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Things that annoy me

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    Nah, I'm good Bryant. Thanks though

    Originally posted by Tnwagn View Post
    One last thing, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use this thread to add in your own complaints. You can agree or disagree with the things I bring up and relate to them, I just don't want this to become some mess of complaints by everyone
    Just quoting that again since people didn't really seem to notice it the first time.

    Now you may call me a bigot for this next one, but whatever

    3. People that complain about everything

    Alright, I want you to take one day and just listen to how much of what everyone else is saying is centered around, if not directly, complaining. Odds are, you’ll find out that most everyone complains about everything. Even if someone is having a great day, they’ll still find a way to complain about that one thing that isn’t going perfectly. It may the fact that they have to write a paper or finish up a report or study for a test. “Yeah man, I [freaking] hate studing for that Calc exam. That class sucks, I hate the teacher. They don’t know anything and can’t teach for shit.” You don’t say? I guess that kind of stinks. Wait, isn’t that what you’re in school to do? Survey says DING DING DING! We have a winner! Ever heard of “sucking it up” or “putting your nose to the grindstone”? Probably, but you were too focused on whatever the next party you were going to go to and get trashed to notice or understand. Possibly the worst, though, are those that feel the need to complain about seeming every little part of their life. You know that guy, the one who always has some negative thing to contribute to the conversation. “Hey Suzie, how are things going?” “Oh good, George, I just got a 100% on my Calc test and me and Steven are back together” “That’s great!” “Yeah, but I have this stupid group project I have to work on and there’s this guy in my group that always says the stupidest things and …” and on and on until my ears are bleeding from the shitstorm of complaints that are being thrown my way. Have these people ever realized how lucky they are? First off, they are alive. That’s a miracle that tons of people don’t even give a sideward glance towards. They’ve most likely woken from their own bed in their own room and are about to dress themselves in nice clothes. How many people in this world live in shanty towns or in alleyways or in the middle of the desert with only the clothes on their backs? Yet these little dipshits have the nerve to complain about their lives? I don’t have a problem if that’s the way they feel; just don’t ruin my sunny disposition with your negativity.

    Originally posted by Maple50175
    Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


      People that think Part X is the greatest thing in the world and demand that everyone should have it on their car.

      Legend lips...they look good I'll give you that...but is it really to the point where you can't be part of this forum if you don't have one? omfg you don't have 15" wheels and a Legend lip, GTFO.



        threads like this...

        seriously slow drivers...people who take 30 minutes to make a right turn into somewhere... like wtf


