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Political, religious, and otherwise sensitive threads are now banned...

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    Originally posted by Maple50175 View Post
    14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


      so now that the election is over this thread is done too along with other political threads


        I see it as,,,,

        If your really passionate about another topic such as religion, politics.. etc...

        You would be on other threads that delt with nothing but that topic as well.. and i am sure they wouldn't want to here about a 18 year old car called a accord, with a refernce name of cb7....It only makes since.

        Allowing things to fester and boil in heated threads, rather their be insults or not, isn't really the best thing for a car community. A devider it will become, and those people who would have shown up at meets,,, well now they probly won't due to conflicting intrests..

        thats a sad thing.
        "Self Renewed"


          I've seen good members disappear for good due to heated discussions regarding topics that don't concern the purpose of this website.

          Imagine if Bisi were to be highly sensitive to a certain issue... not that he participates in OT, but he's a member that we all value, so I'm using him... Imagine that he held a very strong opinion on say, abortion. We get into a heated discussion about abortion... something that has NOTHING to do with CB7s. Bisi gets pissed. Bisi leaves. Bisi never comes back. That would be a great loss to this community.

          Granted, that's not a very good example, as Bisi doesn't get involved in the political threads. He doesn't even post all that often... but he IS active.

          This is CB7tuner. This is where we gather as 4th generation Accord enthusiasts. The Off Topic section is great. I spend most of my time here as well. However, people here just aren't capable of continuing sensitive conversations without attacking each other. I don't mean the new members, either... most of the problems I've experienced have dealt with longtime members... people that I respect and care about, and that makes banning just that much harder.

          So, I don't want to do it anymore. I'm busy. I don't have the time to read through 20 pages of bullshit, ban those involved, and then trade emails for the next week explaining my actions. Yes, that's a snapshot of my life as admin... "deev, why did you ban me?" "deev, owequitit is being a dick, you shouldn't let him and cpmike walk all over you" "deev, you should follow your own rules and ban the flamers not just me wutever yo im out dis peace i gotz a lexus on da way anywaz."

          If I'm stupid enough to want to deal with this again, I may allow such threads. The rule has not been added to "the rules" yet, so it may or may not be permanent. For those that wish to complain... put yourself in my shoes, and the shoes of the mods. Would YOU want to clean up the mess, while attempting to maintain some sort of order (so we're not called nazis... even though we get that anyway)


            Originally posted by deevergote. View Post
            I've seen good members disappear for good due to heated discussions regarding topics that don't concern the purpose of this website.

            Imagine if Bisi were to be highly sensitive to a certain issue... not that he participates in OT, but he's a member that we all value, so I'm using him... Imagine that he held a very strong opinion on say, abortion. We get into a heated discussion about abortion... something that has NOTHING to do with CB7s. Bisi gets pissed. Bisi leaves. Bisi never comes back. That would be a great loss to this community.

            Granted, that's not a very good example, as Bisi doesn't get involved in the political threads. He doesn't even post all that often... but he IS active.

            This is CB7tuner. This is where we gather as 4th generation Accord enthusiasts. The Off Topic section is great. I spend most of my time here as well. However, people here just aren't capable of continuing sensitive conversations without attacking each other. I don't mean the new members, either... most of the problems I've experienced have dealt with longtime members... people that I respect and care about, and that makes banning just that much harder.

            So, I don't want to do it anymore. I'm busy. I don't have the time to read through 20 pages of bullshit, ban those involved, and then trade emails for the next week explaining my actions. Yes, that's a snapshot of my life as admin... "deev, why did you ban me?" "deev, owequitit is being a dick, you shouldn't let him and cpmike walk all over you" "deev, you should follow your own rules and ban the flamers not just me wutever yo im out dis peace i gotz a lexus on da way anywaz."

            If I'm stupid enough to want to deal with this again, I may allow such threads. The rule has not been added to "the rules" yet, so it may or may not be permanent. For those that wish to complain... put yourself in my shoes, and the shoes of the mods. Would YOU want to clean up the mess, while attempting to maintain some sort of order (so we're not called nazis... even though we get that anyway)

            Don't worry man. Some of us understand your pain. I don't think I've ever gave you grief over any of my like 7 or 8 bannings, lol. Some people just don't know how to take their punishment. Just about every time you've ever put me in time out I already knew it was coming, lol. But I've been in your shoes, so yeah....

            Personally, I wouldn't allow any of it here anymore period. Half the cats on this site aren't even old enough to vote anyway, and they're usually too busy being caught up in their own little worlds to really have paid any attention to the issue's. They just spout off what they've heard instead of voicing their own opinions. That's where I saw most of the problem come from recently.

            - Rob -
            92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
            85 Toyota 4Runner
            1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
            2008 HD 1200N
            2009 HD 883N


              Deevs is right.

              Originally posted by deevergote. View Post
              I've seen good members disappear for good due to heated discussions regarding topics that don't concern the purpose of this website.

              Imagine if Bisi were to be highly sensitive to a certain issue... not that he participates in OT, but he's a member that we all value, so I'm using him... Imagine that he held a very strong opinion on say, abortion. We get into a heated discussion about abortion... something that has NOTHING to do with CB7s. Bisi gets pissed. Bisi leaves. Bisi never comes back. That would be a great loss to this community.

              Granted, that's not a very good example, as Bisi doesn't get involved in the political threads. He doesn't even post all that often... but he IS active.

              This is CB7tuner. This is where we gather as 4th generation Accord enthusiasts. The Off Topic section is great. I spend most of my time here as well. However, people here just aren't capable of continuing sensitive conversations without attacking each other. I don't mean the new members, either... most of the problems I've experienced have dealt with longtime members... people that I respect and care about, and that makes banning just that much harder.

              So, I don't want to do it anymore. I'm busy. I don't have the time to read through 20 pages of bullshit, ban those involved, and then trade emails for the next week explaining my actions. Yes, that's a snapshot of my life as admin... "deev, why did you ban me?" "deev, owequitit is being a dick, you shouldn't let him and cpmike walk all over you" "deev, you should follow your own rules and ban the flamers not just me wutever yo im out dis peace i gotz a lexus on da way anywaz."

              If I'm stupid enough to want to deal with this again, I may allow such threads. The rule has not been added to "the rules" yet, so it may or may not be permanent. For those that wish to complain... put yourself in my shoes, and the shoes of the mods. Would YOU want to clean up the mess, while attempting to maintain some sort of order (so we're not called nazis... even though we get that anyway)

              Agreed. If you want to know about politics, tune your TV to CNN, MSNBC, or FOX News. To get every perspective, I suggest you watch all 3. If you want to talk about an H22 swap, JDM, or simply how to change the oil in your Accord, post on this site. Take it from me, certain topics can start off respectful and end up heated, resulting in members not returning. I was almost one of those members. This is not the place for such topics as religion, politics, or certain views concerning sexual orientation. Not to say that these topics should not be discussed, however, they should not be debated here.

              I am in the Marine Corps. One day, I read a military thread. I said some things, other members said some things, before you know it, it got heated. If I would have left this site all together due to my anger, there would not be an H22 in my Accord right now that other members on this site drove 2 hours to help me install for FREE.

              That's why I'm really here. So should you.

              Last edited by R33cb7; 11-05-2008, 03:51 PM.

              If imitation is the best form of flattery............thanks for kissing my ass.


                Originally posted by R33cb7 View Post
                If I would have left this site all together due to my anger, there would not be an H22 in my Accord right now that other members on this site drove 2 hours to help me install for FREE.

                That's why I'm really here. So should you.


                technically you had to feed a few of us


                  Originally posted by GHOST 2.2 View Post
                  technically you had to feed a few of us

                  You're right Jed, but I couldn't have done it without you!

                  If imitation is the best form of flattery............thanks for kissing my ass.


                    Originally posted by R33cb7 View Post
                    Agreed. If you want to know about politics, tune your TV to CNN, MSNBC, or FOX News. To get every perspective, I suggest you watch all 3. If you want to talk about an H22 swap, JDM, or simply how to change the oil in your Accord, post on this site. Take it from me, certain topics can start off respectful and end up heated, resulting in members not returning. I was almost one of those members. This is not the place for such topics as religion, politics, or certain views concerning sexual orientation. Not to say that these topics should not be discussed, however, they should not be debated here.

                    I am in the Marine Corps. One day, I read a military thread. I said some things, other members said some things, before you know it, it got heated. If I would have left this site all together due to my anger, there would not be an H22 in my Accord right now that other members on this site drove 2 hours to help me install for FREE.

                    That's why I'm really here. So should you.

                    Yeah, you and I got into it for a bit!

                    But yeah... there's no need for that stuff here. The OT section is fine for anything else... talk about what you ate, where you took your girlfriend, what movies you saw, what color your poop was today... But we don't need the crazy discussions. As Rob said, half the members here aren't even old enough to vote. The other half is comprised of people who won't vote, or don't even live in this country. Only a fraction of those causing grief here actually vote... and only a fraction of them actually have an understanding of the issues (as much as possible... no matter where you look, it's all subjective... though varied perspectives are the best way to go)

                    I'm always right down in there with the debates as well, so it's not like I'm doing this because I don't like a good debate and confrontation... However, it's becoming detrimental to the primary function of this site, and that's unacceptable.

                    Gerald... your car is kickass. One of the nicest looking ones on this site, IMO. And we almost lost you due to a thread about the military that got out of hand. If it was about people hating on your car, fine... that's CB7-related (though I would hope to stop it early if that ever happened... unlikely... )


                      So then there's probably no way of everyone discussing the history aspect of this event, is there?

                      That sucks. Forget Dem or Repub, lets talk about history. If not a black man, then a woman. Hell, even if he had lost, the fact that a black man ran wouldve been history as well.


                      KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                      Originally posted by Jarrett
                      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                        to the post above me....


                        i became lost.
                        "Self Renewed"


                          Deev says Political Threads are NO MORE.

                          Id like to open a thread to discuss the history being made by having a black president.

                          I dont care what political orientation he or anyone is. I just wanna discuss the historical event taking place...

                          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                          Originally posted by Jarrett
                          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                            Mike, talk to your friends about it, this isn't the place.


                              Originally posted by C91BLX7 View Post
                              Mike, talk to your friends about it, this isn't the place.
                              so this is the place to post Nude Pics of Girls? or to talk about relationships?

                              There is a reason why this is the 'Off Topic' Lounge.

                              somehow a double standard is upon us.

                              I don't mind either way, but there definitely has to be consistency.

                              People can be offended by a lot. Nudity is up there.

                              thankfully, this is a mostly young male forum that is lenient about nudity and sex related topics.
                              14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


                                Originally posted by C91BLX7 View Post
                                Mike, talk to your friends about it, this isn't the place.
                                Wanna chat...friend?

                                Originally posted by verothacamaro View Post
                                thankfully, this is a mostly young male forum that is lenient about nudity and sex related topics.
                                Yes it is, and amen to that.

                                I agree. Its called "Off-Topic" for a reason, but i think the reason Deev banned them is because they just cause too much BS.

                                Plus, he's the Administrator. He can do whatever the hell he wants. Take it or leave it.

                                KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                                Originally posted by Jarrett
                                Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

