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Teachers SUCK (bad Luck 4 me)

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    Teachers SUCK (bad Luck 4 me)

    (this teahcer loves to ignor ppl like when some girl she dont like trys to ask her some thing or when i try to ask her to use the rest room or like today when my friend was called down to go to a meeting about his collage and she wouldnt let him go and when he got there they had finshed)

    ok so today i m in my spanish 2 class for non speakers. I speak spainsh so i gota A in the class, why i am in it i dont know. any wayz the teacher is handing back papers and she gives me mine and i gota F so i am like rasing my hand and shit and nuttin. she just walks right by me

    so i keep trying to get her attetion and notting, at this point every ones talking and shit and everyone hears m. shes like right next to me so i go MISS!! loud enuff to hear but not like SUPER loud and she gose get out. i said iight fine but i am coming back with a dean cuz i am trying to ask u some thing and u dont even recognize me, so i leave go to the office and tell one of the deans. he tells me to just sit there and see if she writes me up, the bell rings and i go to my next class. while in class they send for me to go to the office.

    i go and its another dean. he hands me a referal that says i told her FUCK YOU and i refused to take a detention!! so i m like WHAT she told me to get out so i got my things and left i didnt say any thing to her. and of course cuz of my record at that school the last 3 years he goes your lieing. i m like no i m dead serious why would i come down here and tell the other dean what happend instend of just taking a detention? when i kno coming down here was prob gonna get me a saturday school. so he said he would talk to the teacher and get back to me but if she said i did what she said i did i m geting suspened for 10 days!!! 10 days!!!!!!!!!

    if i get suspened for 10 days ill have Fs in all my classes since i cant make up the work, and seeing how i am only passing every thing with at least a C my gpa will drop to next to nutting. all i have been trying to do this year is pass and stop geting in trouble, and now this shit happens and on top of that this weekend is our homecoming dance and i already paid and they said any one who gets a referal cant go. so thats gonna be 10 bucks wasted. fucking school is soooo *** the deans belive what ever the teachers say and shit.


    AND TO MAKE SHIT WORSE coming out of luch some fucking kids left ketchup packs all over the floor by the door and i steped on one and got ketchup all over my freash WHITE ON WHITE AF1s
    Last edited by Jay187; 11-04-2004, 08:10 PM.

    Punctuation is your friend.
    To-Do List for Today
    Be Awesome


      Do you know what car she drives?


        Mabye try paragraphs next time....I gave up 1/4 way through, since I couldn't tell wtf was going on anymore.


          Originally posted by Sho Nuff
          Do you know what car she drives?
          Man, don't mess with her car. Thats is so chicken shit.


            that sucks man, but edit it with periods. show some of that knowledge youre learning in college


              lolz sorry bout the run on bull shit guys. i was still pissed about it when i wrote it, shity part is its not college its high school!


                Cliffs or english?
                Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
                The OG.


                  Should be better now bro ^ sorry but like i said it was writen when i was pissed off heres the cliffs

                  i get f on paper

                  i try to ask teacher why

                  she send me out

                  i go to office

                  notting happens for a period n a half

                  i get called down and have a referal saying i told her fuck you and denied a detetion

                  dean says he going to talk to her but if she says i did say that i am geting 10 dayz suspened

                  if i get 10z its like failing and its all becuase 10 days is the max you can get for any thing thats what they give for fighting and i am get that becuase this lady says i cursed her out when she told me to get out and i just walked out


                    I hope this isin't one of those cases where you really did tell her to fuck off, but you told everybody here that you didin't to get sympathy.

                    I have no reason not to believe you though, and I've had REALLY big asshats (<t3h new hawtness?) for teachers so I know how it can be. Fight that shit until the death.
                    Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
                    The OG.


                      na fuck that if i would have told her off it would have been over something biger then that and i would of said alot more then just fuck you. lolz i mean she has denied me the pass to the rest room 3 times and i had to walk out 3 times to pee and i would all wayz come back and get my work done. plus why lie to u guys? i woulda post TOLD TEACHER OFF as thread topic if it woulda went down that way

