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Pistons/Pacers Riot

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    Pistons/Pacers Riot

    can you guys believe this garbage?

    ive been to plenty of pro sports games, and it is common for things to be thrown, fans fighting each other, drunk trash talk, etc...

    i think the players are totally can you justify punches being thrown in retaliation to some liquid in a plastic cup that landed on you from 30-40 feet away?

    the players charged into the stands and just started whacking away. they are professionals and should have conducted themsleves far better than they did. what a bunch of overpaid thugs. they represent the nba, its a priveledge not a right to be there. how can you attack one of the main sources of your income, the fans?

    heres just a few points to justify my point:

    1. if the players were employees at walmart, and they attacked shoppers, they would have been fired, arrested, and sued in that order! they guys deserve season long suspensions, if not being banned from the league (aka fired).
    2. these guys are giants, they are on avarage 6ft 5 and up, and they train heavily all year long to be in shape...the avarage guy is 5-9, so there is an extreme advantage to the players. their bodies should be considered leathal weapons. you cant justify a guys whos 6ft throwing punches because a guy who is 5ft9 threw a cup from 30 ft away. (btw he even attacked the wrong guy!)
    3. the fans come there to enjoy a game, sometimes things get outta hand like the fans fight between each other, but a player should never ever charge into the stands. so what that a cup was thrown? its not like the fan charged onto the court and threw a punch. fans have their territory, the players have their. these guys are pros, they sould know better. fans pay these assholes salaries. again, if they were walmart employees, they would be arrested for punching shoppers.

    maybe we should just penalize players with 5 minutes in the box (hockey style) next time they decide to fight some fans!

    my point is the players were provoked, but they crossed the line when they exploded into the stands.

    edit: shame on ESPN commentators for defending "beasts of men not able to control their temper". half the pacers were in the stands throwin punches. i only saw 1 or 2 fans on the court, and that was way, way after Artest jolted into the stands with teammates. its a sporting event, its common for people to be rowdy
    Last edited by 92accordlxtuner; 11-20-2004, 02:10 PM.

    The players were responsible for going into the stands but some of the fans came on to the court trying to start to fight against one of the players. The foul wasn't that hard for the guy to start pushing him.


      all i will say is that it was fuggin great when jermaine oneal knocked the block off of that stubby white dude that came onto the court

      ...but shame on them


        Originally posted by k-mart
        all i will say is that it was fuggin great when jermaine oneal knocked the block off of that stubby white dude that came onto the court
        yup that was funny


          fizz: dude...why was the jerk laying down in the first place?
          if i threw a platic cup at you at work, or even a spitball, and you kicked my ass, i guarantee you would be FIRED. thats not professional

          obviously, the NBA commisioner agrees with this moron (me )because o'neal, artest, and Co. have all been suspended indefinently! check link at bottom!

          these guys get paid way too much. i know that throwing something is technically assault, but the law was designed so that you can file a charge (not cause bodily harm) against someone who was throwing something at you, and you feel threatened. tell me, how in the world can such a beast feel that his life is threatened from a plastic cup? did the fans run onto the court sucker punching players. no, the players ran into the stands. they (players) deserve what they get, cuz thats not professional.

          its a pro sports game. people will always be rowdy. so what some idiot threw a cup. it happens all the time. i got hit with a can of beer once, aluminum pal, not plastic like Artest. Artest hit the wrong guy anyways. there is no reason "a player should be attackin a fan in the stands" and thats quoted from the NBA itself.


          edit: self defense. lol. from a plastic cup? how bout the fans fighting back? that was trully self defense, what the players did in the stands is ASSAULT. The players started it. There would have been no riot, if the players never stepped off the court and into the stands.

          also. lol. suspend the fans? ok.
          so some guy pays $100 just to watch these jerks, and he gets puched by a $12M per year beast that charged him in the stands. and now he, the fan that was ASSAULTED, should put more money outta his pocket? ...i dont know man, but if you watch the videos closely, it definently seems the players are doin all the whoopin. and the fans are defending themsevles (now thats SELF DEFENSE!). there are NO fans throwing the first punch. just a few retaliations here n there. dude, if was at a game with you, and you got whacked by a player, i would retaliate too to help your ass too!
          Last edited by 92accordlxtuner; 11-20-2004, 06:57 PM.




            very detailed video here, right click save as



              Re: Re: Pistons/Pacers Riot

              Originally posted by fizzbob7
              the fans were at FAULT FIRST, then the players were.....they all deserve to go through the same procedure as someone who makes $6.25/hour and assaults someone.....and the players should be shown leniency since it was in fact self defense to an extent


              and the fans crossed the line when they threw shit at the players
              werd fizz, i agree 110%. you act like a fucktard, you get treated like one

              DAMN, jermaine oneal jawwed the hell out of that dude, i can watch that over and over!!!!!


                Re: Re: Re: Pistons/Pacers Riot

                Originally posted by k-mart
                werd fizz, i agree 110%. you act like a fucktard, you get treated like one

                DAMN, jermaine oneal jawwed the hell out of that dude, i can watch that over and over!!!!!
                nah dude, there would have been no riot if the players stayed outta the stands. watch the vid you clearly see players attacking fans, not vice versa.

                lol. jermain oneal ran like 10 step b4 he swung. thats crazy! no fan deserves that. lol. but its still funny.

                i dont care if you thorw a 1000 cups, that still does not = a running punch from jermain oneal!

                jus read quote: a fight with fans that commissioner David Stern called "shocking, repulsive and inexcusable - a humiliation for everyone associated with the NBA." ...from the link i gave!

                also:The NBA issued a statement saying it was reviewing rules and security procedures "so that fans can continue to attend our games unthreatened by events such as the ones that occurred last night."

                true. true. if u break it down a plastic cup does not = a punch.


                  Re: Re: Re: Re: Pistons/Pacers Riot

                  Originally posted by 92accordlxtuner
                  nah dude, there would have been no riot if the players stayed outta the stands. watch the vid you clearly see players attacking fans, not vice versa.

                  lol. jermain oneal ran like 10 step b4 he swung. thats crazy! no fan deserves that. lol. but its still funny.

                  i dont care if you thorw a 1000 cups, that still does not = a running punch from jermain oneal!

                  jus read quote: a fight with fans that commissioner David Stern called "shocking, repulsive and inexcusable - a humiliation for everyone associated with the NBA." ...from the link i gave!

                  also:The NBA issued a statement saying it was reviewing rules and security procedures "so that fans can continue to attend our games unthreatened by events such as the ones that occurred last night."

                  true. true. if u break it down a plastic cup does not = a punch.

                  yea man, i see your point

                  he didnt really punch the guy who threw the cup, he merely charged at him and scared him shitless

                  Last edited by k-mart; 11-20-2004, 07:45 PM.


                    lol yeah.
                    but ESPN said that guy in the black shirt was innocent bystander, he didnt throw it...still madd funny...
                    "yea, go OH SHIT!"-guy in black shirt


                      Originally posted by fizzbob7
                      the amount of money these players make is COMPLETELY not an issue......they were at work, they were assaulted as the law defines it (the law does matter right?) and retaliated.....more fans came to the court (5-10) than players left the court (2 or 3).....then how many people were pouring shit, throwing shit, etc, on everyone that went through the tunnel?

                      it was so wrong on BOTH parts, but the fans were to blame as much, if not more, than the players.......

                      if that cup of liquid wasn't thrown then nothing would have was the catalyst.......

                      thats where your wrong. if the players never charged the stands, then there would be no riot. the fans we throwing stuff in disgust to the actions of the players, not just to be jerks, and all that happened after AFTER players were wailing in the stands! If they calmly would walk into the lockerrooms in the first place, then nothing would have ever happened, maybe alotta booing.

                      and dude, of course your step dad wouldnt fire you! but if you were working in a diner as a waiter, and punched a customer cuz he threw an ice cube at you. your ass would be out. you cant argue that.

                      the players dont make money for the NBA! wake up man. the fans, advertisers, and merchandise make money for the NBA. its all about liscencing. (think attendence, big TV contracts, jersey sales, nike ads, commercials, etc...thats where the dough comes from....aka all things bought by FANS). the players are just eating up all the profits and they are getting hungrier every year. THATS why theres an NHL lockout, money hungry player diminishing the sport due to lack of sportsmanship. the owners can barely afford to keep the league running in a healthy state because of inconsiderate greedy players (NHL). a perfect example was the pacer riot, what a total lack of respect to "your job" (if u can call it that) and the tradition of being a pro in the NBA.

                      and the commish was being sarcastic? what are you smoking? please gimme some. pls dont flip or overreact and take offense, just look at the facts.

                      edit: so in your sense of the law, is it illegal when a line backer sacks a quaterback? thats Assault in the 1st degree. should he go to jail? how about getting hit with a ball on home plate? assault? how about the hard foul Wallace got form Artest? Should Artest be charged with assault? how about when a fan gets hit by a baseball during a homerun, or when a fan gets hit by a puck at a hockey game? should they file assault charges? i think getting hit by a puck is worse than a plastic cup...hmmmm
                      do the fans and quaterbacks stated in my edit have the right to sucker punch the poeple who "assaulted" them?
                      Last edited by 92accordlxtuner; 11-20-2004, 08:36 PM.


                        that shit was so crazy!

                        My ride RS6 HELLA Bi-xenon ECE retrofitted CB7


                          Originally posted by 92accordlxtuner

                          edit: so in your sense of the law, is it illegal when a line backer sacks a quaterback? thats Assault in the 1st degree. should he go to jail? how about getting hit with a ball on home plate? assault? how about the hard foul Wallace got form Artest? Should Artest be charged with assault?:
                          Well, thats a risk of thier job, that has nothing to do with the fans. You dont play football and not expect to be hit. You play baseball, no one makes you stand there and face 90mph+ pitches, its your own decision. Basketball, tempers flare and it basically becomes rugby. Thats all a risk of the job.

                          Originally posted by 92accordlxtuner

                          how about when a fan gets hit by a baseball during a homerun, or when a fan gets hit by a puck at a hockey game? should they file assault charges? i think getting hit by a puck is worse than a plastic cup...hmmmm
                          Once again, thats a risk you take while going to see an event. Sure, no one expects it to happen but it does. If you think you should be protected from it dont go and shut the hell up. Its all free will.

                          Originally posted by 92accordlxtuner

                          do the fans and quaterbacks stated in my edit have the right to sucker punch the poeple who "assaulted" them?:idiots
                          Fuck no. And yes, Fizz was right on his definition of assault. Shit, threatening someone is technically assault.
                          Under Construction

                          Coupes weren't mean to be sleepers



                            i wouldnt start nothing but id def. yell and pour soda on their heads like when they were heading into the rooms. that way they couldnt charge at me, muhahahah. take that angry basketball player!

                            "my soda just slipped out of my hands..."

                            also, i think he just charged the guy that look the whitest, LOL

                            what a fukin idiot, use a dust pan?!?!?! not only is he tall as a mofo, he has to use a weapon? what an asshole. i tell ya, these ppl are fukin not* professional, bunch of little fukin kids. so much emotion and drama, just play the fukin game and get paid.
                            I <3 G60.

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                              I just woke up and this is the first thing I hear'
                              shitts outta control

                              fuck the pacers and artest! hes been known ..

