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W.W.Y.D....?(Long Read)

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    W.W.Y.D....?(Long Read)

    For those of you who dont know, i work at a Chevy Dealership. I work with 3 other guys. We're in and out of cars almost all day. Mostly customer cars, some of them are courtesy cars.

    You see change, money, pens, stereos, CDs, etc in customer cars. We're taught to watch for expensive/important-looking items and make note of them. Although we have a "Not liable" sign up, it doesnt mean we can go through and steal ppl's shit. Well, here's the deal...

    When we pick up a customers car and move it around, we're supposed to write the tag number down on a list, next to our name. Well, i got this truck. As soon as i get in, i notice an iPod, a RAZR, an LED flashlight and about $0.78 in change(3 quarters and a few pennies). I dont usually see the electronics, but i blew it off and went on.

    I moved it into the bay, and had begun working on it when they called me to go pick up a City car. As i was leaving, one of the guys, Steve, asked where i was going, what i was gonna do with this truck and if "nothing", if he could move it.(He was trying to make a few extra $'s doing a mechanics car.) I said "Move it."

    I get back, its moved. So i go get the keys for it and start to pull it in the bay again, when i notice that the quarters i previously noted, were gone. Now im all about free money, but not if it means losing my job. If you're gonna steal change, do it from a shit load, not from less than a $1. Anyway, i was pissed not only because the money was gone, but because that vehicle was under my name. If the owner said something about it, itd be on me.

    Now this Steve guy has told me before that he was high on about 5 vicodin, he's asked me if i knew anybody that sold ANY kind of drugs, and he's always asking us if any of the cars need gas, and one time, after dropping off a bunch of scrap metal, he took off, in the shop truck, with the money and was gone for like 45 minutes. When he came back, and was asked for the money from the scrap, he pulled it from his wallet, not pocket.

    Anyway, i told the other 2 guys and we'd been talking about it for a day or two, when the head boss calls all 4 of us in for a meeting.

    Guess what he talked about??

    "Customers complaining of missing money; glove boxes being rifled through, and one man claimed the GPS was missing from his golf bag."

    Oh hell no!

    Anyway, i know it was only some change, but me and the other guys are pretty sure Steve is up to no good. They're older black guys, like 40s/50s, so i guess "snitching" isnt their thing.

    I dont wanna lose my job over this, and one of the other guys already told him that he needs to slow down and quit doing shit thats gonna get him, or us, in trouble.

    I wanna say something.....but i hate drama.


    KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
    Originally posted by Jarrett
    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

    Say something in private to your boss. Legally he can't tell people what you said in private. I am of the mindset that in this case its better to be a snitch with a job then to be jobless and tightlipped


      If i do say something it WILL be in private.

      Another thing i remembered, he isnt writing down the cars he takes, so we're thinking he does that so if something comes up missing, they cant trace it back to him.

      KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
      Originally posted by Jarrett
      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


        Yeah, I'd definitely say something. I mean, that'd be some shit to lose your job over 78 cents. And from the sounds of things, this other dude needs to be monitored, or changed to a different department. Too bad when he was high, something didn't happen to him that would warrant a random drug test, he would of failed


          Well, after he took off with the money and truck, he's already on strike one. He started the same time i did, so its only taken him about a month to fuck up.

          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
          Originally posted by Jarrett
          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


            I worked in a shop for a few years...first lesson you should learn...cover YOUR don't matter if you get someone fired. Good luck working as a tech if you get fired for that shit...get his ass fired...he shouldn't be working on cars to begin with! You HAVE to inform your managers of this it's not just your job in the sense of covering your ass but also to protect your customers...they are YOUR customers, remember that. If you get a guy fired who will forget to tighten a few lug nuts cause his stupid as is buzzed on whatever...then you have protected the lives of a family. It IS your duty as a mechanic, fact, we protect family's lives by our quality and if you just ignore this stuff, you are just as guilty. Don't feel bad either or proud, this guy doesn't deserve to touch a car...ever.


              Well, we dont work on them, thank god in his case, but regardless. I think ill talk to my boss on Monday.

              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
              Originally posted by Jarrett
              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                I would definitely talk to your boss.Its not being a snitch its protecting your livelihood man.And that loser sounds like he doesn't deserve to have a job there.Maybe its a gm garage thing.Sounds like they all suck, not just the one here. Good luck man.
                Last edited by flyinlow; 09-27-2008, 10:21 AM.


                  The Hood = Snitching

                  Chevy Dealership = Protecting Your Livelihood

                  Get that looser out of there.

                  Originally posted by Maple50175
                  Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


                    Its funny.
                    A valet at work got fired for that.
                    He kept taking pocket change from cars.
                    The manager was informed.
                    After that the manager went and rigged a car for him to park.
                    LOL the change that was left there was now gone...
                    The manager called him into the office and told him to empty his pockets.
                    He had about 2 dollars in coins... LMAO!
                    He was fired on the spot!!

                    You should tell the manager ASAP of what the dude is up to.
                    Cause some shit is gonna happen and its going to come back to you.


                      No wonder I typically empty the car if I take it to the dealer. I don't worry so much about the tire shop because I can see my car the entire time and I know who's driving it.


                        Mike, definitely talk to the boss.
                        You don't want to get fired over that pos guy.

                        1999 BMW M3
                        2001 Honda CR-V SE RT4WD
                        2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71
                        2015 Suzuki V-Strom 650


                          Well, i talked to the guy under my boss today about it, and he said that the bossman knows. He told me to still pull the bossman aside and give him specifics, but they know he's done some shit and i guess he knows that he's under watch.

                          I personally think they SHOULD rig a car and find a way to let him pick it up. But if he knows he's being watched, he may have quit doing it...who knows.

                          And yeah, like i said, i can understand leaving change and shit, but the one time i take notice, there was like $300 worth of electronics.

                          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                          Originally posted by Jarrett
                          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                            trust me...this is one of those things that REALLY REALLY pisses of service managers when they have to deal with this. They get bogus complaints like this...but to find out it's true...that guy will be gone like 17 year old cheerleaders virginity. You will be covering your ass, his ass (A BIG BIG plus for you!!!), and keeping your work place from getting a bad name (another big plus)
                            Last edited by bcjammerx; 09-27-2008, 08:55 PM.


                              snitch. who gives a fuck. he is affecting you at your job. Thats not called snitching. Its covering your ass.

                              Snitching is telling on one someone when it wasnt your place to do so. When what whoever does doesnt have an affect on you, but you take it upon yourself "to make it right"

                              ----------------My 92 Honda Accord LX---------------------- My 97 Nissan 240sx LE----

                              NE GUYS, Buy the last of my accord parts

