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need legal info

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    Originally posted by JohnD1079 View Post
    I dont know you, so it dosent matter what I think. Im just saying, if I wanted the laptop and saw your post, I would think im dealing with a retard. Maybe thats why hes trying to take advantage of you.
    lol..and cuz i'm hispanic probably. he probably thinks i don't know my rights or shit about the law..

    but i'm not refunding him nothing..

    Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


      wow he said this now..

      DALE - You should tell your family to expect someone from the court (probably a sherriff's deputy) to knock on your door and personally deliver a summons for a court appearance. It will take a few days to process and deliver the paperwork, but they will find you.
      i said

      ME - and what am i accused of?
      then he said

      DALE -You are not being "accused" of anything - you are being sued for damages because the product you sold were not what it was represented to be and you refused to refund the money.
      and i said this

      ME - i'm a private party not best buy last time i checked buying used cars from private parties u weren't warrantied anything if i knew my electronics i would of gave u a week or 2 warranty or w/e i don't know much about computers, and like i told u in the email a day or 2 ago, i said if u wanted ur money u could have it and i would stay home from spring break thinking u did want ur money back i didn't go anywhere plus i don't have a car. but u procedded to tell me about ur lawyer or w/e..

      and it was represented i told u on the phone the battery was bad and it had charging problems, my gf was with me and she remembers what i told u as also was my friend. (that didn't go when i sold u the laptop) and idk why u didn't want to test the laptop i offered to go inside and show u it work and u could of seen the problem and not bought. i didn't do anything wrong. everytime i buy something i check my items. i've bought used cars, electronics and i always bring someone to check my items or know what i'm buying and make sure it's working. like i said most private parties are sold as is, unless seller says otherwise like "i warrary this product" which i didn't tell u i did.

      i mean i didn't want to waste my time or ur time and i told u in the email a few days ago if u wanted ur money and u didn't take it (look at ur older emails) i thought u really wanted to take me to court..idk..
      wtf..what should i do if he's not bullshitting about the summons to go to court..

      i'm so pissed right now..
      Last edited by cvc7chris; 04-13-2009, 10:26 PM.

      Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


        he just backed out today

        OK - It is Over. I got the system repaired - it was the connector on the motherboard, not the battery or the charger. I took the system to a friend of mine in Roanoke this afternoon and we took it apart and "soldered" the connector back in place. The system works fine - the battery holds a charge and the charger works.

        I stopped by the lawyers office and gave him an update and requested he call the court and remove the summons - they said it had not been delivered to the process server, so they would tear it up, no record of it ever happening nor is your name on any paperwork now.

        I apologize if it seemed I was being unreasonable, but hopefully when you step back and think about it, had you been this persistant with Justin or if he would have done the right thing by you, you would not have been put in this situation.

        Like you, I have been burned so many times by so many people because I am so trustworthy that I had just had enough.

        I won't bother you again - hopefully you understand, if not, hopefully one day you will.

        Good luck to you in school and to all you go to accomplish.
        i think the whole summons thing was Bullshit he probably just thoguht about what he was doing and knew it was gonna cost him more than the problem...

        Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


          well for one... madspleen totally stole my thunder.

          And the summons was complete bull shit. In order to receive a summons you have to file a complaint. to file a complaint generally cost over $200 plus approximately $5 per physical summons and the fee for the constable that my firm uses is $150 for each attempt on a person in town.... so BULL SHIT that he actually had an attorney do anything for him.

          And whether or not its a felony doesn't matter. He can't sue you in criminal court. The police would need to have enough probably cause to get an arrest warrant... not going to happen. And if he actually did sue civilly it would only be for his "damages" - the money for the computer.

          God i hate ignorant people
          "Auto racing, bull fighting and mountain climbing are the only real sports....all others are games."
          - Ernest Hemingway


            Originally posted by Rusty View Post
            God i hate ignorant people
            tell me about it. why do u think i worked late night shift alone cleaning offices for like a year...

            alot of people in this town are

            Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


              There is so much here it's crazy.

              OK, First of all. BE MORE FIERCE! No body listens to anyone who talks about going to court and "bring it on" type stuff, then turns around the next day and offers him a refund. Stay strong. You sold your lap top to him, he came to you. If he didn't want it, he shouldn't have bought it.

              Second, When he was upset about the condition of the lap top you freaked out. You modified the ad, in some way. You had multiple adds... This isn't all bad but I know with Craigslist you have to make your second ad different than the first or else it would get rejected because it's a duplicate. IF your wording was different and you left out "as is" you'll have a harder time.

              Third, just take him to court first for harassment. Sure you tried to get rid of your information, but what did he do? I don't know about you but I reformat my new computers myself when I buy them. If he tries to pull up information that he got out of your E-mails or personal files in court, ask for them to be dismissed as evidence as you did not give him permission to accesses your e-mail account.

              This is just silly. He's a douche bag and your not standing up for yourself. Just tell him to fuck off. Not everyone is going to be happy in life. Suck, but as much as you need to learn from your mistakes, so does he. It's a tough luck situation.
              Been a long time. Still alive...


                say... would you happen to have his e-mail address on hand?

                Fortunately the world is also a "don't ask, don't tell" kind of place...
                Been a long time. Still alive...

