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WTF Is wrong with Paypal?

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    WTF Is wrong with Paypal?

    Ok i consider myself of average intelligence......

    i ordered something....

    i asked for a refund BEFORE the item was shipped....

    my cc was fradulently charged 3k by the seller because i asked for a refund.

    He provides a receipt of shipment and signed delivery to paypal with a name ive never heard of.

    I have emails between me and him but no shipping confirm....why? he didnt ship anything but a receipt mysteriously shows up?

    Now my account has limited access because paypal wants me to pay them 200$ for the chargeback but i never recieved the there is nothing that can be done even though i have a mountain of proof showing his credibility is 0 and my cc refunded me the money in my favor because his character is so shitty.

    Im so fucking lost, i don't understand why they are not seeing it the same way.

    They see it as they didn't choose to buy from him so its not their fault that he is not an honest seller, he did his part by providing a reciept with tracking and signature confirm......but i said so as long as "someone" signs the delivery, it does not matter who its a closed deal?


    When this is settled i am finished with this company, they have no customer support and are very rude on the phone.

    Their system is fucking flawed beyond belief.


    strange. Ask to speak to managers/higher ups. I've had a few problems with them too but they make it right in the end... usually. They do have a lot of bugs. Keep calling.
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      Any Police Reports? I had something very similar happen to me. Couldn't get a straight answer I what I needed to do to straighten this out that it was a fraudulent charge. I filed a police report and had the local PD fax it directly to Paypal. Two days later the charges mysteriously disappeared and I was back to full Paypal access.


        paypal is really good about looking into a case like this. If you were issued a refund before the expired time, there should be no such fees. Did you file a dispute case? Thats where you have to start before they can start the process.

