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BTW I'm voting for McCain/Palin

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    Originally posted by Accord R33 View Post

    Hey, look Scott, we're finally agreeing on something in a political thread. The universe is collap.dfadjflAhhhhhhH!
    Eh, it happens...
    The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


      Originally posted by owequitit View Post

      Is that your final answer?

      You might want to look a few thousand years earlier in history to see the first form of Democracy...

      As for France, they were once one of the greatest powers the world has ever known. In fact, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be a country. Simple as that.
      That was actually a joke. an i personally think that France as a "Super Power" could do a lot more to affect the world around them for the better.

      Like Veitnam for example.... they pulled us into that war. and then stepped out from behind us because "we could handle it"

      and i wasn't talking about the first form of democracy. i was talking about modern day democracy.


        Ready for a curve ball.

        Honestly, I've always felt a bit perplexed as to why blacks would want to vote Democrat. In the history books it is written in black and white (no pun intended). Majority of the democrats were southern states FOR slavery. The first dozen or so presidents were democrats! Abraham Lincoln was THE first republican elected into office. And he abolished slavery! I mean am I interpreting history wrong and am I the only one dumbfounded as to why the majority of blacks support democrats? The southerners started a war over it, Civil war! Democrat senators are quoted saying mean discriminating things about blacks in Congress and Senate house so that they could continue to own slaves.

        I know I have a bit of a weird way of looking at the world. You all know this. But for me it is not that far fetched to believe that to this day, possibly, democrats hold animosity towards republicans. The south was defeated and the white house was forever changed after Lincoln. Republicans took majority votes and what in the world can the democrats do...Possibly...convince minorities that they are FOR them to attract votes. Do whatever it takes to get back to the top were they used to be.

        Heres another 'out there' hypothesis

        As citizens, we really do not know what is going on between secret societies and the wealthy ruling elite. Could we possibly be fighting a secret hundred year civil war passed down from family generation to generation? Lincoln assassination, Kennedy assassination, 9/11. I have seen countless debates on 9/11 as to who was responsible. Majority believe it was terrorism and Osama Bin Laden. A few percentage of conspiracy theorists say it was in inside job by the Bush administration. You've seen the videos that Osama had released saying he was not responsible for the attack. You've seen the video where Alan Russo claimed to have been warned by one of the Rockefeller's that there would be a big event on the country. You've seen the video of when president Bush was in the classroom on the morning of 9/11 being told what had happened, the way he stared off and nodded his head.

        Was there a fear that the Bush administration and essentially the Republican party was close to taking full control of the White house. I believe so yes.

        Was there a decision to execute a terrorist attack by wealthy ruling elites aimed at taking back what once belonged to them, the white house? I have no idea. I can only use my crazy way of thinking to look at scenarios differently than others.

        We know Bush is not the brightest bulb. But his administration is the ones to analyze...Could they have been expecting the democrats to do something drastic in retaliation. Maybe. What a perfect president (Bush) to keep in the dark of such information and believe what his superiors tell him. I look in his eyes and Bush believes whole heartedly it was terrorism. Looked straight into the camera and said "we gon get them suns a bitches" (not in those words) Maybe they found a way to keep citizens in the dark AND secure office by invading Afghanistan/Iraq. Oil pipelines is good money, but not worth risking office, and killing innocent Americans. Maybe this crazy attack presented Bush administration with an open door. We know they have been eying the Middle East back since the first Bush. We invaded Iraq on a whim, we know this.

        I don't think to hard on this clearly, its out there, but it's just one of my 'What Ifs?' You can laugh at me but back to the topic on hand (sorry for straying) I still think Democrats are just in it for the votes (we know they used to be Boss Hogg) Republicans just in it for the money (clearly).

        But I rather have someone that tells me straight up, "I don't like you because I don't like your kind and or your not making me any money." Rather then "I got your back for life, I'm all for you man, we are like brothers" and then shoots me in the back after he uses me, whispers to his friend "I never liked that guy, his wife has a nice ass tho"


          I'm not political or historical scholar, but didn't democracy come from ancient Greece?

          Oh, and Richard Pryor shirt guy is my new hero.


            Originally posted by alifeva View Post
            Ready for a curve ball.

            Honestly, I've always felt a bit perplexed as to why blacks would want to vote Democrat. In the history books it is written in black and white (no pun intended). Majority of the democrats were southern states FOR slavery. The first dozen or so presidents were democrats! Abraham Lincoln was THE first republican elected into office. And he abolished slavery! I mean am I interpreting history wrong and am I the only one dumbfounded as to why the majority of blacks support democrats? The southerners started a war over it, Civil war! Democrat senators are quoted saying mean discriminating things about blacks in Congress and Senate house so that they could continue to own slaves.
            Im rusty on history, but i think back then It was the Whigs and so forth kind of political party, and if my memory serves correctly, republicans were the democrats and the other party were the whigs. Then some kind of shift happened. I may be totally wrong about this though.

            so more crap

            Last edited by JaiBeezy DnB; 10-23-2008, 02:19 PM.



              Originally posted by JaiBeezy DnB View Post
              Im rusty on history, but i think back then It was the Whigs and so forth kind of political party, and if my memory serves correctly, republicans were the democrats and the other party were the whigs. Then some kind of shift happened. I may be totally wrong about this though.

              Yea I am not to sure either but it sounds familiar. You know what ain't that something, I always pictured in my head democrats down south and fancy business man republicans up north. and Today we see that southerners are die hard republicans whereas northern states are now going liberal democrat. Sorta flip flopped didn't it?


                It was stated before that this country was built on republican beliefs. Very true. However, that's why this country is so messed up now. The rich is constantly trying to get richer. Hence leading to greed and theft. Then comes a broke down ecomomy. MESSAGE: Does this look or sound familiar??? I think it is safe to say that the really greedy and dirty republicans (not all repulicans) are the reason for the chaos and and ruined economy today. There was a recent CEO who was republican making over 200 million a year. Guess what happened? The company went under. Next the government sent the company 75+ million to bail them out. WTF.

                Do we need to disscuss one of the dirtiest republicans of them all. He raped America for billions of dollars in a matter of two years. Not to mention he stole the Presidency with the help of his brother. Just think, people are mad at Clinton for getting his balls licked.

                Damn, if you get rewarded for stealing the Presidency, killing thousands of innocent lives, and raping America for big currency, I WONDER WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING HONEST, DONATING TO POSITIVE CHARITIES, AND DOING YOU JOB CORRECTLY?

                EDIT: Oh yea, one more thing... I don't care who knows, I'm voting democrat. I have more in common with Obama than any other canidate, and not just because he is black. He understands and has been through every struggle that I am going or will go through.
                Last edited by Straight Success; 10-23-2008, 02:42 PM.
                The Lord watches over me!

                "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

                - D. Chappelle


                  Originally posted by Straight Success View Post
                  It was stated before that this country was built on republican beliefs. Very true. However, that's why this country is so messed up now. The rich is constantly trying to get richer. Hence leading to greed and theft. Then comes a broke down ecomomy. MESSAGE: Does this look or sound familiar??? I think it is safe to say that the really greedy and dirty republicans (not all repulicans) are the reason for the chaos and and ruined economy today. There was a recent CEO who was republican making over 200 million a year. Guess what happened? The company went under. Next the government sent the company 75+ million to bail them out. WTF.

                  Do we need to disscuss one of the dirtiest republicans of them all. He raped America for billions of dollars in a matter of two years. Not to mention he stole the Presidency with the help of his brother. Just think, people are mad at Clinton for getting his balls licked.

                  Damn, if you get rewarded for stealing the Presidency, killing thousands of innocent lives, and raping America for big currency, I WONDER WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING HONEST, DONATING TO POSITIVE CHARITIES, AND DOING YOU JOB CORRECTLY?

                  EDIT: Oh yea, one more thing... I don't care who knows, I'm voting democrat. I have more in common with Obama than any other canidate, and not just because he is black. He understands and has been through every struggle that I am going or will go through.
                  best post ever definitely the bush gang is gonna smoke a fat one in hell juggernaut style sesame-street because im da juggernaut bitch arrhrhhhhhhhh lol anyways j/k yeah prettymuch this nation is getting its own back to em.
                  Last edited by h22sparkle; 10-23-2008, 02:58 PM.


                    Originally posted by alifeva View Post
                    Ready for a curve ball.

                    Honestly, I've always felt a bit perplexed as to why blacks would want to vote Democrat. In the history books it is written in black and white (no pun intended). Majority of the democrats were southern states FOR slavery. The first dozen or so presidents were democrats! Abraham Lincoln was THE first republican elected into office. And he abolished slavery! I mean am I interpreting history wrong and am I the only one dumbfounded as to why the majority of blacks support democrats? The southerners started a war over it, Civil war! Democrat senators are quoted saying mean discriminating things about blacks in Congress and Senate house so that they could continue to own slaves.

                    I know I have a bit of a weird way of looking at the world. You all know this. But for me it is not that far fetched to believe that to this day, possibly, democrats hold animosity towards republicans. The south was defeated and the white house was forever changed after Lincoln. Republicans took majority votes and what in the world can the democrats do...Possibly...convince minorities that they are FOR them to attract votes. Do whatever it takes to get back to the top were they used to be.

                    Heres another 'out there' hypothesis

                    As citizens, we really do not know what is going on between secret societies and the wealthy ruling elite. Could we possibly be fighting a secret hundred year civil war passed down from family generation to generation? Lincoln assassination, Kennedy assassination, 9/11. I have seen countless debates on 9/11 as to who was responsible. Majority believe it was terrorism and Osama Bin Laden. A few percentage of conspiracy theorists say it was in inside job by the Bush administration. You've seen the videos that Osama had released saying he was not responsible for the attack. You've seen the video where Alan Russo claimed to have been warned by one of the Rockefeller's that there would be a big event on the country. You've seen the video of when president Bush was in the classroom on the morning of 9/11 being told what had happened, the way he stared off and nodded his head.

                    Was there a fear that the Bush administration and essentially the Republican party was close to taking full control of the White house. I believe so yes.

                    Was there a decision to execute a terrorist attack by wealthy ruling elites aimed at taking back what once belonged to them, the white house? I have no idea. I can only use my crazy way of thinking to look at scenarios differently than others.

                    We know Bush is not the brightest bulb. But his administration is the ones to analyze...Could they have been expecting the democrats to do something drastic in retaliation. Maybe. What a perfect president (Bush) to keep in the dark of such information and believe what his superiors tell him. I look in his eyes and Bush believes whole heartedly it was terrorism. Looked straight into the camera and said "we gon get them suns a bitches" (not in those words) Maybe they found a way to keep citizens in the dark AND secure office by invading Afghanistan/Iraq. Oil pipelines is good money, but not worth risking office, and killing innocent Americans. Maybe this crazy attack presented Bush administration with an open door. We know they have been eying the Middle East back since the first Bush. We invaded Iraq on a whim, we know this.

                    I don't think to hard on this clearly, its out there, but it's just one of my 'What Ifs?' You can laugh at me but back to the topic on hand (sorry for straying) I still think Democrats are just in it for the votes (we know they used to be Boss Hogg) Republicans just in it for the money (clearly).

                    But I rather have someone that tells me straight up, "I don't like you because I don't like your kind and or your not making me any money." Rather then "I got your back for life, I'm all for you man, we are like brothers" and then shoots me in the back after he uses me, whispers to his friend "I never liked that guy, his wife has a nice ass tho"
                    You are giving way too many people way too much credit.
                    The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                      Originally posted by Straight Success View Post
                      It was stated before that this country was built on republican beliefs. Very true. However, that's why this country is so messed up now. The rich is constantly trying to get richer. Hence leading to greed and theft. Then comes a broke down ecomomy. MESSAGE: Does this look or sound familiar??? I think it is safe to say that the really greedy and dirty republicans (not all repulicans) are the reason for the chaos and and ruined economy today. There was a recent CEO who was republican making over 200 million a year. Guess what happened? The company went under. Next the government sent the company 75+ million to bail them out. WTF.

                      Do we need to disscuss one of the dirtiest republicans of them all. He raped America for billions of dollars in a matter of two years. Not to mention he stole the Presidency with the help of his brother. Just think, people are mad at Clinton for getting his balls licked.

                      Damn, if you get rewarded for stealing the Presidency, killing thousands of innocent lives, and raping America for big currency, I WONDER WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING HONEST, DONATING TO POSITIVE CHARITIES, AND DOING YOU JOB CORRECTLY?

                      EDIT: Oh yea, one more thing... I don't care who knows, I'm voting democrat. I have more in common with Obama than any other canidate, and not just because he is black. He understands and has been through every struggle that I am going or will go through.
                      And congratulations. This post is now also closed, with perhaps one of the top 10 most ignorant replies ever.

                      I would recommend getting a grasp on reality before making such bold claims.

                      1) A large general study of economics would be in order.

                      2) A large general study of our governments structure would be in order. Civics and Free Enterprise as it were.

                      3) A large study of history would be in order. Far more socialistic type governments have failed historically, but hey, it's all Bush's fault right?
                      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!

