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Get your money upfront fellas.

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    Get your money upfront fellas.

    Because doing work for free is pointless.

    I agreed to make my cousin a website for his "record label" and "recording Studio" I got together with him on Friday, got all of the layout done, info etc. Told him it was like 20 bucks a page (which i know is fucking cheap, but im not pro). Estimated about six pages. Well after i do everything, changed a few ideas, it came out to like 9-10 pages. I figure he's my cousin, he's KINDA helped me with shit before, so i'll just stick to my original $120 estimate.

    I upload it and called him sunday night, last night. and he said he loved it. he thought it was really good. So i said cool, lets get together tomorrow (tonight) so we can finalize everything. (IE collect payment)

    I give him a call, and we go through all this bullshit about him saying he'd only pay me 100 and that he only agreed to pay me that much. AND that he wont have the money UNTIL THE 30TH!!

    I said "Chris, I told you that the website would be done on monday"

    "Yeah but I didnt say I would pay you then"

    he continues on about him only agreeing $100, that, that was his budget.

    then he continues to say that for if i keep insisting on $120, he's just going to have some one else do his entire website for cheaper.

    THEN he says that after all of the times he hooked me up. !!!! i fucking PAID him to get me a hotel room for prom. Thats what he ALWAYS refers to, as him hooking me up. The hotel room was like 109 for the night or some shit. I gave him 120 and called it even. HE MADE 11 fucking dollars off of me!

    So, the more i think about it, he can just call me on the 30th when he has my "money" and im going to tell him to get some one else to do it for him for cheaper, because 100 dollars isnt worth my time.

    Don't do business with family.

    Collect your money before shit starts.


    Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

    Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

    Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

    Originally posted by JoshM
    Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
    NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.

    Amen, buddy.

    I just got done doing a cylinder head job on my buddies 91' he wants to pay me $30/month over 8 months for the labor ($240).
    Originally posted by sweet91accord
    if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.


      Originally posted by foamypirate View Post
      Amen, buddy.

      I just got done doing a cylinder head job on my buddies 91' he wants to pay me $30/month over 8 months for the labor ($240).
      Go to his house and find some shit to take.

      Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

      Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

      Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

      Originally posted by JoshM
      Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
      NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


        close that site down...dont give him the key 2 that site
        MY YOUTUBE Channel Plz Sub for the Support thanks

        ^^^ Click for the Link ^^^


          Originally posted by samuri88 View Post
          close that site down...dont give him the key 2 that site
          yeah. i have everything done under my own accounts. he still has his fucking godaddy account thing, but there is NOTHING on there.

          Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

          Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

          Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

          Originally posted by JoshM
          Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
          NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


            dude, its your cousin, dunno how everyone else rolls, but me and my cousins are very never make them pay for anything...we all swap clothes all the time, they're always at my house, im always at theirs...

            family = free shit

            thats how i see it.


              Originally posted by stewie View Post
              dude, its your cousin, dunno how everyone else rolls, but me and my cousins are very never make them pay for anything...we all swap clothes all the time, they're always at my house, im always at theirs...

              family = free shit

              thats how i see it.
              He told me its strictly business.

              And my family isnt as close as yours, I wish it were, because if it was, i'd be more than happy to do it gratis. The only time i get calls from family members is when they need something. Fuck how me or my parents are doing.

              Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

              Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

              Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

              Originally posted by JoshM
              Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
              NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


                Originally posted by stewie View Post
                dude, its your cousin, dunno how everyone else rolls, but me and my cousins are very never make them pay for anything...we all swap clothes all the time, they're always at my house, im always at theirs...

                family = free shit

                thats how i see it.
                ^^^^ your out 20 bucks till the end of the month big deal. you get you money and even if you dont get your money. what ever its family not like he ripped you off for a couple grand or any thing.

                Sold too: Grumpys93, '93CB7Ex, Bunta, prodh22accord, SSMAccord, fleetw00d


                  Originally posted by baracuda View Post
                  ^^^^ your out 20 bucks till the end of the month big deal. you get you money and even if you dont get your money. what ever its family not like he ripped you off for a couple grand or any thing.
                  You dont know the history of my so called "family"

                  I guess i fucked up in the first place agreeing to help him out, but I got laid off and i need money.

                  If he was comitted to me as a family member, and had respect for me in that aspect, this wouldnt have been a issue.

                  Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

                  Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

                  Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

                  Originally posted by JoshM
                  Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
                  NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


                    you know where he lives...git 'em!!!
                    MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                      haha you charged him 100 bucks for that angelfire.... website???


                        If anything make him sign a agreement form to come to terms and if he doesnt comply give him a 30day period to pay and take him to court. Sure hes family and all but business is business. And theres bills to be paid.


                          Pull the site down. Yes its only a 20 dollar difference. Its not the money. Its the principal. Danny knows this. Bullshit is bullshit, dont give him his domain until you get money Danny.
                          Last edited by Dv8; 12-09-2008, 10:57 PM.


                            Family + Business =

                            KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                            Originally posted by Jarrett
                            Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                              cant always trust family members cause theyre blood.

