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    I liked this thread better when we were talking about TacoBell.


      Originally posted by owequitit View Post
      Yes, because doctors have never learned through trial and error....
      Well, let me ask you this. Do you believe in the saying "Do as I say, not as I do."

      I find it unreasonable a doctor telling me about my health when he has a gut himself. Not to say he hasn't studied cases for years and has experience but I would listen to a body builder about diet and nutrition first.


        Originally posted by alifeva View Post
        Well, let me ask you this. Do you believe in the saying "Do as I say, not as I do."

        I find it unreasonable a doctor telling me about my health when he has a gut himself. Not to say he hasn't studied cases for years and has experience but I would listen to a body builder about diet and nutrition first.
        But see, that is where you are dead wrong. Literally.

        Physique shape, while a general indicator, is not necessarily indicative of health. Anyone as informed about drugs as you should know that.

        Just like being skinny doesn't necessarily make you healthier than the next guy.
        The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


          Originally posted by F22HB View Post
          I liked this thread better when we were talking about TacoBell.
          i know, me too..
          on the other hand i have jack in the box almost as much as i have taco bell.
          crack tacos ftw
          峠 で ドリフト を して 下さい。

          steam linky facebook, y0 俺 は 走り屋 です。 clickable ^


            Originally posted by owequitit View Post
            But see, that is where you are dead wrong. Literally.

            Physique shape, while a general indicator, is not necessarily indicative of health. Anyone as informed about drugs as you should know that.

            Just like being skinny doesn't necessarily make you healthier than the next guy.
            Well, let me ask you this. Would you trust a rigger who works for boeing who repairs pressure cabins and tail sections and just about every bolt on a plane hes either taken it off, put it back on, or read about it being done but has never flown. would you take lessons in flying from him? or would u keep an ear open and just stick with what you know from experience.
            Last edited by alifeva; 10-05-2008, 08:24 PM.


              Also have only taken adderall, pot (quit), alcohol, nictotine (have quit b4), and pain killers a few several times. Other than those drugs I stay away from coffee for example (i drink tea) and other addicting illegal substances I am surrounded by on a daily. When I am sick I gargle with salt water thats it, I ride it out. I treat everything like a drug down the the food I eat (sugar startch for ex). I do not believe in the psychology or medical field. If its a surgeon stitching people up thats cool but as far as drugs. I believe doctors are substituting one problem for another. I believe it is about money in the bigger picture. I have seen the numbers and thousands of people literally die we just don't know about them. I believe whole heartedly in Food, Exercise, Water...Thats all the human body needs. We have prevailed thus far...humans that is...

              Ever since the Industrial Revolution


                Originally posted by alifeva View Post
                Well, let me ask you this. Would you trust a rigger who works for boeing who repairs pressure cabins and tail sections and just about every bolt on a plane hes either taken it off, put it back on, or read about it being done but has never flown. would you take lessons in flying from him? or would u keep an ear open and just stick with what you know from experience.
                As usual, your response makes ZERO sense.

                My original statement was based on the fact that doctors don't achieve 100% success and you know that. Or at least should.

                Yet somehow, you are apparently trying to turn this into me telling you what to do.

                That is the end of this thread. Congratulations on killing another.

                And let me ask you this. When you know the stuff you are taking is bad for you, why do you do it anyway?
                The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!

