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BTW I'm voting for McCain/Palin

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    BTW I'm voting for McCain/Palin

    Watch the ENTIRE video

    Then discuss.

    Please keep the discussion civil and on the topic at hand.

    EDIT: Apparently I submitted the same thread twice. Duplicate was deleted...



      wow that guy is quite the talker.

      feed the republicans.

      here suckers, suckers, suckers.

      smoke tires, not drugs.



        counter argument


          Liberal FTW.

          "Tucking tires and wires."
          The Chronicles.


            Originally posted by accord=inspire? View Post
            that guy is a moron.

            smoke tires, not drugs.


              Discuss what? That he's a black republican? Well definetly not a first and wont be the last. I think its good, he's halfway on point. The democratic party has been infiltrated by freaks and weirdos.

              Honestly the republican party isn't looking anywhere near as bad as it did decades ago. So the democrats will have to get their head out of their ass soon because productive blacks that aint on welfare standing in line on the 1st and the 15th will switch up in a heartbeat and turn their backs on a party that takes their vote for granted.

              The reasons I dont vote republican are because family values and religion are bullshit to me. I really dont believe abortion is an issue. Illegal immigration is a non issue, sexual orientation is a non issue. Basically the social ideology of the republican party is semi retarded and neanderthal thinking.

              This doesn't mean I'm a liberal as I believe most liberals are mental but normal people really dont believe in pro life b.s, religion, tax cuts for the rich, abstinence, marriage, outlawing prostitution or weed, so called public indecency laws, killing animals for sport, staying in the closet, etc,


                Originally posted by Fake Thug View Post
                Discuss what? That he's a black republican? Well definetly not a first and wont be the last. I think its good, he's halfway on point. The democratic party has been infiltrated by freaks and weirdos.

                Honestly the republican party isn't looking anywhere near as bad as it did decades ago. So the democrats will have to get their head out of their ass soon because productive blacks that aint on welfare standing in line on the 1st and the 15th will switch up in a heartbeat and turn their backs on a party that takes their vote for granted.

                The reasons I dont vote republican are because family values and religion are bullshit to me. I really dont believe abortion is an issue. Illegal immigration is a non issue, sexual orientation is a non issue. Basically the social ideology of the republican party is semi retarded and neanderthal thinking.

                This doesn't mean I'm a liberal as I believe most liberals are mental but normal people really dont believe in pro life b.s, religion, tax cuts for the rich, abstinence, marriage, outlawing prostitution or weed, so called public indecency laws, killing animals for sport, staying in the closet, etc,
                well put... i agree on pretty much everything said....

                "Tucking tires and wires."
                The Chronicles.


                  Originally posted by J-specCb4 View Post
                  well put... i agree on pretty much everything said....
                  that makes me a third. I think people really feel that the rep party are ALL as said above. But in truth, look at the Governator.... probably one of the biggest liberal republican, so to speak.

                  The reason i feel to vote rep is not because of the pro-life, or anti-*** stuff. But this country was built upon a republican government.

                  Look at the romans. They had the most successful government to date before it tore itself apart from the inside out because of power hungry leaders.

                  Oh, and democracy came from France. and the only war france ever won was their civil war.


                    Originally posted by Flatline View Post
                    Oh, and democracy came from France. and the only war france ever won was their civil war.
                    LOL@ france only winning against itself. lol: ....that was pretty funny,


                      Originally posted by Fake Thug View Post
                      Discuss what? That he's a black republican? Well definetly not a first and wont be the last. I think its good, he's halfway on point. The democratic party has been infiltrated by freaks and weirdos.

                      Honestly the republican party isn't looking anywhere near as bad as it did decades ago. So the democrats will have to get their head out of their ass soon because productive blacks that aint on welfare standing in line on the 1st and the 15th will switch up in a heartbeat and turn their backs on a party that takes their vote for granted.

                      The reasons I dont vote republican are because family values and religion are bullshit to me. I really dont believe abortion is an issue. Illegal immigration is a non issue, sexual orientation is a non issue. Basically the social ideology of the republican party is semi retarded and neanderthal thinking.

                      This doesn't mean I'm a liberal as I believe most liberals are mental but normal people really dont believe in pro life b.s, religion, tax cuts for the rich, abstinence, marriage, outlawing prostitution or weed, so called public indecency laws, killing animals for sport, staying in the closet, etc,
                      This is a pretty weak arguement IMO.

                      This is no different than saying that ALL Democrats would rather burn humans than trees, want government sponsored handouts, can't think for themselves (which is why they want the government to do it for them etc.)

                      1) Please explain to me what you mean by "family values" and why you don't believe in them. This I am most likely going to disagree on. "Family Values" are at the core of society. If more people grew up in loving environments with loving family members, and people in this day and age weren't so selfish, the world would be a far better place. I don't think that "families" necessarily have to be comprised of a mother and a father etc, but there is something to be said about the social trends implicated with the divorce rate etc. That is why I am asking you to clarify.

                      2) Religion I will agree with you on. I don't need some well financed blow hole telling me what I need to believe. Especially not when he is telling me to check my moral compass, while he is embezeling, cheating on his wife, and having sex with young little boys. My judgement will be between me and God, when I get to that point, as will everyone elses.

                      3) I live in Arizona. Illegal immigration IS an issue (well, at least it was BEFORE the State started cracking down on it). Hundreds of millions of dollars a year in medical charge offs that were picked up by yours truly. A 3+ hour wait in the ER, because the facilities couldn't handle the demand, and didn't get the revenue to improve facilities. From first hand experience, the medical response time in such situations has improved drastically, especially for non-life threatening issues. Oddly, the job market in AZ hasn't taken as much of a hit as it could have because while not the most desireable jobs, SOMEONE has to pick lettuce, and right now, that is all some people can find. Social Security fraud and other forms of government money fraud that amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars a year. There were some downsides, but there were also some very significant upsides. I can now go into a store and hear more English than Spanish. While I don't "hate" people that can't speak English, like many bigots, it does make life easier to be able to communicate with most of the people.

                      4) I believe in economic policy that is going to generate the most wealth for everyone. Historically, whether you like it and want to believe it or not, rich people invest money, which is why they are rich. That investment doesn't just benefit them. It benefits the businesses and things they invest in, and everyone around those businesses, INCLUDING the employees. It is small minded and ignorant of reality to assume that rich people only benefit themselves. Does the average man benefit on a dollar for dollar basis? No, but overall they do benefit much more than other options. Look at our averages compared to other countries that favor taxing the shit out of rich people (i.e. pretty much EVERY heavily socialist country). Not only is there much higher unemployment, more limited job growth and upward opportunity and job opportunities, but they make less doing it. We didn't get into the economic position we have enjoyed for the last 100 years by coincidence, luck or magic. We got there because we gave people incentives to succeed and flourish. For the record, Republicans don't just want tax breaks for the rich, contrary to popular Democrat propaganda. In fact, the ONLY substantial difference between McCain's and Obama's tax plan is ABOVE $250K, and everything below is pretty much the same. Above $250K McCain simply wants to give them the same tax break that you will get. Why should we take their money and give it to you, because they were successful and you were not as much? Where is the incentive to be successful for EITHER party in that situation? You don't need to change because you are getting handouts for the same amount of effort. They don't have as much money to invest, and thus benefit you, so they can't invest, and are less likely to invest, as there is no incentive for them to do so. This mentallity collapsed Communism.

                      5) I am not for outlawing prostitution, but I am all for outlawing weed. Say what you want, point to all of the internet sources etc. It DOES chemically change/impair you judgement, and it does have medical side effects. The REAL science says so conclusively. Dependency issues etc are not as clear cut, and I don't think those exist, although statistically, they DO increase the likelyhood of moving on to something that DOES have further dependency issues, but the rest of the downsides are real. Usually those for it, are users. Not to say that it is the same as Meth, but the problem with users is they don't fully see the same symptoms that someone observing would see. Just like a drunk might not think he is as drunk as he is. Just like a Meth user will swear up and down that it doesn't affect them, while they are raking rocks at 3AM on weeknight. Yes, I have dealt with users.

                      6) Not sure why killing animals for sport is bad... We once hunted for survival, but since that method is no longer practical, efficient or effective for most groups of people, so we now raise food in large quantities. However, nature is a very delicately balanced system, and without sport hunting, animals that used to have their largest natural predator in humans are suddenly without. This leads to over population, the spread of disease and famine, and ultimately a much more cruel existence than being shot dead. Of course you would find out, if you studied the history of the matter, that we once tried to more or less completely outlaw hunting in some parts of the country. This lead to severe overpopulation is species such as Deer, elk, antelope etc. They were infiltrating urban areas eating everything in sight, and because their natural habitat was not able to support them, they were dying of and spreading diseases among each other, and potentially to the suburban areas in which they were spreading. That is why controlled hunting was reintroduced. You also saw it in the areas where wolves were removed from nature, because the natural predator was gone. Unfortunately, movies like Bambi sensitized people to something that they really didn't need to be sensitized to because it wasn't an issue to begin with. States, like Arizona, that kept the hunting controlled, never had any issues. The populations are healthy, well nourished and generally better off because they exist in numbers that their environment can support.

                      7) Where has it ever been said that the majority of Republicans favor staying in the closet? You are taking the extreme right wing views and applying them unilaterally to a group of people that is larger than those beliefs.

                      That is no different than someone saying that anyone who votes Democrat is for Communism, saving trees and moss above all other forms of life, having natural ocean births with Dolphins, and doesn't shower or eat anything other than granola and honey. It is wrong.

                      That is why the 2 party system in this country is so fucked up, and getting worse by the minute.

                      Apparently, there is no such thing as a free thinking human that could actually put their BS biases down and take GOOD IDEAS from BOTH sides of the fence and put them together to actually run a semi decent, successful, and long term viable country. Nope. Instead, we are going to stand around ignorant and blissful, pointing fingers and blame, unwilling to compromise, spending ourselves into oblivion and trying to become just like Europe (who we revolted from because they aren't always right) while trying to gain the approval of an international community that is going to hate us no matter what, until we are as poor as they are.
                      Last edited by owequitit; 10-23-2008, 12:51 PM.
                      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                        Shits crazy everyone wants the best for the but does the worst perhaps for their own gain. Everyone wants to go up when we only went downhill. I only hope that this nation doesnt go anymore downhill. Because if thats case we got more enemies galore probably from every other nation.
                        Last edited by h22sparkle; 10-23-2008, 12:52 PM.


                          Originally posted by Flatline View Post
                          Oh, and democracy came from France. and the only war france ever won was their civil war.

                          Is that your final answer?

                          You might want to look a few thousand years earlier in history to see the first form of Democracy...

                          As for France, they were once one of the greatest powers the world has ever known. In fact, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be a country. Simple as that.
                          Last edited by owequitit; 10-23-2008, 12:58 PM.
                          The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                            Originally posted by owequitit View Post

                            Is that your final answer?

                            You might want to look a few thousand years earlier in history to see the first form of Democracy...

                            Hey, look Scott, we're finally agreeing on something in a political thread. The universe is collap.dfadjflAhhhhhhH!

                            Owner of


                              Not feelin the hat...

