definition) or Italian and Lebanese. Our two daughters are obviously Bi-Racial. My family is a microcosm of the world. I'm Jamaican, and i have aunts that are born and raised in Jamaica but look Chinese. I mean, i have all types of cultures in my blood as does my girl and also our children.
            But all that aside,
            you should be commended for standing up for that punk who couldn't do it for himself. But clearly he's weak. If it wasn't his race that was made fun of, then it would've something else the he would've ended up on the shit end of. You're also right in saying that people don't need free handouts. I never got any. I earned my right to be where i am. I'm in law enforcement (forensic chemist), and i'm the only person of color in the building. Some could argue that i am the product of a quota, i think that's bullshit, cuz they didn't have to let me in if they didn't want to.
            Bottom line, my initial question to you wasn't a big deal at all. You had ample opportunities to treat it the way it was meant to be treated. The racial component doesn't change the dynamic of the question. But you wanted to take it to the next level with these adhominem remarks actually insulting my intelligence. I mean, talking about unfair scholarship practices, and shit because i asked you a VERY SIMPLE question that had a VERY SIMPLE answer. Come on B. I don't try to manipulate people into having racial discussions. If i wanted to accuse you of racism i would've done so. It would've been WAAAAY of base, but i would've done it.
            You seem like a straight off the cuff type of dude, and you should treat others with the same respect that you expect and let them play themselves, thus warranting any insults or accusations they've incurred.

            I clearly stated at the beginning of my question to you that i didn't mean any harm or to be an ass (a pre-emptive attempt at damage control that i hoped wasn't going to be needed) You should've taken me at my word dawg and just answered THE QUESTION. I've always felt that you seemed like level headed dude who wasn' t quick to jump to conclusions and shit. Don't ruin that for me man. There are very few people in this world who Really and Truly keep it real(cliche). Real honest, real respectful, and real honorable. I know you could probably give two shits about what i think, but it's what i think nonetheless. Lets not make this into more than it has already become.
            P.ositive E.nergy A.ctivates C.onstant E.levation
            Last edited by PHENOM; 11-22-2004, 02:18 PM.
            Bean Town Crew Member #3
            Lovin' the 6MT w/ Nav TL!
            "They Aint the REAL McCOY!"


              Originally posted by PHENOM
              you still aren't getting it. My question was not intended to accuse you of any racial bias, i simply wanted to know if it was necessary to identify her by race. Like i said before, if your response was "yes" then it would've been a dead issue. This is no attempt to attack your intelligence.

              The things that you have stated in your response are indeed indicative of your having problems with the way things are in this world. For the most part i agree with you (i usually do in your other posts), but i take issue with the fact that you want to deny me the right to be curious about why you said what you said. If you think that i'm some anti-white people cat then you are quite don't know me at all! My wifey is white(by "establishment" definition) or Italian and Lebanese. Our two daughters are obviously Bi-Racial. My family is a microcosm of the world. I'm Jamaican, and i have aunts that are born and raised in Jamaica but look Chinese. I mean, i have all types of cultures in my blood as does my girl and also our children.
              But all that aside,
              you should be commended for standing up for that punk who couldn't do it for himself. But clearly he's weak. If it wasn't his race that was made fun of, then it would've something else the he would've ended up on the shit end of. You're also right in saying that people don't need free handouts. I never got any. I earned my right to be where i am. I'm in law enforcement (forensic chemist), and i'm the only person of color in the building. Some could argue that i am the product of a quota, i think that's bullshit, cuz they didn't have to let me in if they didn't want to.
              Bottom line, my initial question to you wasn't a big deal at all. You had ample opportunities to treat it the way it was meant to be treated. The racial component doesn't change the dynamic of the question. But you wanted to take it to the next level with these adhominem remarks actually insulting my intelligence. I mean, talking about unfair scholarship practices, and shit because i asked you a VERY SIMPLE question that had a VERY SIMPLE answer. Come on B. I don't try to manipulate people into having racial discussions. If i wanted to accuse you of racism i would've done so. It would've been WAAAAY of base, but i would've done it.
              You seem like a straight off the cuff type of dude, and you should treat others with the same respect that you expect and let them play themselves, thus warranting any insults or accusations they've incurred.

              I clearly stated at the beginning of my question to you that i didn't mean any harm or to be an ass (a pre-emptive attempt at damage control that i hoped wasn't going to be needed) You should've taken me at my word dawg and just answered THE QUESTION. I've always felt that you seemed like level headed dude who wasn' t quick to jump to conclusions and shit. Don't ruin that for me man. There are very few people in this world who Really and Truly keep it real(cliche). Real honest, real respectful, and real honorable. I know you could probably give two shits about what i think, but it's what i think nonetheless. Lets not make this into more than it has already become.
              P.ositive E.nergy A.ctivates C.onstant E.levation
              ill answer for him, yes it does matter. becuz a white woman wouldnt do that.
              I <3 G60.

              0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                Originally posted by wed3k
                ill answer for him, yes it does matter. becuz a white woman wouldnt do that.
                Now that's funny

                ...and racist
                Bean Town Crew Member #3
                Lovin' the 6MT w/ Nav TL!
                "They Aint the REAL McCOY!"


                  Originally posted by PHENOM
                  Now that's funny

                  ...and racist
                  i know its being bias and all because i probably can picture a white wannabe gangsta girl thats hella pale and dress, with tight ass jeans and a hoodie saying something like that.

         this world, its almost the truth, hopefully it will improve.
                  I <3 G60.

                  0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                    Originally posted by fizzbob7
                    Lol....yeah a white girl would......any ass would, male or female, black or white, whatever.......

                    And phenom, no hard feelings, we both know how the other feels and life goes on.....

                    No Doubt!
                    I just look forward to a time when our daughters will be judged by the size of their asses and not the color of their skin
                    Bean Town Crew Member #3
                    Lovin' the 6MT w/ Nav TL!
                    "They Aint the REAL McCOY!"


                      holy niggas jacked my thread!

                      (sarcasm, dont take it seriously, please dont send your goons to throw any cups at me)

                      and btw

