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Say goodbye to

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    Say goodbye to

    Yep guys, this site can be gone. It probably will with half of what I have found out and am still researching.

    1. Honda is not the reason.
    2. Deeve is not closing it
    3. It is the new administration coming in...


    WE have to protect the kids.

    Whoever voted for CHANGE is certainly getting their change..and another thing, when I was young the internet wasn't really much of anything. When everyone on here was young, the internet wasn't anything at all. We had no internet to dick around on. Small children should be kept off the internet anyway.
    Last edited by npor; 01-01-2009, 04:14 PM.

    I didn't vote for Change.
    I NEED hourly dose of
    I like my daily dose of internet porn.



      in that site, it said australia has already started or something? all it said was them blocking drug use information sites and excessive violence and mostly child pornography...

      not that i think they should be allowed...but i dont care anymore...
      Last edited by stewie; 01-01-2009, 04:22 PM.


        you are weird.


          Originally posted by stewie View Post
          not a hope in hell an american will start an international rule, canada wont give for that shit, making rules on the internet is like taking away your freedom of speech.

          i doubt it'll go through or even work out
          yeah, but just the thought of it. seriously? this gives me very low hopes for the future of this country.


            bullshit they are retarded if thy want to control and look over the internet like that. The internet is a connection to anything and everything. I mean where else can you just dick about and find all these random sites with great stuff to offer.

            "protect the children?"

            protect your own damn children how about that?

            whenever my little sisters want to get on I either kick them the hell out or I watch over what they do. It's simple.

            fucking government i retarded as fuck.

            good post npor


              nope. not going to happen.
              My pictures/photos will return soon...


                first where does it say Obama's administration,its says BRITISH. Its just some losers on the net who have nothing better to do,How would you even be able to put a ratings system on the whole net??? And why would this site be shut down.
                BUILT NOT BOUGHTOG OWNER,SINCE 06/1992


                  well if it's excesively violent or child porn i can understand.. but come on this is a website for people who like cars.

                  i'm all for shutting down sites that show videos of kids getting raped or people getting their heads cut off.
                  Last edited by Leung; 01-01-2009, 04:39 PM.


                    i dont believe it but why would they close sites like cb7? if we stopped calling each other asshats and the porn thread this site would be kid friendly


                      Originally posted by 2.2litrebeater View Post
                      if we stopped calling each other asshats and the porn thread this site would be kid friendly

                      that would be a bad idea.....i like the porn thread...(i just said what everyone thinks)
                      MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                        Originally posted by Leung View Post
                        well if it's excesively violent or child porn i can understand.. but come on this is a website for people like cars.

                        i'm all for shutting down sites that show videos of kids getting raped or people getting their heads cut off.
                        same here man.

                        as far as protecting the children? until they take shows like Nip/Tuck and Sex in the City off the air and stop movie that are over a G rating from showsing, policing the net like that wont happen. its just becoming more and more apparent that parents are getting lazy in raising their kids. thats all it boils down to.

                        some kid goes and shoots down a cop. what were the parents doing? did they allow the kid to have a gun? how were they raising them? did they teach them and instill in them that police are to be respected? no. the 1st thing they want to do is blame the net and video games. but once again it goes back to the parents. were yall saying "you cant have this game." or "you cant go to these sites." did they put a block on the sites they didnt want their children going to? didnt think so.

                        and plus. thats Britain news. nothing bad for us.


                          Originally posted by stewie View Post
                          that would be a bad idea.....i like the porn thread...(i just said what everyone thinks)
                          yeah. closing down the UNITED STATES freedom of speech and press just because some other country doesnt agree with it? sike. like that will ever happen. and if they did that then they would need to outlaw porn period. that means shutting down the porn industry period.
                          Last edited by Shadow1; 01-01-2009, 04:42 PM.


                            Originally posted by joshnrosen View Post
                            nope. not going to happen.

                            Originally posted by Maple50175
                            Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


                              1. Protecting Children...Not the govts responsibility...its those lazy fucks that cant take care of there children for shit

                              2. Even if they did this there would be a pretty huge uprising.

                              3. I am gonna see if this so called change happens within the next few months. No matter how much I hate it we will see what happens.

                              The New-ish Ride
                              My old Ride
                              Hear my Vtak!!!
                              MK3 Member #3
                              I piss off people for fun.
                              IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1

