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PICS: DEER VS BIKE... and everything else

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    PICS: DEER VS BIKE... and everything else

    Before the deer pics

    the DMV keeps suspending my licens, after i get it reinstated for the same thing.

    It's some insurance issue that has been destroying everything. The governent keeps screwing up and fucking me over worse.

    I went into the DMV payed a ticket from a while ago where i got pulled over for erraticly braking and speeding but the cop didnt have a radar he was following me at a safe distance and clocking my speed while erraticly braking at the exact same time i was.

    anyways. i went into the dmv and talked to this japanese lady who couldnt speak loudly or clearly or in good english. if you work with the government of the united states, you should be required to speak its native language in a good manner.

    Anyways, she tells me my license is not suspended but it will be soon for a 500 dollar fine that was given because my license was wrongly suspended that I have been trying to straighten out but everytime I send in a letter they screw up and re suspend my license for not having insurance that i have proved 3x over and they will reinstate it i will pay money and then it will get suspended because i didnt have insurance from 2 years ago that i had given them the last 3 times which they never actually fix.

    so the lady tells me my license isn't suspended.

    im driving tonight and i get pulled and get another ticket on top of the billion i have. a second ticket for driving with a suspended license.

    im so deep in shit it is unbelievable. and I can't get out of it. i have met every requirement. been on top of my game, taken care of every notice and infraction and yet they still can't seem to take care of there part.

    I got pulled over, and i gave him my license. and he tells me it is suspended.

    I snap completely this time, explain it has been suspended and reinstated 4 times in the last month and that i was told at the DMV it was fine and he tells me that the suspension from the ninth was still in effect.

    I get so pissed off. I tell him I have all my paper work from the past 2 years of my driving and the past month proving everything with me. But I am so tired of everything and this happening that He can arrest me and put me in jail because Im tired of getting fines and tickets that are out of my control, and if i am in jail then I won't have to drive to school or work and I wont have to pay any money and go through anymore shit.

    He says to me " just give me one second. comes back to the car and tells me, im giving you a ticket, get a courtdate for it, bring your paperwork, and try and get this sorted out. As long as your story is straight, you show me your paperwork, and you take care of what you need to, then I will dismiss it to the judge and you wont have to deal with him.

    I guess he could see that I was completely helpless from big brother and felt bad. I don't know, he didn't even take 4 minutes to fill out the ticket.


    I think i might spontaneously combust soon to be honest.

    Anyways, I have pics of the deer for all you that called me a fake blah blah whatever.

    And for those who put words in my mouth calling me a racist.

    asking any cb7 tuner member in orlando or j-ville, some of my best black/spanish friends will tell you i dont give a fuck if your purple or yellow just as long as everything about you doesn't yell out "im a complete stereotype of the foolish actions my culture is known for" then i don't give a crap what color you are.

    MR. PHIL is my bro, he's nighthawk black. I got his back anyday of the week and im sure he would do the same.

    so fuck off calling me racist. you dont know me.

    deer pics as promised

    got more at the bitches at the party, eating the deer, and who knows what else. naked pics of my extremely hot (people here can contest) x-gf who is split personality and fucked up towards me.

    i dunno heres these for now.








        i knew you'd get pics up
        峠 で ドリフト を して 下さい。

        steam linky facebook, y0 俺 は 走り屋 です。 clickable ^






            hell yeah! i knew it too....

            never second guess daves crazy stories...

            "Tucking tires and wires."
            The Chronicles.


              for deer pics.

              Gotta say that you ALWAYS have some drama going on!


                hahaha and you had naysayers

                naked pics of the x-girl them if need be.

                smoke tires, not drugs.


                  wheres the driver?


                    i didnt doubt you for a second...

                    holy foot?


                    my ride


                      all the people who doubted him must not really know him lol.

                      My s13 Ride Thread>>><<<My Rx7 Ride Thread "What is power without control?"
                      New people click here


               really drunk ri ght now and after seeing those pi cs m ake me wan t to dri nk more... good thing ur not hurt...fucking Bambe


                          wtf put the head on ur wall


                            I knew you'd get the pics up.

                            As for the rest of the statements... calling out the entire board and basically flaming everyone is NOT a good way to keep yourself from getting banned again. I suggest you delete that part of your post.


                              Originally posted by deevergote. View Post
                              I knew you'd get the pics up.

                              As for the rest of the statements... calling out the entire board and basically flaming everyone is NOT a good way to keep yourself from getting banned again. I suggest you delete that part of your post.
                              if your not fine with it then i will, but if it starts the slightest bit of an arguement ill take the ban for however long. i dont really care that going to say what i want as long as your ook with it. and if someone wants to start an arguement then ill take the ban before it gets out of hand.

